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Everything posted by Opo

  1. What if uncle Larry started raping your bride? Will you be a pussy and try to stop him partying?
  2. I think he should be able to get his needs met legally. Is the evolution of prostitution this? 1. Legal regardless of the consequences. 2. Illegal. 3. Legal in a safe environment. 4. Legal but no one does it because they have transcended the need and prostitutes don't have to do it because they have their basic needs met.
  3. What is opposite of fascism? Myb anarchysm? I don't think they would like that either.
  4. No i got 40 something percent but i didnt put much energy into it and i left a lot unanswered. Myb il do it again from my left and right self to see the difference but im too lazy now.
  5. Don't like the test the questions are too vague. I could end up with drastically different results.
  6. @Rasheed Thank you for sharing this. I've always wanted to find something like this but never thought it'd be on youtube.
  7. Heard this recently. Bill Gates will make us infertile with vaccines. No wonder they called you a conspiracy theorists. @IJB063 You are stuck in orange. Having a child can be a incredibly positive experience. You probably saw some negative examples in your life. I was similar i wanted to forbid stupid people to reproduce. But better way is to educate and raise consciousness of everyone.
  8. @-Tim- You have the tendency to overblow things. Dont worry too much about stuff like this there are systems in place to keep these kinds of groups in check.
  9. Law should treat everybody fairly but that dosent mean the same. If best laws were gender neutral we would already have them and we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. If both men and women could chose what sex will rape them i bet big majority would chose women.
  10. I you wana talk about rape we should talk about this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2449454/More-men-raped-US-women-including-prison-sexual-abuse.html Ofcourse it matters if a man gets raped by a woman but there are bigger problems for men now.
  11. How many times can i press it before inflation kicks in? Edit: fck money this is impossible.
  12. Wanted to say no but you could save more than 1 life with that money so yes.
  13. What if the economy runs away? All the work we've put in will be for nothing.
  14. Think about the animals. You need to find a better way.
  15. He hospitalized himself to make antifa look bad.
  16. @Patrick_9931 Listen to your heart. Fuck the norm.
  17. @Vercingetorix Yea for sure orange likes yellow. Leo said is one of his spiral videos what every stage thinks of the other ones if you can find it, it will be useful.
  18. @Vercingetorix When i was orange i didn't like green girls now i don't like orange ones. If you are too developed you will go over the head of most girls or you won't be interested in them.
  19. @GroovyGuru Someone here found yellow news. You get 3 perspectives on the same thing. I love it. https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news
  20. 1. Its the angle... Big toe is bent. 2. You're paranoid I just asked a question.