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  1. @kireet I have been enlightened many times 8) You are constantly reincarnating. Your reality is made by your tendencies. Imagine that you are alcoholic, you are gathering certain karma. When you understand why you are addicted, you will stop drinking. Before quitting drinking you had less karma.
  2. I experienced same thing. You can't enjoy anything if you have unlimited access to that thing. It sounds like you consume too much carbohydrates, this creates food cravings and because you eat too much and too often. You should try lowering your carbohydrates intake and start intermittent fasting. I woke suggest try 16/8 fasting and two meals a day. This way you will appreciate your meals much more. Your will have less time to eat so it will force you to increase quality of your meals.
  3. I think it's not just a matter of quantity. If you gather more karma (experiences) it will become contradictory and lose its effect.
  4. @Carl-Richard @supremeyingyang I'm 31. I responded to: "You will never be able to truly advance past stage orange unless you are financially indepenent." It's not be entirely true because if you are good at orange and move be do a word third world country you might still struggle to get by. Why? Because skills your developed do not work that well anymore. I was developing orange during my prime school. Not so much chances to practice hands on in business environment and proper work ethic. Being depressed and suicidal for first 25 years of my life didn't help, because I didn't care about anything but understanding. Currently I'm using my torqoise insights from LSD trips. It helps to look at orange from higher perspective. I'm cleaning my room, diet and habits I also have more clarity and see which things are really important to reach my goals.
  5. @TripleFly already made a thread about it. Trip is shorter and smoother and it last around 4 hours (after that time you might still feel a little bit trippy). Potency is also affected, you should use halve of your normal dose.
  6. Blue light isn't good for eyes and can even cause a damage (especially in older people's eyes). I always use blue light filter on my PC and phone.
  7. I started evolving into second tier just before my 20s. It didn't help me financially because it made me lose my drive for a "success". I rememer that as a kid I had a desire to work and earn money but I wasn't able to do an that. Now my work ethic is screwed :?
  8. I think there are degrees of cheating. It is like involving third party into relationship without permission and you are outsourcing her competences. The other thing: do you think it helps the relationship in some way? As I said, there are degrees..
  9. LSD has perfect trip length if plugged. It lasts about 4 hours.
  10. Be careful, this is might be not entirely safe: Just few days ago I learned that 5-HTP can create tolerance on LSD. Unknowingly I was making my trips weaker However I also found someone's post on reddit about using 5-HTP about 3 to 4 hours prior to a trip. I decided to give it a try. My dosage: 100 ug of 1P LSD (administered rectally) and 400 mg of 5-HTP (3,5 hours before a trip). I will make a comparison to 1P LSD administered rectally without 5-HTP. My previous experiences with LSD could be affected by use of 5-HTP - I used it nearly every night before sleeping. Onset / come up: to my surprise it was definitely smoother that LSD. I felt little burning on my skin but it was just raindrops hitting my skin as I was riding a bicycle. It took me 30 minutes to reach the forest and I was comfortable doing that. Peak: things started getting intense after about an hour. I guess I reached a peak between 2 to 3 after taking LSD. My impression is that 5-HTP made it seem slower acting. At first I was even worried I wasted my trip. It's is hard to compare intensity because I never had a comparable trip. My guess it that it might be comparable to 400 - 600 ug range of oral administration. Keep in mind that my highest doses was 175 ug for oral and 100 ug for rectal administration. What I have seen? I was able to feel primordial vibration which is beginning of everything. I lost my identity as a human and forgot who I am. In my previous 1P LSD trip I was witnessing a dance of dualities. This time it felt closer. I was also very comfortable just sitting cross legged with eyes closed and watching, zero anxiety. I had some open eyes visuals which is rather uncommon in my case. Offset and after effects: It is not the end of craziness After 3,5 hours I decided to go home. Riding a bike felt very satisfying. I took a hot bath and decided that I just want to sit and observe "waves of changes". At 5 hours mark I sat cross legged on my bed to meditate. Than I felt like I am sitting on the throne under a dome - just like a pope. My field of view was rotating while I was watching down on the earth. Felt like I am reaching enlightenment - I nearly din't have any resistance and preferences. Sadly this state quickly worn out. Duration / etc: 100 ug of LSD administered rectally lasted 4-5 hours. This time I still felt trippy after 10 hours. After 4 hours world was quite washed out of colors. Even though I was still tripping till 10 hour mark I just din't have any paint left. Summary: possibly this method might work with lower doses like 50 ug or even 30 ug. Close to microdosing range. It would be also safer than what I did. Going down with dosage means that potentially this can reduce effect of tolerance - possibility of tripping every week?
