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  1. In one of Ken Wilber's videos I heard that percentage of yellow is 5 and turquoise is 1%. I'm not sure if he meant worldwide or just USA. I think I know at least four people at yellow stage. It might be harder to find yellow females because they tend to stuck at green which is feminine. Males will rather stay at orange or evolve to impure yellow. I agree with electroBeam about romance. I like a green girl. Difference in stages create problems with communication unless we communicate beyond words. The funny thing is if you compare 25yo and 15yo girls they might be at the same stage. However there might be higher probability of the younger one entering yellow in five years than the older one. This is the case with me and my siblings. The oldest is the least developed in terms of SD.
  2. I don't drink alcohol nearly at all. Maybe a small quantity twice a year. I stay away from drunk people, they are dumb enough when sober
  3. I wouldn't change my username for a real name
  4. Mine is quite good brand with some "BIO" certificate. It's made in China..
  5. Ok, I'm coming back. My guess that I inserted my syringe a little bit to deep / my position was improper and liquid went too far. Also my bowels weren't empty last time. Using doses like 60 mg seems inefficient. I am planning to but a e-vape. I have nearly 3 grams of 5 meo dmt in freebase form. The problem is ordering e-vape from China is risky because it's not legal to import. The cheapest and most convenient way is to get used one. How to choose a proper e-vape?
  6. @thesio Psychodelics do not absorb well in vagina
  7. I'm using it from time to time. It's not as noticable as l-theanine or sulbutiamine. To be honest I didn't notice any effects yet. I have never tried a lobster. Taste and smell of powdered form is really nice.
  8. Green tends to see red as oppressed. They want to help them. I guess it's more likely to see unhealthy green dating red (especially from other culture) than blue. Blue is the most evil stage for them Orange is just too materialistic for their taste. Green doesn't understand the difference between them and turquoise. They see torqoise as wise green. It is similar to relationship between orange and yellow. Blue can't really destinguish orange and yellow is the same. They however hope that they can fix yellow because they aren't totally spoiled as orange. If you want to attract green females you should become turquoise cult leader You can see Sadguru's videos, he is surrounded mostly by young green people who ask silly questions I'm not saying he is a cult leader, but you can become one 8)
  9. Orange seem to not understand the difference between yellow. They see yellow as sightly irrational. They often assume that you do not verify facts. I would consider myself turquoise (early stage). I'm interested in a green girl (which is perfectly fine considering her age). I see possibility of her evolving very rapidly. Otherwise I wouldn't go lower than yellow. People are usually rather attracted to the same stage of spiral. There is always done some dissonance when you are interacting with other stage. Even if you are not really trying to contradict their worldview they act as if you did that. They might be initially attracted to higher stage but it will not stick.
  10. Green tea contains 10 mg of l-theanine, black 30 mg. I would rather recommend getting l-theanine powder. My dose is 150 mg twice a day.
  11. @universe you can get a dog and it will lick your dishes clean
  12. Looks like you are more experienced than me You can ask girls for a coffee. Just start with ones that you are not physically attracted to. Another approach is to learn to distinguish which type of girls you like (it's usually mutual). It is useful to learn personality theory. This way you can avoid unsuccessful approaches. If you learn the signs of attraction it will be easier to navigate. I'm laser focused because I know well what I want.
  13. Try asking people (not only girls, everyone) what time is it. New level is asking when you have a watch or phone in your hand. You will gain some confidence. I did that and one girl was even disappointed that I am asked her only about time You feel shy not because you are shy, it's because of expectations.
  14. Imagine there is some random girl want to be in a relationship. It doesn't matter who it is, she just want someone right now. Would you be interested in having babies with her and spending the rest of your life together? Your approach is off-putting.
  15. What you can achieve is no food cravings, better mental clarity and lower chance of cancer. There isn't any method that promises anything, it's just people
  16. Asking is a shortcut. It is helpful to get a starting point. However I noticed that sometimes I ask too many questions. What it does is turning my mind off because I don't feel responsibility anymore. This is a way to loose willpower. Be mindful when and why you are asking for advice.
  17. Sadhguru (?) said that energy is moving more efficiently if you are turned upward. In my experience it seems to be true.
  18. I always had an impression that it's just a believe. Yellow is rather interested in mechanics and avoid using labels.
  19. Do you look like a puppy? I think this can be sign of attraction but it is also descriptive. My English teacher was saying that she could put a picture of me near a glass tea instead of sweetening it She did that in a group setting and she was just about getting married that time. My guess is that I was younger version of her fiance. It just means she had certain preferences. Some girls will like certain things and others will be turned off by it. In general it is a positive sign. You just need to find compatible one.
  20. It depends how much time are you willing to invest. When I was living in other city and had nothing to do I was working going to gym. Working out at home is good if you have a lot of space or just want to keep shape.
  21. @knakoo I am not an expert but the difference is that 5-HTP is serotonin precursor. That's why timing is very important. I was also using mood enhancers like l-theanine and sulbutiamine but they aren't as effective Here you can read more:
  22. Before I heard about SD for the first time, I already categorized people in exactly same groups. SD fits my observations perfectly.
  23. @Gneh Onebar Plugging gives close to 200% intensity of oral dose but shorter trip. 5-HTP makes it 2 to 3 times stronger. If you combine it you will get 4 to 6 times stronger trip than traditionally. @Leo Gura OK dad.
  24. There is a lot of evidence. Just don't be lazy.