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  1. I still don't have a hot witch girlfriend.
  2. Hello. I know my answer comes late. Thanks for all your words. I already read your answers when you posted them, but I didn't answer them. I needed to take a break from, meditation and spirituality. I was just desperate. I really appreciated your words, but I didn't know how to properly use your advice. I know that repression is not a healthy way to deal with fear, but I didn't know what to do. When I decorated our Christmas tree with my family, I could not enjoy it. To "never stop being aware of something" was very scary. I didn't know what to do, I never felt an anxiety like that in my life. I am not an anxious person. I think, in retrospect i was not ready for my ego-death-experience in September, at least not for the consequences for my existence. I don't know if I "worked out my fear" or anything like that, but at least I don't feel anxiety when I think about immortality, reincarnation, and the story "The Egg" anymore. Idk, it just does not feel dangerous now. Maybe it will do so in future again. But I will work through it. The experience in September was probably the most incredible gift of my life. Thanks for your kind words and advices.
  3. I usually don't experience existential anxieties. I'm sure some of you know the short story "The Egg" by Andy Weir. It's about reincarnation and eternity. Since I watched the animated version from kurzgesagt, I now feel some sort of existential anxiety when I think about immortality or eternity. It is just overwhelming. It reminds me of my last trip. Which was a great experience but I also got confronted with eternity. And in my sober state that scares me. Why is that? Because my ego can't comprehend it? I asked myself what exactly I am scared of, and I don't know. Maybe it's the uncertainty. Sometimes I think wether it wouldn't be better if everyone/I was just unconsious for ever (like eternal dreamless sleep). But I guess these thoughts arise from a state of fear. My question is, how to deal with existential fear? Accepting feels difficult. Practice more acceptance? I appreciate your advice
  4. In one of my dreams I was at Leo's home in Vegas and he had the most big-ass sandstone palace you could ever imagine. It was covered all over with emeralds. In another dream he showed me his recording room and the entrance led through an old pig slaughterhouse.
  5. I don't know about bluetooth, but WiFi, 5G etc. is not harmless i think. It was shown that some people developed OCD caused by the WiFi in their car. As soon as they disabled the WiFi for a certain period of time, the OCD was gone. And WiFi disturbes the brain during sleep. If the brain is exposed to strong WiFi signal, it is harder for it to reach the theta and delta brain waves which are important to nocturnal regeneration. During sleep the WiFi should be turned off. And this effect of brain disturbance could even be strengthened by 5G. I may be wrong, I'm not an expert. But there definetly is research in science.
  6. Maybe you are sleepwalking? I know what you mean, sometimes mine and/or my brother's door are locked when we wake up, sometimes even during the day, but that much more rare.
  7. @The0Self From your point of view, and surely in the absolute sense. But I don't want a misconception to occur in my mind :).
  8. The last minutes are great, but what if the physicists assume that consciousness is just a coincidence? Wouldn't that fit perfectly into their problem? But maybe that's almost as worse as unexplainable
  9. When you guys say "Death is an illusion" or "Death is impossible", what do you mean? I always thought that whenever Leo or you talk about the concept of Death, that you mean the disappearance of consciousness, (in theory) like before birth. 5 years before everyone's birth, he or she experienced what the mind can imagine as nothing. Just 0% consciousness. That with the appearance of the dead body the consciousness fades away. What else could you otherwise mean by "Death is an illusion"? Because everything other than what I described keeps the consciousness.
  10. At least, you are not alone in the sense that everyone of us will face similar worries (I guess). But from your point of view, you can't prove that Unfortunately it will only appear like that. But I can tell you, I'm not a bot.
  11. Same for me as for EmptyVase. Very interesting
  12. @Adamq8 holy fucking shit. I honestly don't know what to say. I thought my mind was confirmation bias-like validating my experience over and over again during my trip using the words my friends spoke or the words that we're from the songs we listened, but it was FUCKING GOD talking through my perception to myself. And god did that through running gags and popular memes and jokes of my circle of friends. WHAT? It all makes sense now. And I thought it was just delusion.