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Everything posted by Opo

  1. Can someone please kick these trolls* out?
  2. It's inaccurate to go with the single person of each color because you could easily pick outliers to represent whatever your perspective is. But if we take a million of each and just apply to them that if you're black you're less likely to get a callback when looking for a job, at the end of the day if they worked the same black people will get less jobs. Here's the link for proof. https://www.nber.org/papers/w9873 There are a lot more of examples like this but I think that one is enough to get the point across.
  3. Feels like you want to believe this.
  4. They are worth more than a trillion. So how many billions? Because if it's just few its nothing.
  5. My dog ate a bone yesterday at 3 am.
  6. Turns out I have dysbiosis. I took some antibiotics and had a strong reaction to them, nothing crazy but I would like to reduce it. Can I take activated charcoal to clean up the toxins from the die off and do you have some other tips for this?
  7. It seems I was dehydrated. Pretty soon after I some drank water with salt I was feeling great and now after I took the antibiotics again I feel normal. Thank you for the tip.
  8. As Brian Shaw said if you aren't gaining weight you simply aren't trying hard enough and you need to eat to the point of almost puking with every meal.
  9. Is that why he wanted to ise the army to spread the vaccine? So people could have the choice?
  10. ??? If the 2 weeks have passed after the second dose I think you don't. The only thing is the law might be slow to adjust.
  11. If he could he would have instead of throwing a temper tantrum.
  12. Seems like you need a hug.
  13. Wtf are you talking about?
  14. Lol he believes it. That's why he's running from it.
  15. I was being silly. When I write something stupid like that don't take it seriously. Thanks. Lol I had to google Destiny apologizing. Never saw him do it.
  16. I'm bringing attention to the important social issues of our time. ? Compassion is not a problem because when I get old I'll experience worse heat than the boomers now. My dude repression is not the answer.