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Everything posted by Travelion

  1. yeah, everything was just existence, just being, i was it, i was everything, therefore the entire universe had my perception. thanks for your advice, appreciate it. I'll try to implement your advice.
  2. Oh, that's really nice to hear @Justine
  3. Thanks for your answers :). How do I prevent myself from misinterpreting reality and being wrong about some points of the experience (for example, that I had now arrived in paradise and my friends had arrived there earlier) again next time? Why did I think that my old life was gone and I won't return to it?
  4. 1:55:00 If Mahasamādhi has been "fulfilled" before by other yogis, why didn't we go with them back then?
  5. Okay, that's what i thought, but: Leo also said that he was concerned about the suffering that his Mahasamādhi would bring to his family and friends, then he realized there would not be and friends and family left so the concerns were unnecessary (from Leo's POV yes, but not from everyone else's POV). BUT if everyone else maintains his or her perception, why did Leo say that?
  6. I know this question might not correspond to the topics of this sub-forum, but I don't know where else to post it. I became aware of 2 years ago. My ethics teacher showed us a part of Leo's video on Jacques Derrida (wtf, how lucky was that, I might have never heard of Leo's channel), and it was boring af. A couple months later I revisited the channel and Leo just released his video about Infinite Intelligence. That was the first video that catched me, so I watched it and a bunch of others, too. However, I have only recently started taking this seriously. How did you guys find Leo?
  7. I think I'm an ESFP, I like the descriptions, but some parts don't really fulfill my ideas of myself. I'm not sure about it. When it comes to the personality type identification questions, how do I make sure that I answer honestly and not the way I would like to be? How can I sort out this distortion?
  8. What are those attitudes? I've actually heard about them in my own circle of friends.
  9. I guess just a dark grey backround. edit: oh, actually not. sometimes you see that its not the real backround. But it really looks real to me
  10. Hello this, Last summer, Leo uploaded a video on his blog called Why Are My Videos So Long? , and he said that he might have the best understanding in the world about politics, society and reality, probably better and deeper than any professor who spent like 40 years learning about his specific topic. And Leo has such a deep knowledge not only within politics, he has really a lot covered in his YouTube channel. I mean, I don't say he is lying, since I really want to take this all seriously and really want to dive into it (I'm having trouble with it), but how did Leo achieve all of that massive knowledge? Through awakenings? Through 10 to 15 year long work? Why is he better in certain topics than most professors? And the point of the critical mass of knowledge (this is so strange to me), does this mean Leo is maybe the first person alive that reached it? Maybe one or two months ago I started to take his teachings seriously, I make summaries of the in my opinion most important videos like Actuality, Self Inquiry, etc.. But I feel like I can't get enough knowledge out of it. After I watched "The Ultimate Structure of Reality Explained", I didn't really know what I got out of it. I don't know whether it's because I'm native German, even if I understand everything syntactic, or it's because I'm not paying enough attention to it (I really try, but 2 to 3 hours can be long, though). But I always get this feelings that I don't really know a lot more about the topics. Anyone had similar experiences? Or any advice for me?
  11. Thanks a lot for the answers, I really appreciate them. Yeah I know what you mean bro. People are just so bad at seeing long-term success, and I don't even get money or sex or anything else out of that knowledge, other than in university. But I think sometimes the joy will come by itself and thanks to you, my curiosity and motivation gets refreshed and increased regularly. Not to say I'm not curious at all, I find a lot of things so fascinating that are just so taken for granted. E.g. it fascinates me again and again that reality doesn't really forget things, if I'm dropping money under the bed, and in case nobody removes it, whenever I look under my bed, i WILL find it, because it just doesn't disappear. It feels like reality reminds me that I dropped money there a long time ago. Or If i drive let's say 50 km home to my parents, the streets and environment there look like in my memory, there are no sudden inexplicable changes. There is a reason for everything that happens. But is that always the case? Also for things that we do not observe? How do we know? Have you ever had the feeling that you cannot deal with such hypothetical questions because everyone says that you are just thinking some nonsense? I had that so often as a child, almost no one appreciated my curiosity. So much the better if you meet people with whom you can talk about something like that.
  12. I'd really like to do more psychedelics, but I feels like I've got a resistance to really do them. And I feel like I could only do them at night, due to my current living situation. Except my brother my environment doesn't think much of psychedelics.
