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  1. @Hyacinth Leo is too humble He is probably in a stage that is higher than Turquoise. I guess he has means he has still some elements to embody. Ken Wilber says that 5% of worldwide population is yellow and 0,5% is Turquoise - it not as exclusive as it may seem. I would say I'm Turquoise but it just means that my worldview is based on it's values. I was yellow for over ten years and it wasn't enough to explain what am I. My dad is yellow (with some blue preferences) so I had an easy start. During my transition from Yellow I was obsessively watching EVERY possible Sadhguru's video and tried to get to know his opinions on everything. I wasn't sure if he has completely different level of understanding or he is a nutcase
  2. @Hyacinth I think the easiest way to evolve is to find a yellow role model you resonate with anf try to understand how how their mind operate.
  3. I guess it might be because carbohydrates give a feeling satiety quickly comparing to fats and proteins (to a lesser degree).
  4. Link doesn't work
  5. It means she into this stuff (ons) to a certain degree but doesn't accept this part of herself. Don't trust her words.
  6. I had my 8th tooth removed instead of filling it. I had only local anesthesia, it wasn't painful at all. It was less painful than filling. I do not regret it because my teeth were a little bit squeezed before and it definitely helped. Just choose a good doctor.
  7. She might ignore you because it was 'too good'. Don't overthink, just wait.
  8. Snaking is not healthy. Don't do it.
  9. Do you have air conditioning? My nose feels dry and I can't breath normally in some places with AC.
  10. @mmKay I was just about to post it First stick to just two meals a day, than you can do some experimentation. If you are working out one meal might not be enough for you. Siim Land is doing OMAD but he also drinks protein shake when working out.
  11. Please post your favourite or most effective practices in this thread. Here at 4:30 is the best one!! I fainted many times due to energy release - I go much deeper than it is shown. Sometimes it gives me few seconds of a complete breakthrough experience.
  12. Why do you assume that being inexperienced equals to having dysfunctions? You can create trauma if you crave something and don't get it. Than you might create good explanation why females are bad because they do not give you what you want. What if you find all females not attractive enough in terms of personality? I find some of them interesting and entertaining but still not worth time investment because I know I wouldn't be satisfied. In this case there is no one to blame or hate. Despite not having relationship experience I feel quite good at attracting females (just for a sake of experimentation :P) and I met my TF.
  13. Did you meet yours? You can't gain experience from relationships because interactions with TF are different. You can learn a lot from relationships but unlearning bad patterns is even harder. You can't game your TF you have to do everything in the opposite way you would normally do. You can't act according to rules because it doesn't work. Interactions with a TF feel like a solitude rather than interaction with another person.
  14. It's all mind games. Instead of breaking free you create another identity.
  15. I would rather describe my first proper 5 Meo DMT drip as an infinite hell. I think that starting with 5 Meo is a risky thing. It's better to start with LSD because it's very pleasant and even if later you will have some traumatic experience during 5 Meo trip you will be able to remind yourself of previous amazing trips.
  16. It's natural thing to do. If you are adapted you shouldn't feel hunger. Working out after 17 hours of not eating isn't a problem for me.
  17. Total cholesterol is meaningless. You should be worried about small dense HDL and triglycerides. Remove sugar and fructose from your diet. I recommend watching it:
  18. People are desensitized, this is why they seem to be ok. If you look in close enough you will see that they act compulsively without even realizing it. Most people are ok only because of ignorance. I also feel like I'm below average but I suspect it's untrue. Unconscious patternsn are becoming conscious. Some time is needed to clean things up.
  19. I was barely able to lay on my bed during successfully 5 meo DMT. I can't imagine doing more complicated things On lower doses it's challenging to walk. I suppose that I had an experience you are thinking about. I did not use any substance and there wasn't physical contact/proximity. I experienced merging with a girl. It felt that we share same mind. It wasn't sexual but it felt as if we did it. At higher states of consciousness there is no sex because there is noone to have sex with. If you are talking to someone you are exchanging energy. Sexual intercourse so cause stronger connecting and exchange of energy. At some point you will realize that they are you.
  20. No. We create both and both are intertwined.
  21. I think it might be possible to sleep les but I would suggest to listen to your body how much sleep you need. Maybe polyphasic sleep would be effective. Not having enough sleep might be very damaging for your body so be carful. You can cut down your sleep quota with meditation:
  22. I usually take 1/2 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. At first I it made me extremely sleepy when I was already sleepy. Now I don't have that kind of issues. I suppose that your body has to get used to it. It definitely enhances whatever you are experiencing at the moment. I can focus better but if I'm annoyed it's more intense. How long did you take it?
  23. LDL cholesterol itself isn't a problem. Only sdLDL is dangerous. High levels of sdLDL are mostly caused by consumption of carbohydrates, especially fructose. If I understand high levels of sdLDL isn't enough to cause atherosclerosis, you also need to have constant inflammation. Probably the issue with carnivore diet isn't fat but lack of fibre to feed gut bacteria. Here is an interesting article
  24. It's really worth listening. Thank you for sharing.
  25. I consider ordering some food aromas similar to this one: "For food use! This gives it a delicious taste of Cookie to your food preparations. Water soluble! USAGE A few drops are enough to impart a pleasant flavour to your dishes. PACKAGE CONTENTS: Pineapple Cookie flask 10 ml. Ingredients. Flavor, propylene glycol, water." Are they ok? I thought they might be a nice addition to keto deserts and stuff.