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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Umm.. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/k3088g/france_burns_as_the_first_phase_of_a_deeply/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
  2. People who say that they would pick principles don't have their survival on the line.
  3. @Michael569 If you already know how to dodge punches skip this. But even most of the professionals I see don't know how to dodge so im posting it. I love this because it adds depth and allows me to be creative. If I didn't know it and the shadow boxing was just punching I would probably get bored of it pretty fast. Plus you get great abs out of it.
  4. Don't lie it's pathetic. You clearly used it as an insult.
  5. As soon as you insult someone on their appearance you lost the argument to the everyone who wasn't already on your side.
  6. I remember hearing that employees at Wal-Mart make so little money that they qualify for food stamps and when they get those food stamps they go to the Walmart to buy food with them. While the owners are billionaires that pay 0 money in taxes. I'm not a socialist but that's a fucked up system.
  7. Shadow boxing is best. You work the entire body and you feel amazing afterwards.
  8. I did it at my regular doctor but I was mindful not to drink it and there aren't any doctors from this list in my country. Did I fuck up?
  9. He masked his red as orange. The U.S. is a third blue. His center of gravity is red but he obviously has a lot of orange and because of the society orange part of him is magnified.
  10. That's a great attitude, but don't forget that this is a marathon and not a sprint. It's probably contributing and no it's not too late you'll reverse everything. You got this. Just don't expect a straight road ahead. So you don't lose motivation when you do something stupid. There will be a lot of ups and downs.
  11. Chill, mercury fillings are only one piece of the puzzle.
  12. @Michael569 How to know when the gut walls are fully healed?
  13. @Display_Name How dare you post a video that I can't understand?
  14. Most people just want to be told how smart they are.