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  1. Level of consciousness basically equals to frequency of perception. The more you see, the more you conscious you are. Stage of development is probably correlated to average level consciousness, but it isn't the same thing. If you already have high vibrations you need less substance to get same effect. Transition from Yellow to Turquoise happens when it realize that all models tend to collapse (they are strange loops). It forces to switch from thinking to being. Mystical experiences are very useful.
  2. Green, Orange, Blue tend to work only in one in one direction and are very dogmatic. Blue acts as if it was reading a script. Yellow multidimensional and always confused. The main difference is that yellow doesn't have fixed meaning about an object.
  3. Sometimes intensity can be unbearable and can cause weird actions like that. Only you can know what is going on. I know one girl who can cause me to experience vibrations and other energetic / mystical stuff.
  4. One hour later I went to toilet again (I stayed there for quite a long time). So I didn't really have as empty bowels as I thought. The problem is that until I eat something it's hard to get rid of everything. Usually I go to toilet after a meal. The problem is that now my stomach is full I have no Idea what to do. Maybe next time I will eat coconut flour flatbread an hour before tripping.
  5. Today I did 40 mg - four yellow scoops (the same that Leo uses in his instruction). 14 hours fasting, empty bowels and rectal administration. 0,4 ml of liquid. I had short peak around 20 minutes mark. Peak lasted for about 10 minutes. It was pleasant but quite weak. It wasn't even noticeably stronger than 30 mg. What did I wrong? I used some oil to lube the syringe - I have no idea if it can affect the absorption. It wasn't even comparable to LSD it terms of intensity. Huge disappointment
  6. Attraction is always mutual. Maybe there is something happening between you both. Maybe she isn't the person you are searching for and she can sense it. Or you are just pushing her too hard and acting as if you were blind.
  7. Again I noticed since I started using psychodelics I became less detail oriented and less picky about this kind of stuff.
  8. Another trip. 30 mg rectally, 18 hours fasting (ate some bad chocolate just before a trip) and empty bowels. Again trip wasn't very profound. What I find interesting is that LSD goes from outside to inside. 5 Meo DMT goes from opposite direction - every cell seems to be unstable. Oral 1P LSD (even 100 ug taken orally) was more profound but less intense. On 5 Meo DMT I "lost everything", everything was morphing, on LSD it's easier to function normally. My ego was still quite active or possibly it was just trying to "keep breathing". I guess it's time for 40 mg.
  9. @IJB063 I just meant that one 200 ml glass of black tea contains 30 mg of L-theanine. For green tea it is about 10 mg.
  10. @Godhead there is some research about cross-tolerance 5-HTP creates tolerance for LSD but LSD does not create tolerance for 5-HTP
  11. Oh, thank you so much. I didn't know about 5-HTP. Do you know for how long should I avoid 5-HTP before tripping? I usually take it just before sleeping.
  12. Yes. I'm taking it daily, also when I'm tripping. If you drink 200 ml of black tea you will also consume 30 mg of l-theanine.
  13. Third option but without making assumptions.
  14. MBTI is tests are very inaccurate because they are based on judging external actions. The problem is that for example INTPs and INTJs externally may appear similar but they have ZERO preferred cognitive functions in common. However you can determine someone's MBTI type by looking at the brain scan (check out Dario Nardi) - there is an empirical evidence. MBTI is nothing more than just a test based on cognitive functions and Socionics. In order to learn about personality theory you need to spend at least five years learning theory and observing people. It is very deep and solid model. It can help you to explain why people behave and interact in a certain way. It will also help to understand mechanics of relationship dynamics. Most people are just playing with MBTI so this is why they are getting low quality results. E: Descriptions of a type have to be inaccurate because behavior depends on development and other factors. What is more important is interplay between cognitive functions.
  15. @Lyubov To me people below yellow are rather boring. However relationships are about connection. The moment you really connect with someone level of development isn't an issue. When someone is present there are no concepts or ego. The question is: can you be both present? Even yellow ego is mechanical and uninteresting.
  16. If someone is unsure about being INTP or INFP in 99% cases he is INFP In Socionics they are lookalike types. Outwardly they are very similar. INFPs can be quite logical but they don't really care about it.
  17. @IJB063 I bought my capsule filler on AliExpress. Just type something like 100 capsule size 0 filler and you will find it. It should take you around 10-15 minutes to fill 100 capsules. Capsules are also available there. Cheapest L-theanine in powder form costs 27 Euro for 300 grams (in Poland). One capsule costs 0,01 Euro. You can calculate if it is worth your time. I use it powder form anyway - add it to my coffee. I estimate that in 8 hours I was able to save around 300 Euro on my other supplements.
  18. Personality type is not completely fluid. You will have same eye movement type for a whole life. MBTI is simplified version of Socionics to make it more useful for business purposes. MBTI is just a test. Disciptions of types are very crude and assume you use only 2 main functions which is untrue. The problem with big five is that it's based on quantity and it doesn't explain "why?". You will get much more by understanding interplay of cognitive functions in your personality.
  19. @Michael569 Metformin has been used for about 60 years. There is a lot of research on it. Berberine is natural but there is less research on it. There is always a risk and some sideffect. When you take them you are working on ECO mode. The sideffect is losing some muscles. For majority of people both of them should be very beneficial, because nearly everyone is eating too much carbohydrates.
  20. @Michael569 Berberine is not, but it's basically same thing ;] There has been made a lot of research about Metformin/Berberine. Metformin is one of the most popular anti-aging medication. It works and it is considered to be safe.
  21. MBTI is just a simplified version of Socionics. There is much more to learn - cognitive functions and intertype relationships. You just need to remember about j/p switch for introverts. I also highly recommend YouTube channels Type tips and Casual Cognition. C.S. Joseph is also interesting but I hope typing methods aren't accurate in my opinion (he typed Leo as ENFP ;D ;D)
  22. I red that you should consume 400 my (females) or 450 mg (males) which equals to three eggs a day. Another option is eating about 5 kg of spinach every day ;] I started making bread with coconut flour to avoid grains. This way I am also consuming eggs in other form than just boiled. You can also try making 90 second microwave bread.
  23. I recommend getting a capsule filler for supplements. Filler costs below $20 and bag of 1000 capsules costs around $8. Sometimes you can save tons of money by buying powder form. 0 capsules capacity is 500 mg but you can also put 200 mg there if you don't compress.
  24. @Fathime You can't do intermittent fasting if you consume a lot of carbohydrates because it causes raise of insulin and you are unable to burn fat. High insuline levels also create food cravings. My stomach is very happy with IF. When I eat "normally" stomach is never empty and I feel had. Using Berberine or Metformin helps to lower insuline and stay in fast mode. Drinking too much be water also isn't a good idea. You are losing vitamins this way.