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Everything posted by DaHonorableCourt

  1. Regular weed is getting a bit too strong for me. But I don’t want to quit it completely because it gives me inspiration & insights. So I was thinking getting some CBD weed might be a good option. People like smoking it by itself, and also mixing it with regular weed to balance out the THC but still get high. Anyone has experience with CBD weed?
  2. Tonight after a day of self enquiry & contemplation I did 2.5g of mushrooms. Comeup was a little rocky but then I stabilized. I started contemplating on what people meant when people said “It’s all me”. I never understood because i thought it must mean solipsism, but the same people claimed it was not solipsism. Then I realized, solipsism means, “I am real and everything else is not”. Thats all it means. Then it truly hit me for the first time; There are no others to be real or not. Its all me. I am literally living all of your lives right now. & of course what I have imagined as “this life” isn’t aware of the experiences of “other lives”. It feels like a weight has been dropped off my shoulders. The jig is up. I felt equality with all beings and strangely enough a present, sexual energy. Not really a lustful sexual energy but more of a romantic sexual energy. When I thought of a girl i felt this amazing connecting energy because it is myself. Not in the solipsistic, egoic sense, but in the equal sense. She is her, which is what I am. I am a perfect sexual being with a perfect balance of masculine & feminine energy. I am so much more than I thought. I realized I must be God. Because I am everything. I am infinite & boundless. But then why not just use the word “me”? there is no need for “God” when you realize its all you anyway. You are God no matter what. Once you take the ego out of the equation all this shit just makes so much sense. It never did until now. Now I understand what you meant with virtual partition Leo, or should I say me:), and what you meant in the “how to deal with loneliness” video about being ultimately alone. I never understood this shit until now. Then I contemplated the symbolism of angels & devils. Angels are individuals who realize their individuality is ultimately a conjuration of the whole. A divine creation. They realize they are identical to the whole. While devils are fallen angels, individuals who have mentally created separate identities out of their individuality. Now I feel more like an angel because I realize you are all literally me. I have contemplated the nature of others so much but I never understood it. Now finally I do. Its all me. I wish I could transfer this understanding through these words but I can’t, you could still misinterpret all that im saying right now as solipsism or other BS. The realization was so thoughtless & effortless, just a big aha moment. Almost comical. Spent the rest of the trip just enjoying this realization & enjoying nature, just basking in myself. Not much more contemplation because it felt like the jig was up and there was just enjoyment. Its all me, I can’t die. Heard it so often but never could understand it until now. I feel like I only just dabbled into true spirituality. Thoughts?
  3. Contemplated on this question after watching Leo’s last vid. In one way they are more selfish than humans. For example an animal would never sacrifice himself. But there are plenty of examples of humans who sacrificed themselves. On the other hand we are more selfish. We create entire narratives around ourselves. We can be narcissistic etc. Animals can’t do this. Thoughts?
  4. Sounds great! A true spiritual success story. Do you still enjoy material indulgences?
  5. @Leo Gura Thanks. You gotta do a video on your pickup journey haha
  6. The universe is so selfless it wants to live an entire life with a micropenis just to know what it feels like. It has to see every corner of itself.
  7. Not only do we create dualities and “others” in the outside world, we also are not really alone in our own headspace most of the time. Even if you are into spirituality you might say things like, “I am suffering from my ego” But this already implies there are 2 egos in the mind. By taking responsibility for all your mental activity, You become whole in your own head. How are you supposed to be whole as consciousness when even your ego is completely fractured? Become whole as the ego and you will naturally become more than yourself. Peace ✌️ ❤️
  8. @Leo Gura How long have you done pickup? & what advice can you give for approaching a perfect 10?
  9. Great vid by Sadhguru on the fictitious nature of death.
  10. If reality is Love and reality is perfect, that means suffering is part of this perfect reality. Why is a reality with suffering perfect and why would reality without suffering not be perfect? (Otherwise it would be reality) i know its a duality but its so strange to me, why couldnt God just create a reality without suffering and still have it be perfect?
  11. To be free in who I am as a person, and free to be what I am as the Self. To understand reality. To not sabotage myself anymore. To have a calm mind. To find my greatest potential, & to discover & experience love.
  12. There is only the Self with its infinite diversity and depth. At an infinitely deep level, God resides. However all aspects of the Self originate from this deepest level. Which is why God is equal to anything. Thats my view on it
  13. stage red storytelling masterpiece.
  14. @James123 beautiful on “The unmanifest reality”. Pure potential which is always there because it doesnt yet exist. I got a tiny tiny glimpse of this a few days back. I realized, Spirituality is not only about who/what you are, but also about who you could be. Of course those two things are the same, because you already are that infinite potential.
  15. Lol, you are deluded. You’re like a video game character saying he created the entire game... while in reality there is only the game playing all characters and objects at once. Also you are speaking as if there is a separate ‘you’ to create all this. Of course it becomes solipsism at the most existential levels because there is only God. However thats not really solipsism because it doesnt divide you from the world. All is God equally so. Its not like you are God the projector and we are all God the world. And if you truly think solipsism is true go do some gruesome fantasy you have irl, but dont spread bullshit online. Solipsism is a selfish joke.
  16. If Consciousness is infinite, will I as consciousness literally imagine myself as Frodo or Sam living out LOTR? Or any story for that matter of course?
  17. @Leo Gura what do you do think about this?
  18. its not that the ego only projects the dream world. The dream world is also projecting the ego. Your ego consists of impressions and conditioning, all from the dream world. The ego and the world are one.
  19. How to stop guilting yourself over your selfish actions? It feels quite neurotic for me, I do it even over small things. It feels like a stage green limitation.
  20. When by realizing you are nothing, you realize you are everything
  21. Genius example all about recontextualization.
  22. Dreams are real. Ask yourself, why do I consider a dream not to be real?