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Everything posted by Opo

  1. This is your perspective from a Chinese person that looks at the West. Starting wars for money and killing civilians, killing each other for minor differences, allowing people to walk around without a mask and spread a disease for "freedom", basically allowing pharmaceutical companies to get people hooked on heroin because capitalism is a good thing.
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine how would socialism help with automation? Seems to me like the robots would replace the workers and it would be the same as capitalism. In the Social Democracy those robots would be massively taxed. To me that seems like a good solution.
  3. He seems like that from your perspective. Because we from the west grew up (you could say we were brainwashed) with different values. And there are a lot of lies about China going around so we need someone like him for balance. @erik8lrl thanks for explaining this stuff to us.
  4. It doesn't, it's social democracy. That's my biggest critique calling social democracy socialism or democratic socialism automatically turns off a lot of people.
  5. Oh i guess that's understandable. Is there anything a foreigner should know before visiting so we don't accidentally get into trouble? I know drugs are a no no.
  6. @erik8lrl In that vice video a woman said that if government finds out that you are pregnant they terminate the baby. I was referring to that.
  7. @erik8lrl How do you feel about forcefully aborting uighur children?
  8. @erik8lrl what are your thoughts on this?
  9. I have high hopes for zoomers.
  10. @Lindsay I feel your pain, I felt the same way in 2016. Chris Hedges is presenting Democrats as a little bit better than Republicans. In reality there is a huge difference. Joe Biden will invest 2 trillion dollars in green energy while Trump doesn't believe in climate change. Joe will increase taxes on the rich Trump will decrease them. Joe will give more people health care Trump wants to take it away. Trump passed laws that seperate kids from their parents and put them in cages. There is a lot more but you should get the point. And let's take health care for an example. You need to understand that that change isn't just on the paper, thousands of people will suffer needlessly if Trump gets elected. I would say it's high emotional and moral development but low cognitive development. Ideally you protest on the streets, but when it's time to vote you vote for the right person. The problem is that if people more green people start voting third party it will make Republicans stronger a lot sooner than a third party will be viable. That will ironically slow down everything the green party wants to accomplish.
  11. @Hawkins I try to stop them when they say something im suspicious of and ask for proof. If they just keep going it's done. Trying to reason with someone after that is wasting time so I just saying crazy shit until they realize their efforts are pointless and give up. Just use their logic against them by taking it to the extreme. I'm hoping that maybe if they see how stupid my reasoning is they will realize that they are doing the same thing. This technique stops any future conspiracies from them, other ones seem to just give them a time out.
  12. I apologize for assuming you meant Republicans. I did it because Christians today are associated with a Republican party. Maybe if I show you how silly your theory is. You say that they choose Biden and Hillary and that our votes don't matter. But then you say that votes for a third party matter. You see? If they can manipulate most of the votes manipulating a small minority of them would be a peace of cake. Notice how the fear created this theory by filling in the missing holes. There probably was some level of voter manipulation in the past or even now but that doesn't prove that your theory. That is just fear thinking. For an example: if you were a fearful king and you saw a person that in the past robbed a store and served their time. Then you assumed that if they did it before they must have done it again and if they ever get a chance they will do it again so they must be stopped. So you put them in the cage for the rest of their life or you kill them to protect your people. Can you see how silly this would be? Most of the theories have some truth to them, but we have to be careful not to let fear create something else out of that truth.
  13. Leo recently released a video about conspiracy theories. I think you should watch it. It will help you understand how you got to this position. Just please excuse his mean comment in the beginning. You didn't answer my question. How would you convince a republican that knows more about politics and that understands how useful voting for a third party is.
  14. What do you assume they will do if more people vote third party? How do you convince those Christians that they're not throwing away their votes?
  15. The part where he says "they are trying to build a prison for you and me." Most of the statistics is true (few of them are little suspicious to me but I don't care enough to try to debunk them) what is a conspiracy is implying that there are some evil people plotting to put you and me in jail. The fucked up part is that the people who are putting minor drug offenders in prisons think they are doing the right thing.
  16. Yea I meant you can cut the belt with the knife, so I don't see the point of it.
  17. No, avoid the situation. Don't go to dangerous places if no one will hear you scream. If it's a guy on guy fight then yea it will help a lot, but if it's a girl on a bigger guy and that's all she has it won't be enough.
  18. @Eph75 I grew up with those kinds of people and that approach had 0 positive effects. It either went over their heads or was perceived as weak and too sensitive. @Eph75 Yea it probably works on some people.