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  1. @Michael569 Thank you for your response! I got banana one. It smells nice but it doesn't give any taste - it may trick you if you also use some stevia. It could feel it inside of me for two hours after consuming "banana" yoghurt - it feels like eating fragrances. It's not something I would like to use on a daily basis.
  2. I red that if you have bacterial infection fasting is helpful. If it is a virus it might not be a good idea.
  3. Write if you have something worth writing. Pushing someone to react isn't attractive. It doesn't matter what you do as long as your are not needy / unconscious at the moment.
  4. @flume Psychedelics make body much more flexible. Same for breathing exercises.
  5. If you noticed it you are already started releasing it! Most people even if they are tense do not notice that. You have to observe how you seat - if you aren't symmetrical it means that you are creating tension in your body. Sometimes there are weird reasons like receding gums. LSD is very useful for identification and release of tension / trapped energy. I also recommend this:
  6. How do you know? Ingredients contains "flavours" which is unknown - it can be neutral or bad. I don't want to make any assumptions, that's why I'm asking. If there are safe alternatives I would like to hear about them.
  7. Why whenever we meet other people there must be food involved? Food makes drowsy and diminishes quality of interaction.
  8. Why do you think that she isn't good looking?
  9. @Godishere I think that that a best method is to assume that the person you are interested in is reciprocating your interest. This way you remove pressure from yourself and need for validation - this way you aren't needy. If you try to extract validation it makes her less willing to show it. If she isn't interested it just means that you are not compatible so there is no need to be worried about that anyway. Do you want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't compatible?
  10. I don't like this label because it sounds super weird. I believe that this experiences are true - we creating our reality, so this person is made out of our deepest desires. I can relate, I have a somewhat similar experience. I also met a person who made me feel trippy. I used about her obsessively - I was hardly able not to think about her for a few seconds. However I was never rejected or anything like that. Wanting her was so intense that it felt painful. You have to dissipate the tension. Even if she was as close to you as it is possible it would still feel that she is too far. Find out how she makes you feel and find her inside of you.
  11. Im not sure about Modafinil but Armodafinil works at least 12 hours (I still feel it after 24 hours..). I think it's best to use it just after waking up.
  12. I feel it would be a crime not to post it here.. @somegirl Enough entertainment. Realize whoever is going to be your future husband is going to have herpes. I think it's a good time evaluate this relationship. At this time you are about to make lifelong decision and it is not just about your health.
  13. I think that getting stainless steel pan is a good idea. The are safe and cheap in a long run because you can easily polish the surface.
  14. @knakoo Did you try it? (oh, I see now) In my experience BB aren't very useful anymore. I learned how to change my state of consciousness and I had one super weird experience. I tried LSD binaural beats at the beginning of my LSD trip but I didn't experience nothing particularly interesting. Kriya yoga was so much better! I had a few seconds of total breakthrough. I didn't know WHAT IS GOING ON. I tried to make sense of it: "oh, I vaped 5 meo again".
  15. They work. However I wouldn't expect too much. They are much weaker than armodafinil or microdosing LSD. Binaural beats are maybe on par with l-theanine. You can treat binaural beats as a guidance to new states of consciousness.
  16. I watched only few seconds. It seems promising, I will definitely listen to it later. ..but hoodie plus shirt??
  17. @Twega Don't do it! Wait. Children in Africa do not have access to LSD and you are going to waste it because of your lack of patience. (sorry)
  18. @Vignan Yes, you just have to stick paper piece there. It's only tricky if you do very small doses. You will also need to empty your bowels before tripping. In my experience ordinary trip duration is too much. Once I tried this method I never put it in my mouth again
  19. Dosage depends on the substance. There is a significant difference between 1P LSD and ALD52. 1P is probably has similar intensity as LSD. I think that 100 ug is a good starting dose. I would suggest to try rectal method. You will get more intense but very smooth and shorter trip.
  20. @Dumuzzi I don't know if Mercury / how much is affecting me. I red that there is a method to test if you are poisoned using small dose of ALA. I can't even do that with my amalgams. I have to learn a lot. @The0Self Thank you for your elaborate post! Was it possible for you to have a 'normal' life during chelation process? (working, tripping, doing exercises)
  21. @Dumuzzi The issue is that you can't chelate if you have any amalgama - you are moving mercury from places with higher concentration to other tissues.
  22. Keto + exercises. At first I lost some weight, now I weight maybe 1 kg less than before. My fat percentage is 12-13 and it just a by-product.
  23. I have two amalgams Is there any way to minimize negative effects when it is replaced by 'ordinary' dentist? I plant to start chelation as soon I have no amalgams in my mouth. What about removing tooth (eight) with amalgam filling? I assume it should be rather safe.
  24. Zero. It is energy thing. I had an intimate conversation which released whole trapped energy. It was super satysfying. I didn't have any urges for a week after that. It isn't purely physiological thing as we are often said. The thing is that you somehow have to handle your sexual energy. How you do it is up to you .