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  1. No water needed. Just stick it. I tried it six times and it always worked well. If you want to know more just read my trip report. You can try dissolving it and using syringe - I've never tried it - in my opinion it would increase a risk of failure.
  2. Everything matches the description. Powder has proper color, dosage is the same. It also acts as described - it's pure energy / consciousness. There is also no reason to sell fake 5 meo DMT. I assume it's legit.
  3. I mean that you put a blotter at the opposite side.. It is very simple. You just have to clean your finger with soap afterwards. The only issue is that you need to have empty bowels. Instead of 12 hours you will get around 4 hours. It will be also more potent. 100 ug will feel like 200 ug taken orally. You will have a nicer and smoother peak and it will be easier to handle.
  4. I did not test it other than using it on myself. I bought it in a shop with "m" as a fourth letter. It seems legit.
  5. @khalifa I had similar symptoms but nowhere near as intense. I had very weird trippy dream few days after 5 meo DMT. I 'm also became able to have similar experiences to 5 meo DMT just by simple breathing exercise and pushing air into right spot. When I am sleepy I often feel vibrations and have mild visuals. I experience some spontaneous nondual glimpses nearly every day. It feels scary at times. The only difference is that I experience 1% of intensity you described. It should naturally even out.
  6. 200 ug is to much, 100 ug is a good starting dose. I would also recommend rectal administration - it's smoother, stronger and much more pleasent. You should never do and new substance (or higher dose than ever before) in environment that doesn't feel safe. If you want to go out do it after a peak.
  7. It's even supposed to be listened at low volume. You don't have to consciously to hear those beats.
  8. Maybe you should ask her to trip together..? This way she would be able to relate to your experiences.
  9. When talking Ne is jumping from one topic to another (and back). Ni isn't.
  10. When I started 100 mg was very noticeable - like switching to slow motion.
  11. I recommend Real Man Real Style youtube channel. I think that @Space have a great advice I would suggest to get second hand clothes. It's super cheap and you don't have to worry about making fashion mistakes. If you make a mistake you can replace your clothes without spending a lot of money - it doesn't work this way if you paid a full price. Buying used and cheap clothes also allows you to be more playful with your style.
  12. @Schnaby Sounds awful. I can imagine that music can be important for someone. He might not want to listen someone's else music - most people have a bad taste. Is this the only situation he acts this way?
  13. Thanks for sharing. He is an ISTP and she gives of an ENFP vibe. For some reason this match is quite common. In Socionics it's called a conflict relationship. There might be mutual attraction but constant presence of other person is hard to handle.
  14. Shy girls are just more complicated, harder to read and confusing. I know that from experience. If extroverted girl is interested it's rather obvious, it's even likely that she will approach me. Shy girl might avoid me for the same reason, chances of her making any steps are very low. Most guys will not approach girl until they see sign of interest. Older guys have better social skills so they may take a risk. Younger guys will choose easier target or don't approach at all. I don't understand why do you think 10 years difference is a problem
  15. You can't objectively day that someone is average. If you consider someone average it just means that you are going to have average relationship with this person (at most). If I have to choose something I want the best thing possible. Same with relationships I refuse to be in a "good" one.
  16. @Leo Gura @sethx My guess is that "knocking out of socks" is mostly caused by impurities/energetical blocks. I lost consciousness few times doing kriya yoga and it happened only at times I had trapped energy in lower chakras.
  17. @Rodrigo PF First thing if you are orange you are not going to gain so much from yellow/turquoise, you have to evolve to green first. If you are green you can start exploring yellow. Instead of talking to yellow/turquoise find an interesting 2nd trier youtuber and try to understand how he/she is thinking. It's best if you are already interested in a certain topic (this will make your transition easier) and you will be able to see it from 2nd tier perspective. In my opinion this is the most efficient way to evolve. Finding solid yellow friends is hard if you aren't yellow yourself. You will repel such people. Green are annoying because they believe in "objective facts" and they often accuse me of being irrational.
  18. I had near-death experience as a child (42 C / 100 F degrees fever). It was similar to 5 meo DMT but with much lower intensity. It was comparable to 100 ug of 1P LSD but there was nothing pleasent about this experience. 5 meo DMT has so much energy that it detaches you from your body. I guess it must be very similar to dying. You have to try it yourself and let us know
  19. @Adam M Psychodelics made me hypersensitive to everything. This is what you ultimately want but you will also need to learn how to handle it. You should feel rather comfortable in your life before taking 5 meo DMT because it may destabilize you.
  20. @Gesundheit Maybe it would be more accurate to write: personality is structure, ego is content and structure. However content always has an embedded structure. You are born with a certain personality type - this is a kind of energetic structure. An infant doesn't have much experiences and opinions (content). You may have same personality type but different opinions because of cultural background/upbringing.
  21. Sadhguru is the most pure and genuine spiritual teacher I know. It doesn't mean he is the best teacher (this of subjective), but he embodied what he is teaching. Others might be also very advanced but they often have some minor passive-aggressive traits going on. The only in issue is that his teaching aren't very deep.. unless you read between the lines. Because of that I needed to listen to many interviews to understand fully his thought process. Leo doesn't hide that much.
  22. I want to understand the question.
  23. Something switched inside of me and I'm having mystical experiences every day. Yesterday I was tired and decided that I will skip breathing exercise before a sleep. It kicks me into mini 5 meo experience and makes my heartbeat becoming very fast. I needed some rest. I started dreaming that there are rubber animal figures. I sorted them by colors and I have chosen pale colored group. I could choose if we (figures) want to move or stay at place. Moving meant weird transition (something like sliding inside of pool pipe slide but extremly fast). I don't know how but then I became an eBay auction I experienced bidding, became an email notification, the parcel and finally the person opening it. It may sound just like a crazy but meaningless dream. It was my most important spiritual experience. Switching identities allowed me to experience that EVERYTHING (!) matter. Even a parcel carries certain emotions For example helping someone while I'm angry on them is worthless. Special thanks to thing called Leo for recommending 5 meo DMT ?
  24. It just means that it was too much energy for you to handle. Maybe you have some energy blocks. I blacked few times when I was releasing trapped energy with kriya practice. However it never happened because of 5 meo DMT.
  25. If you are able to be good at Se you aren't really INxP at the moment. You are presence.