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Everything posted by Opo

  1. If you're gonna carry a knife you need to be ready to kill a person. If you aren't sure you can do it without overthinking carry a pepper spray. You can disable them from a safe distance with it and run away. About the knife, you need to be able to open it with one hand and the seat belt cutter is pointless. Whatever you decide to carry you need to know where it is in the bag (maybe have a special place for it) and train how to deploy it so you don't mess up when you're in the real situation. You've watched too many movies. When people see hand coming they instinctively put their head down. If that doesn't happen and you manage to make contact you probably won't poke both of his eyes and even if you do you won't temporarily blind him. It happens in ufc all the time and it's annoying and not good but they can still see. (He only needs to see enough to be able to grab you) If you are in range for an eyepoke he is in range to grab you or hit you and he is statistically stronger. A knee to the balls is painful but that's all. If he is on adrenaline, which if he is trying to do something criminal he is he won't feel pain that much or at all. Crazy shit happens to people when they are on adrenaline and they react very differently then when they're calm. It will probably just make him more aggressive.
  2. They did a good thing, leaving Gavin Mcinnes behind.
  3. He looks like a human being without so much makeup.
  4. For a while, it's a test and you need to stay in that mentality to pass it. If you do they'll leave you alone. Usually those kinds of people are mentally weak and just want an easy victim.
  5. I remember Vaush saying that genetics effect only physical traits like skin, nose, hair... and not brain, because brain is too complex too be affected by the environment to the point it becomes different in different areas of world. So I assumed we all have the same brains and that narcissism isn't genetic but learned. @Forestluv We need you. Who has what right here?
  6. I don't understand genetics. Do you have any sources where I could learn more?
  7. It's because they don't wear masks or socially distance. Nice.
  8. Literally the same. They ignore the environment of black people and just focus on the final results. You are doing the same thing. Trump is the way he is because he grew up in a toxic environment. His father wanted to make a sociopath out of his child and he sadly succeeded. You can read more about it, it will be eye opening. Trump was once an innocent child and if you grew up in the same environment you would be the same.
  9. The people who hate black people think the same thing.
  10. Jabs are good, but anything more than that is risky. He should learn a couple of one-liners.
  11. That's too aggressive for the suburban women. If Biden stays calm people will get to that conclusion on their own.
  12. I see Covid damaging his lungs but not killing him, instead turning him into sleepy Trump.
  13. Hahaha read that yesterday. I was so proud of humanity.
  14. What if he transferred it to Biden and they both died from it? Could our boy Bernie become the next president? Or would you just elect another middle of the road guy or gal? Wish them the best tho. Is Donnie conscious enough for this to grow him?
  15. Install a blue light filter on your electronics, it helped me a lot.
  16. Net worth is your assets minus the debt you owe. Trump owes more than 400 million. Here he couldn't prove that he owns more than 250 million. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/that-time-trump-sued-over-the-size-of-hiswallet/2016/03/08/785dee3e-e4c2-11e5-b0fd-073d5930a7b7_story.html Here is how he inflated his wealth. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/politics/trump-statements-of-financial-condition/ About the Forbes list. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://fortune.com/2018/04/20/trump-lied-wealth-forbes-400-list/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwivt87X15HsAhVvo4sKHWpzBUYQFjABegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0eJaAPPyg2z5HxN2nOwYhy&ampcf=1 Im tired of hearing that he's rich.
  17. Idn what specifically they are doing but if they are just outside with guns and a few of them are threatening people they should be left alone. Because if you try to silence them it will just escalate. I am talking if they start shooting people and enforcing their own laws military would step in.
  18. They said that the military job is to keep Americans safe. So if people with guns started walking around and pretending they are the authority military should step in and put them in their place. They also said that courts should be the ones who decide the winner and when courts decide I think they will step in. They just don't want to step in before it's decided who is the next president.