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  1. Being the only observer and being God are different experiences in my terminology. In the first case there is sudden realization "Oh crap! I'm the only one stuck in this eternal existence" - nothing changes externally, it's only me losing boundaries between external world. Experience of God is something deeper. It contains existence without particular form, you forget about ever being a human - it seems like a joke. Being the observer = ego death, God realization = breakthrough. Enlightened state is living as the observer. Your consciousness has to be fast/focused enough to follow emerging creation. If you ego is to heavy, you can't follow.
  2. Guys do not commit because they are not sure that this girl is right for them. If they do they compromise. It is different thing to have fun with someone, but staying with them (potentially) for the rest of life is a whole different story. Most relationships are formed only because people couldn't find a better partner. Why would you want to be with a guy who isn't into you?
  3. That was a joke. Sort of. First you have to ask yourself what being awake means. This is a good quote "There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity." You are not becoming enlightened, you rather realize it. You can be aware of it and lose it. It's not a permanent thing which means you can't posses it. You can be only awake at the moment. Everyone is awake from time to time, it's only a matter how often. Being awake = being the observer. Maybe better question is: how often you are aware that you are the only thing that exists? How close are you to this direct experience? Can you reach it any time at will? In my case I can almost daily reach this realization with yoga. It is definitely not permanent thing for me. Two days ago I sat with my phone and I was scrolling something (it wasn't very conscious of me) and I started melting into oneness. Lets say I am enlightened 1 minute a day but it takes an effort.
  4. Glycemic index isn't all that matter. It isn't that bad if you raise insulin and than you let it drop. Low glycemic index foods may be even worse because they have extended release. It is hard not to snack when you eat high glycemic foods. But if you have only 5 potatoes per day, there is nothing to snack between meals ;D
  5. I think his advices are good if you are an average person (I mean obese :D) - no carbs ever again and stay in a ketosis till you die (I'm exaggerating). I like Thomas DeLauer and Siim Land because they tell how to optimize body, not to heal after years of horrible habits.
  6. Thank you for sharing. Currently I'm reading all your topics What was that video? Now it's unavailable so it became even more interesting
  7. @JoshuaBell No, you think you want to die. First of all you can't, which is really unfortunate You can't stop existing because there is only existence. Even after death you will still exist. I think that you want to die, but death = unconditional love. You want love not death. You are not the first one to experience this thing In fact you should be really grateful! Just act as if you were already dead and drop all expectations. Just give yourself some time (I'm talking about months) and those feelings will naturally dissipate. You ego is dying so it has to be painful but it's not going to last forever. I recommend "Awareness" book by Anthony De Mello.
  8. Large buoyant LDL is a fuel carrier and isn't a problem. The issue is that if you measure total LDL it is mostly large buoyant and it doesn't give much information about more dangerous forms of LDL which are smaller. In some cases people might have higher cholesterol and be healthy, and some people with normal cholesterol levels might have too much small dense LDL. Another paradox is that if you test LDL in a fasted state (this is how it is usually made), person who is fat adapted will get higher levels of cholesterol. LDL itself isn't a direct cause of CDV. I agree that if you have high LDL it is worth to check other makers to be safe. Another interesting fact: "Cholesterol absorption efficiency was lower and cholesterol synthesis was higher in obese subjects with diabetes than in those without diabetes, suggesting that diabetes modulates cholesterol metabolism more than obesity alone." The problem is that you lump together opposite groups of diabetes and low carb because of one shared marker - LDL. I do not hold strong opinion about this subject but it seems to me that issue of LDL is overblown and in many cases dangerous because it impacts dietary choices.
  9. like that: I don't talk about feelings with anyone.
  10. It is super easy to eliminate sugar almost completely (there are sweeteners so there is no real sacrifice). It's much harder to use it in 'moderation' because it's addictive. I have same issue with coffee. If I start to drink certain amount of caffeine it will go out of control quickly.
