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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I don't necessarily disagree
  2. Mooji took it to another level of taking advantage of his status. The guy apparently has a harem and “enforcers” that pick out women for him to sleep with that come to stay at his commune. I don’t know the details. I think Leo’s post was kinda goofy cause this site is mostly guys and it just looked silly. It’s just us clowns reading his blog. Probably have more luck finding a girl on Reddit I don’t think it’s a good way to go about finding a date just with how it appears. Looked a little like a job application. No romance to it. Women want romance and to feel loved, not to apply for a job. Leo, I think you should buy a nice car or some new cool clothes. Like a cool leather jacket, something to peacock with a little and just take some good photos and try tinder again. Face it, this is just an element to dating especially in the lives of people in their 20s-40s. It’s possible to make it work without playing games but you still have to always partake just a little if you want decent chances at finding someone or else you’re gonna be waiting a long time. This mechanical approach may attract some women but it cuts way down on potential matches.
  3. blue leadership triumphing and leading red towards blue
  4. Bruh I'm with you though. Tinder is so annoying it will drive anyone to look elsewhere for a date.
  5. I don't dislike it and I think it's totally fine. I think I'm in the group of finding it funny and sort of a meme. It's really logical and dry. I'm not sure it's the best approach for finding a girlfriend but in a sense it cuts out so much bullshit and will really only appeal to a type that is down for this so in a sense it's a time saver but leaves few matches. The thing is though I think the whole dating game is kinda beautiful in how it's a fairytale. It's not always honest but it can be. Healthy masculine can sill play the game if it sets boundaries and expectations for communication. The subtlety and sub-communications of it all play an important role and are a mixing of masculine and feminine energy.
  6. For some reason this made me laugh Leo probably already knows this but this site is basically a sausage fest
  7. Most EU countries. Germany, Nordic, Netherlands, etc.
  8. I think they felt this way for the wrong reasons though. They didn't make this decision out of sound logic. It was more caste based back then. They probably just felt superior to everyone. We now know it's more complex through trial and error vs just assuming it b/c we feel better than those dirty farmers and slaves.
  9. the people over at MAPS who do research on using psychedelics for mental health are a good example. they build on everything and utilize science for their studies as well as personal growth and spirituality.
  10. Trump's financial crimes are being handled by state prosecutors in NY and anything he might have done as president will be investigated by the house and followed up by the justice department if called upon. Biden isn't granting any pardons. This is pretty straight forward.
  11. Some people are freaking out about this but I don't think they are taking the time to understand. He isn't granting a pardon to Trump. He is saying that he is remaining out of it. This is good. We don't need presidents going after each other. That is not how our government is intended to work. That is the role of independent prosecutors. It is up to the house, justice department and state prosecutors to check and balance presidents. Not presidents over other presidents. He has better things to focus on as president.
  12. samurai and their bushido code is like red/blue. love samurai history and their master sword craftsman.
  13. plenty of stupid people won't take it for the wrong reasons. if it comes out and has a good amount of evidence that it is safe then take it. I understand the hesitation taking some rushed vaccine but if it has substantial evidence to to work and be safe then yeah, take it.
  14. I'm watching interviews of people who attended that million loser march. Oh my, does god have a twisted sense of humor...
  15. I think mooji is running a bit of a new age cult. I wouldn't call it a full blown cult but it is more so than other satsangs.
  16. This looks like a hidden camera comedy sketch
  17. It’s just a unique faculty humans have that is part of creation and the grand design. It’s like asking why does the senses of sight exist or sound. It just is what it is. Humans have an advanced mind that allows for the conceptual creation of memories. Other life forms have memory of varying complexity but not like humans do. An insect might only have its instinctual memory to eat and reproduce and that’s it.If it weren’t for vivid memory humans would live a much simpler life.
  18. It’s absolutely vital if you wish to identify and experience what we call the life of a human. It is by no means unimportant. You need somewhere to pitch your tent or else you’d be floating out in nowhere and have no perspective for your survival.
  19. Meh, I wouldn’t downplay the healing aspects of them. I think that is probably the best thing they offer for humanity currently. Vast majority of people aren’t open to or ready yet to use them for much beyond healing.
  20. he has been too busy crying into mother's bosom since the election to do his daily dose of gay hating
  21. unless your parents were celebrities or you were gifted with some one in a million talent like some super athlete then you likely worked quite hard for your success
  22. great movie with tons of red. the two peasant guys are basically red with little power. if you want to see what red looks like with little power watch this movie. these two characters also inspired george lucas in creating c3po and r2d2.