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Everything posted by Opo

  1. 30 seconds into the video. "And now we got the worst candidate ever in the history of my lifetime Joe Biden" I think that settles it Jimmy is retarded.
  2. @Lindsay Notice how your moral purity is ironically helping the guy with the worst moral values.
  3. This weekend New Zealand is voting on the assisted suicide issue. Looks like it's really just a matter of time before it's legal.
  4. @Parththakkar12 If a person comes to your home and starts saying some crazy shit at first you will laugh. But what if they don't stop? They just keep going and then 2 hours later you just want to watch some tv and relax. But they are still going and you can't hear the tv. Would you still just dismiss them and laugh them off or would you get "scared" and kick them out of your house?
  5. Do you think everyone who doesn't like conspiracies is afraid of them?
  6. Lol no. But I thought it was an interesting insight. How hard was it to drink your own urine? I would assume the body would reject it and you would start gagging. Did you close your nose or add something to it to to kill the taste? Edit: if I was well hydrated, to the point it's clear I don't think it would be that hard.
  7. Yea at first when I saw his red side I thought that he was trolling, but lately it became clear that he is sadly serious. Hope he gets more love in the future and grows out of it.
  8. @Flexible Be nice. If you ever smelled your fart, you ate your shit.
  9. @DrewNows Did you already wake up or did you stay awake?
  10. @Preety_India Oh you sneaky diplomat. "Don't sell your soul short https://www.actualized.org/.forum/topic/555444-stage-pink/ Our commitment to be positive and to do good should be so strong that it will drown out all forces in the world." I think you're mistaken about diplomacy. If your friends wanted to do something immoral which you couldn't support and you were a diplomatic person you would try to get the best possible outcome and not just support them for your selfish reasons. Let's say an average person would just tell their friends don't do that that's bad. But a diplomat would understand that most people don't respond well to that and they would find a better way to approach this situation. I think Forestluv is a perfect diplomat.
  11. Oh my bad. Didn't pay attention.
  12. Dumb boomers pulling society back.
  13. @ShardMareI've had the same symptoms from and autoimmune problem but I thought you healed your gut so I wasn't going to bring it up. I've had lung pain maybe you have pain somewhere else in the chest idn. Can you feel it? Fix your gut and you'll get your energy back 100% and if you are same as me chest pain will go away.
  14. Yea found a few articles that say that. Fuck brains. Here is the video I was referring to.
  15. You contradicted yourself there. "Cooked meat is less nutritious as many vitamins are heat-sensitive and get destroyed in cooking." "Obviously it makes no sense that nutrients magically appear in a food when you heat it." It's complicated you should ideally eat both raw and cooked food. But if raw feels better stick with that. What i was referring to was that I heard that when we started cooking food our brains got bigger. But that wasn't because of bioavailability but because we could consume more calories. Are you afraid of getting contaminated meat and getting some kind of a disease?
  16. I've heard Joe Rogan talk about prions. He says that they are only harmful to the same species. So humans can't eat human brain but can cows. And they can't be destroyed with regular heat. They put them at 1000 degrees for a few hours and it didn't kill them.
  17. It's possible. Even tho it's self reported and I don't know any Amish people. But with these conservatives that I know, a lot of them are not very happy people and when you ask them they just lie. The worst part is that they already lied to themselves so when they tell you that, they are kinda telling the truth. I wish I could directly experience Amish people and see for myself. I've heard from a person with a direct experience that people from tribes are a lot happier than us. So these conservatives are probably lacking that community.
  18. If you don't get any negative effects from the outside world you also don't get any positive effects. Which makes your life poorer on the inside. There is something positive to that traditional life, but I wouldn't call it happiness. Yea. I explain that with bias. If someone asked me to rank my happiness I wouldn't say it's 10/10. But if you asked some dum dum to rank it they would say it's 10/10 because being happy is good. Even tho I am happier than him.
  19. Dude that is such bullshit. I live in the conservative place and people here are delusional about their states of mind. If they have just miserable lives and someone asks them if they are happy almost all of them will say they are. It is the same as stupid people who think they are smart because they are too stupid to see all the holes in their knowledge. They can't deal with problems head on so they just repress them and present themselves as they think they should. I'm not buying it until a brain scan can tell you how happy a person is, or something like that.
  20. How effective was that for you?
  21. @Village Have you tried cooking it? I've heard that cooked meat is more nutritious and I wonder if it will affect your tummy problems.