  13. Hey guys, i wonder if DXM is suitable as a psychedelic for personal development an consciousness work. The thing is, it's legally accessible here in Germany (not in pure form, but I don't think that's much of a problem), I tried it several times and i could imagine working with it. On my last trip (i took 8 capsules which correspond to 240 mg) meditating felt like merging into my body and myself (I couldn't localize my body parts on the bed) with increased awareness. What are your thoughts and recommendations/experiences with on DXM?
  14. So I just saw the Video "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" and a few questions came up to my mind: 1. Leo said that at a certain point during his retreat, he had the opportunity to become infinite love and god and like "soak" everything else that exists in this universe, even space and time with him to disappear into nothingness and pure boundless consciousness. Maybe only you, Leo, or not even you can answer that, but would I and all the other humans on earth notice that? 2. Would we really feel how we also merge with everything else and would we also feel that endless amount of true love? Or would you have just died, because you left this facette of reality which we call our universe and only your physical body is left behind (which we call dead)? 3. You explained in the Video that 25 days of daily 5-Meo-usage we're too much for you. Do you think that you want to reach that state again or even try to go there? Maybe that's what the bible calls heaven, and if you go there and you take the entire universe with you that's, what's the bible describes as the return of Jesus and deliverance of all humans. Let's discuss together about these questions
  15. I didn't label it God or infinite or enlightenment or something else. I wouldn't describe it as some kind of ego death or high consciousness state. It's just as you said it. I had "it for a split second. During Leos video I realized that all i learned about Consciousness and Enlightenment was just conceptual. I never experienced something of it. But that split second felt so actual, more actual than everything i heard about this before. Even more actual than looking at my hand and recognizing its existence (I don't even know if i do this properly). Maybe you're right and my ego put itself in a knowing position because it wants to classify that experience. Was too obvious to be recognized
  16. Wtf. As I'm learning about actuality as a concept, I realize that i actually felt actuality on magic mushrooms for like one second. Before that, I always thought that this is very crazy shit compared to my materialistic worldview to which I was brought up, and that it must be so fucking mindblowing and frightening to actually realize that, but I never felt this mindblownness. So two weeks ago I took around 2 grams of psilocybe cubensis and at the peak of the trip, I thought about Leos words and the Idea of God and the noself and Consciousness. And suddenly I thought, WHAT THE FUCK this might be actually true. It might maybe really in that way Leo talks about all the time. Holy fucking shit. This is actually a thing. This isn't only theory. This shit is real, I CAN EXPERIENCE IT. I never felt such a strong sense of awareness before. Unfortunately, that insight only lasted for about half a second. And by that moment I didn't realize that i got in actual touch with this ideas, not just conceptually, but i did!! I really felt it. I didn't just think of it. It really like clicked and i realized it. I think this was my first moment of actual realizing something about all this stuff. That felt so profund, I just had to share this. I began to learn about it like one or two month ago and I hope I will stay on this path for the rest of my life and not lose it.
  17. I just watched Leos self inquiry video and i've got a question. Isn't self inquiry just meditation? Isn't meditation trying to put all thoughts away and fully focus on the own awareness?
  18. Where did Leo claim that he could cure covid-19? Just interested.
  19. I'll do. Besides that, is there any order of your videos somewhere? Because a lot videos of yours start with "watch that and that video(s) first" or you say that in the middle of then and then i wonder if i understood more of the content of the videos if i watched them in a useful sequence.
  20. I've got a question about the infinite truth that experiences somebody during enlightenment. Is this kind of truth only accessible in the state of awakening/being fully conscious? Like is it even truer than the fact that there is anything that makes something perceive something? Maybe the universe is a delusion, time, emotions, thoughts are a delusion and not really part of reality, but isn't the fact that something gets perceived at all kind of undeniable? Or am I wrong?
  21. You mean just the qualia of recognizing my own perception right? And not how warmth feels or anger or seeing colors.
  22. You mean distortions like I'm just me and nothing else except my body and that I don't have anything to do with the other side of the milky way?
  23. If it's true that we get reincarnated over and over again, will we ever stop experiencing lives full of suffering? Will it be after the experience of every life of every human, animal or alien that ever lived and will ever live? And if enlightenment is the only way to look over this (for every living thing) horrible situation, why do we get reincarnated into animal bodies, where we can't even think about reality and do consciousness work to help ourselves?