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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Yes, you are too logical.
  2. People who don't care don't spend time replying to something just to tell someone how little they care.
  3. So many wrong things here. But I guess it's pointless trying to explain.
  4. Scroll through the article and you'll the audios..
  5. A lot of Serbs here, didn't know you guys had an internet over there. That's nice.
  6. @Gesundheit Interesting take, but I completely disagree.
  7. Damn, Mike looks broken. Thank God he came to the other side.
  8. Basically this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias
  9. That's what I though. @Monkey_in_suit If you aren't ready for a kid you need to tell her so she can find someone who is. And her not telling you why she is in a hurry is kinda sleazy.
  10. Its asking me to allow notifications and I can't press deny button. Doesn't seem very conscious.
  11. @Forestluv You can always speed it up and spend 1.5hr on it.
  12. I thought that's what she was suggesting. Im all for educating people about drugs. That's probably what stopped me from doing the low consciousness ones. Would teaching kids how to do psychedelics be on the level of teaching them how to have deep sex?
  13. @4201 watched it yesterday while doing something, so I can't remember it that well but he seemed green.
  14. Relax you tried to help someone, I think that's a nice thing. I'd leave it. Someone might learn something from it.
  15. Doesn't work. Dare program had the opposite results of intended. What do you mean by "proper education of how not to use "
  16. I can't read the small words but there must be a connection between SD and this. Looks like a bad reinterpretation.