  11. Fasting will also rise your LDL. So be careful Your LDL will be higher if your body is using fats as a fuel. LDL isn't a good indicator of CVD.
  12. If you take psychodelic you can realize that real people are 'paper thin' and totally fake. You are just not conscious enough to realize it. There is nothing under the surface. What you see (perceive) is all there is. Your mind is The Creator. You can experience jumping between parallel timelines/realities/dreams if you take a proper dose of LSD or 5 MeO DMT. Which one is real? I recommend reading datura trip reports (I definitely do not recommend the substance) - you can see a dragon and you will be absolutely sure that it's real. I red whole Monroe's trilogy like 10 years ago..
  13. No. Not in every dream. There are different levels of dreams - you can read about that in Monroe's books. In some dreams people are consistent. I had only one lucid dream like that but it's definitely possible.
  14. As Sadhguru said: life is a dream, but the dream is real. Dreams do not feel real because they are less stable/dense. Reality is the most stable dream you have. If you are lucid dreaming you have to do a lot not to leave you virtual body - touching your body or licking others are effective. In your everyday life you work, eat and do a lot of things that ground you. Whole mechanics of a dream and reality is exactly the same.
  15. I tired plugging several times before I vaped. It wasn't very effective, I'not sure about dosage now. I have seen my room morphing between how it used to look like to its current state - I was aware that it's just a product of my imagination. That's cool.. ..than I smoked 15 mg. It was nothing like this. I think there is a threshold dose when whole reality is GONE and you are left with everything.
  16. I mostly stopped drinking caffeinated coffee (I usually mix decaf and caffeinated in 5 to 1 ratio). Now when I drink normal coffee it I feel that one espresso is already too much caffeine. In my opinion it would be ok to drink one or event two espressos a day (it would make you slightly more anxious). The issue is that caffeine is highly addictive and soon you will drink too much.
  17. My own life experience. Some girls act passive, they will always respond instantly but are afraid to initiate. There are others signs of interest. It happened to me to be approached by a girl few times. In this kind of situation I would go along with her. I don't think I asked any questions I'm slow to decide if I like someone, so in this case traditional gender roles would be reversed. If there are any signs of interest than he is interested. You should easily guess by quality of his answers. There is also possibility that he is just playing. He finds you attractive but is not interested in nothing more. If there is an attractive girl I will use it as an opportunity to improve my game
  18. It depends on the guy. If you are the extroverted one he will let you take the lead. Some girls will not ask you questions because they are interested.
  19. Ok, I get that. In my opinion this system is great. I spent more than ten years studying it and it was worth my effort. However at this point I wouldn't be willing do spent so much time on any map. My maps covered enough territory and I'm getting less and less from studying new ones. Socionics is a high quality map, but only a map.
  20. You would need at least few years of intense learning of Socionics to have only decent understanding. I get that not everybody likes diving in this kind of formal systems - everyone has their own proffered kind of maps, maybe it's not yours. Maybe you are PoLR Ti..?
  21. MBTI types descriptions doesn't give many useful information. I recommend learning Socionics. Working on your PoLR function (your blindspot) is SUPER USEFUL. Without this you are going to judge negatively actions of other people based on this function. You will also supress it and that will create a lot of problems in your life that could be otherwise easily solved. Also intertype relationships are very insightful. If you face any problem when interacting with someone you will get a tool to understand interaction dynamics. It's very important to understand someone's blindspot because there are things that people are almost unaware and you can't do almost anything about it.
  22. Typing animals is controversial, but you can type accurately few months old child. He looks like a typical. Did he change his mind?? There was some drama, he was saying that he is not earning any money (???) as if it was something wrong about it. He seems a bit sketchy to me. He has some good videos anyway.
  23. MBTI is just a test. If you want to learn something check Socionics. It's also based on cognitive functions but it uses slightly different naming convention.
  24. It is not that he is bad at typing. He overestimates his skills and underestimate time needed to type someone accurately.