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Everything posted by Opo

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/plants-respond-defensively-to-the-sound-of-caterpillars-eating-their-leaves-9580912.html
  2. Reminds me of a dog chasing a car.
  3. @Iksander Helps with survival.
  4. I think it has shades of yellow but is still mostly green.
  5. @Epikur what i meant by saying you have the same approach as Trump is he uses force to get what he wants that works in the short-term but in the long-term cooperation wins out.
  6. Maybe live there untill you develop to green. Then go live all over the world to see different perspectives.
  7. Dont the republicans have the majority of the senate? Why are you conveniently ignoring them and how does this prove your point about Hillary. If you're gonna jump the ship on everything you say we shouldnt do this. Lol nice elaboration on the stockholm syndrome... Hint: Jimmy's a fool ...
  8. Prove it. Everyone has to team up with someone else. No one is strong enough to stand alone and if you are teamed up with someone no shit you will develop an affection for them. I don't understand what are you trying to say with it?
  9. @Apparition of Jack Yeah just noticed it too.
  10. Lol. Diplomacy... Trump has your approach. Look at his results.
  11. @Husseinisdoingfine Lol Jesus with a sword. Second video 3:05
  12. Germany has huge amounts of influence over the eu and eu over world..
  13. Lol This is against America. Stop wasting money on nukes...
  14. @Preety_India America is moving to green while scandinavia is already there. You could help scandinavian countries move to yellow or America to green. I think it is more important for America but we shouldn't dismiss Europe.
  15. This is youtube channel of the leader of the black guys that did an armed march about a month ago. Edit: it might be too much for this forum I hope if its ok for youtube its ok here.
  16. America is great if you have money but if you dont you will waste a lot of time securing basic needs. I think northern europe is best because you have your basics secured so you can focus on higher things in life and they are highest on the spiral. Only downsides are its not as diverse as American so it might be harder to get to tier 2 (im guessing) and its cold.
  17. @Preety_India That is probably a good survival mechanism that protects you from raising a kid without a dad.
  18. @GreenWoods Plug the hole while you sleep.
  19. I cant decide what is better or worse: Working in McDonald's on a minimum wage 8 hours a day doing mindless tasks. Working as a sex worker where you get a good pay, u can choose your hours and customers, there are systems in place to keep you safe but it might be bad for mental health. Could someone work as a sex worker and let that go when they are done with it or will it stay with them? In a same way psychologists learn to let go of their clients problems when they are done with them. Maybe someone who is at orange level of development. They get independence and freedom from the job but they dont get attached emotionally to their customers so they can be more care free about it.