  11. Just want to add some information about after effects. After this trip I felt bad for about a week. First two days I was totally worn out, ZERO ability to concentrate. The following week after tripping I felt like I didn't have any free will. It made me very compulsive and unconscious. I stopped using 5-HTP in order not to create tolerance. It usually made my dreams more vivid. The interesting thing is after that trip my dreams became even more vivid without any supplements. I also have an impression that I am less tense in neck area and energetically cleaner.
  12. Each generation starts from higher average level. It's true that people evolve over time. However on average society is everything faster. In my country teenagers seem to be green as often (if not more often) as adults in 25 to 30 years range. However I guess it is common that it takes 40 years to evolve one stage or people stay at the same stage whole life - onece personality is crystalized they are stay at the same stage till death. After 30 years mark you are less likely to change your worldview. Another factor is that if you are at higher stage than societal gravity point it is much easier to evolve. Society works like a magnet, if you are too close it is harder to evolve because it feeds your worldview. Once you broke out to the higher stage you have no choice but think for yourself.
  13. SD levels aren't purely development levels, they are also cultural code. I started entering yellow in my late teens (due to upbringing) but it didn't prevent being behind is some important areas of life. If your surrounding doesn't support higher stages you will build more solid foundation. On average people around 20 - 25yo have the highest SD stage. Most of them will stay at the level they reached at that age. If someone is doing proper self development it usually takes 5 to 10 years to evolve to next stage.
  14. In my opinion male ENFP and female INTJ/ENTJ should be best match if you can make it work. I guess INFJs are easier to start with but you can't really align because of using completely different set of cognitive functions. You should definitely avoid INTPs and ISTPs as romantic partners. It might be tempting, but you will get overstimulated in a wrong way. It's best to read forums like personality cafe.
  15. Each combination of MBTI types has a certain dynamic. I would be wary of some combinations. This one should be rather sustainable but may cause laziness because of shared weaknesses.
  16. Or just being young-looking and also feeling younger. I'm especially looking for a female perspective on that topic I'm in my early thirties but look much younger than my official are. It often happens to be mistaken for an underage. My age is highly contextual. If I'm surrounded by people my age my age it isn't underestimated that much - I will adapt to the conversation. But without a context people are always shocked. I wonder what is the impact on male - female interactions. It happened to be asked out by girls ranging from halve my age to few years younger. How females perceive large age difference in cases like that?
  17. @soos_mite_ah If you are 21yo not probably your are still hanging around random people. In school you can't choose people in your class. When you were studying you have more impact who you interact with by choosing University. You will also "collect" friends from different groups. I think this is typical if you want to interact with more developed people, initially you will choose older ones. Than you will finally find some people closer to your age. Around 30yo things will even out.
  18. It might be enough to have just one highly developed teacher to speed up growth significantly. The question is how to find and employ them.
  19. After so much success you have to expect some stagnation or even regression. I have constant ups and downs. The only thing that matters is that it's getting better over the years.
  20. Is Coral singularity? Do humans reach stages higher than turquoise?
  21. I'm not an expert, so I will only paste this video
  22. Save your semen. You should also avoid going beyond a point of no return. Even if use three finger successfully, some energy is already dissipated during orgasm.
  23. @Hello from Russia It is not what I mean. Each personality / enneagram type has a certain vibe. When you interact with other person there is always some kind of tension because of friction between egos. However you can find a person who will make you feel like you are microdosing - it's enough to be in their presence.
  24. @Vagos If you want to go over the center of gravity you have to disagree and go against society - this is rather masculine activity. Females are rather followers, so there is a need for a respectable figure to follow which is usually a male. This cause being at least half step behind. I think a good way to visualize it is a sea wave. Front of the wave is masculine but there is a lot of water following it - feminine. I haven't found second tier female either. I think that you shouldn't care so much about SD stage. I wold suggest to look for an energetic match.