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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Lol how did you get to that?
  2. Dude try looking into mdma therapy, it'll save your life.
  3. If you think young men are bad you have never met older men. I still didn't process the shit I saw. I agree there are problems but we are improving.
  4. You need to store honey properly for it to be immune from spoiling. I don't think it would last long in a sack.
  5. I don't understand why are unsoaked flaxseeds easier on my tummy than soaked ones? I put them whole in warm water for half a day and rinse them once or twice then I ground them up and eat them. Am I doing something wrong?
  6. Do we eat the same legumes now? A lot of problems with grains come from genetically modifying them. People who eat oats are less likely to smoke, drink, eat sugar and so on. It's hard to follow effects of just oats. Positive effects are relative. If they take a diabetic person who only eats fast food and candy and give them oats of course it will improve their health. I wonder what would happen to someone who eats like Leo if they ate them. Il look into this. If you have any sources I would appreciate them.
  7. For me either it has nothing valuable so no organism wants to eat it or it's defense is so strong it'll damage you when you eat it. I still eat flaxseeds tho.
  8. I don't think it is. It seems like people use high self esteem to mask their low self esteem. So in order to solve that problem they have to go through an extra step of working through their high self esteem and then their root problem of low self esteem.
  9. Bullies usually go for the insecure people. Best way deal with it is to start doing martial arts and weight lifting. That will give you confidence and the bullies will sense it and automatically leave you alone. That is for the guys, I don't understand how girls bully or how to solve that.
  10. Between 2 to 6 tablespoons. It varies a lot. I also sometimes put a tablespoon of coconut oil. Lately I forgot about it, I need to start doing that again.
  11. Do you put something else in them? When I eat oats with berries I get hungry pretty fast, but when I replace oats with flaxseed even when I get hungry it's not that bad so I can go for the next 20 hours easily.
  12. Legumes are not good for people with autoimmune diseases. "Like grains and pseudograins, legumes contain phytic acid. Phytic acid binds to nutrients in the food, preventing you from absorbing them. It doesn’t steal any nutrients that are already in your body, but it does make that bowl of lentils a lot less nutrient-dense than the Nutrition Facts panel would have you believe. For this reason, it’s usually cited as a major downside of these foods, but the truth is clearly little more complicated, because some Paleo-acceptable foods like nuts also contain relatively high amounts of it. Per unit of mass, most nuts actually have a little more phytic acid than most grains and beans. So why are nuts fine to eat, but lentils are problematic? LegumesRather than labeling any amount of phytates as harmful, it’s more precise to say that the effects on the body depend on how much you eat. In fact, phytic acid may even have some health benefits in small amounts, so it’s not accurate to dismiss it as nothing but a toxin to avoid. The key is in how much you eat: this is why nuts are fine in moderation, while legumes and beans are discouraged. The difference is that nuts and kale aren’t staple foods in most people’s diets – if you were relying on almonds as a chief source of nutrition, which hopefully you aren’t, you’d suffer from the same problems." https://paleoleap.com/beans-and-legumes/ "Oatmeal isn’t good for you. You probably know most breakfast cereals—even those with health claims on the front—aren’t healthy. But oatmeal? How could a food so boring also be unhealthy? The major problem with oatmeal is the same problem with every other grain: It spikes your blood sugar and makes you hungrier." "You’re not eating the same grains your grandparents ate. New hybrids have been developed that are much starchier than their predecessors and have a greater impact on our blood sugar than the traditional kinds of starch. (It actually promotes insulin resistance or prediabetes.) The new varieties also have more gluten, which is not doing us any favors. And while most wheat isn’t genetically modified, it is dosed with a chemical herbicide called glyphosate just before harvest, which increases its yield." https://drhyman.com/blog/2018/02/14/7-takeaways-grains-book-food-heck-eat/
  13. I can't find it now, but I remember Goggins sitting in front of the computer and talking about how he allows himself some time to slack off but then he returns and keeps fighting. Musk is just miserable I wouldn't look up to him.
  14. Lol You're a human being stop trying to be a robot. Of course no one is perfect, even David Goggins talks about how he fucks up sometimes but the next day he continues the battle.
  15. U need cholesterol and saturated fats u don't rly need carbs.
  16. I bet liver, kale and eggs are nutritionally denser. Do you have any sources for this? Wouldn't flax seeds be better?
  17. Some people can tolerate sugar some can't. There is no perfect diet, that's why nutrition is so complicated.
  18. @Recursoinominado Most of the people are sick of him. They just want to relax and live their lives. The people who like all that stupid shit he does are a minority.
  19. That is why videos like this are important. Can Joe put stuff like this on tv?
  20. How is the book progressing? Do you have any interesting trip stories? Will you ever create a spiritual community in real life? Do you have any pets? If not will you in the future?
  21. Thanks. Can't buy organic here but I can easily grow them.
  22. I remember reading that frozen blueberries are picked later so they have more of something that is good for you. Couldn't find it again but I've found this. https://www.bcblueberry.com/features/feature-articles/could-frozen-blueberries-be-even-healthier-fresh-berries But i fear pesticides from frozen ones. Should I melt them and put them in water, vinegar and baking soda solution, and then freeze them again?
  23. Would a banana before exercise be healthy?
  24. https://www.labroots.com/trending/cannabis-sciences/3299/long-term-marijuana-rewires-brain-s-reward-circuits This talks about rewiring and it looks like Leo was right about addiction. Didn't find anything about anxiety months after smoking, but I didnt try that hard. Because I think that anxiety is a good thing, it shows you your demons. That is because you took too much. If you take the right dose it increases consciousness and you don't get that negative after effect. Here are few reasons why it's good. https://www.chicagotribune.com/marijuana/sns-tft-marijuana-makes-brain-plasticky-20190821-3cx3w3o63rfs3gt33uhllsw2hq-story.html Weed definitely helped me to go from orange to green and it thought me a lot. But after a while I felt that I got the message and weed became boring so I stopped and I haven't smoked in like two years. Maybe il smoke occasionally in the future but for now I don't see the point.
  25. I'd recommend you start with weed before you do real psychedelics and see how it feels.