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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Yea. For me it was settled a long time ago, I just watched this for fun hoping the Crowder will start crying. Hahahahaha Well if you're dumb enough to watch him this will probably work..
  2. They missed an argument. When he said he doesn't want to debate someone with a small viewer count, they could have told him that it's happening on a bigger platform so the viewers will be there.
  3. The only thing I've seen Joe Rogan wear is t-shirts. That means he's poor. Lol the people are desperate for truth. You don't need to lie to make money.
  4. Pay attention if the air is dry in your room. If you're using some heat system make sure the windows are a little bit open. Also sun can dry it out. If it's still dry buy an air moisturizer.
  5. Imagine instead of European union the World union.
  6. Hahha yea they won't have it. I was thinking that maybe they don't like you drinking water because you are uptight when sober so if you take something that is good for socializing you could kill two birds with one stone.
  7. America has that approach and their results are horrible. While Scandinavia has the opposite approach and they have the best results.
  8. Might not be physically healthy but if someone is anxious all the time and this helps them relax in the end it could be healthy.
  9. Apparently kratom can be good for socializing.
  10. I read only the first part and she needs to learn how to cut people out a lot sooner. Oh God.. I'm a feminist and I write different than both of you..
  11. I haven't watched this episode so I don't know what they said but it wouldn't surprise me if yt banned it without a good reason. Did yt say why did they remove it?
  12. Nah he is under the control of his leftist audience. When the gme shit was happening he was brainlessly repeating lies to them and they loved it. They probably gave him a lot of money for that which is probably similar mechanism that you think happens in the mainstream. Be a good boy and you get some money be a bad one and we take it away.
  13. Oh God, you poor soul.. https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news
  14. Since this is low quality let's atleast make it funny.
  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/nytd0d/grow_up_karens_op_ugreenspath/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share If average people are retarded enough to believe this and they are this should be taken down until people develop basic reasoning skills.
  16. I haven't tried all 4 and I bet that gets the best results but why not try salt and if it doesn't help enough then take that drink. Are antibiotics necessary? I thought eating just meat for a month or two would starve them all out. No. Replace the mushrooms with lsd or something like that. Leo clearly can't eat them now.
  17. Why not just take some salt?
  18. I watched just a couple of minutes, did he say later why did he take the vaccine?