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Everything posted by Kross

  1. I got plenty of things to complain, bitch and moan about - and I do a decent job doing that to myself and sometimes others. I do want all those issues to go away as quickly as possible, but sometimes it feels like I'm enjoying all the bullshit happening to me, and it's actually not happening to me, but I'm actively maintaining it. Does anyone else feel like this? How do I possibly change and improve if I'm somehow secretly enjoying this? What do I do? I can't be living like this forever!
  2. Just tell me I'm deluded. My ego doesn't want to accept the massive lack of integrity and immaturity I carry every single day, thinking it'll achieve astronomical amounts of success without working for it. Have watched tons of Leo's videos for years without taking sufficient amount of action, and still somehow think I'm a very wise guy. At this point it looks like no advice works on me, I just sit all day long doing nothing. Maybe if you all just shout at me I'll gain some sense. Sorry if this post is low quality.
  3. And also how easily accessible the content is. Perhaps the most advanced and sophisticatedly designed catalog of self-help and spiritual teachings is just out there on a mainstream platform like Youtube for free.
  4. @Leo Gura What is the greatest gift someone can give you, who has been deeply influenced by your work ?
  5. Good food, bad food, tasty food, nasty food, tasteless food, cooked food, raw food, hot food, cold food, fresh food, old food, junk food, healthy food, sour food, sweet food, dry food, juicy food : I'm tired of them all. It feels like a burden to eat, I wish I could just survive on water. I've been feeling this since like 2 months now. At the same time, I do feel hungry two times a day and feel uncomfortable on an empty stomach. Wtf is happening ?? This is approximately all I have been eating since the last 3 years at least (I've been extremely picky since I was born, and also my parents don't know shit about nutrition) : Major : Wheat Pulses (mainly 2 types) Rice Potato Clarified butter 6-8 different regular spices Occasional : Red kidney beans Lady finger Taro Different types of fruits during different seasons (mango, muskmelon,etc in summer and carrot, guava, apple,etc. in winter) Curd Lemonade Chickpea Soyabean Junk food snacks Cottage cheese And probably some more random things I can't remember. Also, I'm 18 male, borderline underweight, do not exercise at all, have problems focussing, addicted to jacking off and physically feel weak, tired and fucked. LOL, I know I have a lot to change......
  6. To uncircumcised guys, do you have the phimosis condition ? Or have had it in the past and successfully treated it ? What are you doing/did do to treat it ? I've searched a lot about it on the internet but I'm confused and a bit scared. An 18 year old with the condition. When the time was appropriate, my parents did not tell me how my foreskin is supposed to pull back and only dicovered this online. I have full phimosis, foreskin not retractable in both erect and flaccid state, and only a tiny portion of the tip is visible at max. Able to pee comfortably though. P.S : If you used any steroid creams, please mention which ones.
  7. Professional Wrestling (WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact, ROH, etc.)
  8. Dear Trump, You're one of the GREATEST comedians homo sapiens have ever witnessed. You're a MAGNIFICENT specimen psychologists will be studying for hundreds of years to come. You have a very LARGE brain. They say your administration has improved the country more bigly than any other in history (though the FAKE NEWS would bark otherwise). I love you. You have taught us so much......... #MAGA #sleepyJoewillbanpolice #personwomanmancameraTV #Chinavirus #delayelection??
  9. One of the most disturbing songs you'll ever hear. Describes a story how a guy accidentally r@pes his own mother.
  10. Ask your wife for advice. Discuss this problem with her, not with netizens. Otherwise you'll end up doing shady stuff behind her.
  11. This guy (named Rohit Arya) is an Indian Yogi with great videos covering many Yogic concepts otherwise hard to find properly articulated in the original form.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yellow is the first stage to be able to empathize with serious criminals in general right ? If true, listen to this great Eminem song from his latest album, its a masterpiece. The whole song is a double entendre.
  13. @Don Wei I'm guilty of the same thing as your friend. I'm currently doing these sorts of things to a good friend of mine. Let me tell you the reasons, and then you can analyze if they are relevant in your case. Might provide insights from your friend's point of view. My friend achieves a LOT. Effortlessly. And I'm just jelous. Nothing more, nothing less : just jelous. I really want to feel happy for him, like I know he would feel for me if I started achieving, but I'm unable to at the level I'm at right now. Maybe its because I'm at the fucking rock bottom, and he's killing it in the material world. He's also a chick magnet. He talks about himself a LOT. He got a fairly big ego and keeps mentioning many irrelevant things about him. Like I care. I know the details about all his friends who I don't care about at all. It was fine when our friendship began, but after sometime it just got unbearable. Like your friend, he's somewhat interested in the metaphysical stuff, but at the end of the day he doesn't really care and I get sad about it. You and me both know what he's missing out on. But that is all. Other than these, he's one of the best friends I've ever had and in general is a high quality human being, plus super helpful. We both have learnt a LOT from each other and will keep learning in the future. I don't do things like talking behind someone, neither does he.
  14. For whatever amount of protein that is necessary, can I depend on almonds only, instead of milk, meat, or eggs ? Never eaten meat in my life (no religious reasons or such, my family just doesn't like it, but I've not taken any vow against meat, might consider to eat in future if necessary) and have some problems regarding milk. Eggs too, have only eaten a few times but open to experiment more with them if beneficial.
  15. @Tarzan I don't know it just does, can't find a reason or logic to it.
  16. @Username I already eat only 2 meals a day and have 18.5 BMI (borderline underweight). Rice, wheat, pulses and potato are the four main things I regularly consume, and no milk ( not sure about how to analyze them in nutritional terms, do you know how, if these four things are causing problems ? ).
  17. Right now, being the unconscious human that I am, you can verbally give me as much reasons to not fear death as you want. But as soon as you point a pistol to my head, I shit my pants lol.
  18. What are the various ways in which Love can help to cope with addictions and destructive patterns ?