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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. "And the ability of a president to pardon himself (self-pardon) has never been tested in the courts, because, to date, no president has ever taken that action." "The President ... shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment." It's never been done before basically. The constitution says the president has the power to pardon and that is it. It doesn't define who the president can pardon. It hasn't been tests or interpreted by a court before if it applies to the president pardoning himself.
  2. I could smell JP's BS the first time I listened to him speak a few years back. He would talk in circles about something or another and I had listened to enough self help to know when someone is secretly taking a piss in the swimming pool. He would never flat out say what he was alluding to and that always sends off alarm bells for me when someone speaks like this.
  3. So basically he was raised around extreme violence and brutality. It's no wonder he ends up living out a life like this when he was raised in it.
  4. I heard he also had a lot of trauma growing up and grew up in a violent environment. It probably surfaced all that stuff and he wasn’t in a situation or a position to work through it.
  5. Nice post Nahm. I think this advice can be used with just about anything that is causing some fear
  6. Let me rephrase: Leo believes there is only one POV in the present moment and all "other" aren't experiencing a POV?
  7. I'm starting to wonder if several of the notions Leo goes over which he claims there is only one "POV" in the present moment (am I mischaracterizing this claim/notion?) stems from his own personality. He doesn't keep friends. He was looking for a girlfriend on his blog. He doesn't seem like a social person, has odd social skills displayed in a lot of his posts and seems to prefer being alone. I'll keep an open mind and I'm comfortable saying "I don't know" cause it is quite freeing but he seems quite confident in walking a fine line that leans more towards solipsism than non-duality?
  8. I find myself hitting a wall when it comes to this topic. I've grown out of actively hating or desiring seeing such people punished or such stage red/blue type reactions but beyond that I just feel indifferent. I almost don't want to feel any particular way about it or even put energy into it and I'm far from feeling foregiveness or love for such people. It feels like a blockage. I'm talking about people who are truly beyond saving. The most selfish of the selfish. Not people who are psychotic/unstable and do something crazy or someone in an incredibly desperate survival situation but those with reasonable mental clarity and means who plan and plot out their selfishness which causes immense suffering in the lives of others. I feel zero love and foregiveness for such people and don't have any good wishes to give them. How to overcome this blockage?
  9. I only would have had sex with one roommate of mine but we were friends and she had a boyfriend so I never put any energy into trying to move the relationship in that direction. I think it can work out but it may come with some issues too.
  10. This is pretty common for Rogan. He always handles all his guests with kid gloves unless if they make some statement about how trans women should compete with biologically born women
  11. Do you think tantra can be helpful for someone who has some shame and energy blockages when it comes to sex?
  12. I do agree. I think the core of Moojis teachings are pure. I wouldn't label his satsang a straight up toxic cult. I think it has more in common with very liberal and immature boundaries like one of those workplaces that sort of turns into a party and without ethical standards and delineation where the boss is dating a person in a lower position of power and using their status to indulge in a sort of less than humble conduct. It isn't exactly a cult but it is irresponsible and a recipe for setting yourself up for some trouble. He should be more careful how he chooses his partners and it most definitely should not be students... Perhaps a senior student that is closer to his age and has been part of the organization and holds a position of autonomous power. Not hippie chicks passing through that he takes a liking to and asks facilitators to introduce them to him. This is all hearsay to me though. I don't know exactly what has happened.
  13. yeah this is helpful. I realize for instance if I experienced all the stuff hitler did and was in his position with his means and level of consciousness I would have very likely made similar choices he did. It doesn't make what he did "excusable" or not selfish or not to be held accountable for but it puts into perspective how anyone could have turned out like that and thus there is no reason to judge.
  14. I saw that conor video you posted and want to try this now. I've only heard of it before but I think it is a dimension that may be helpful for me. I'm currently single so I'm going to be practicing on my own. Gonna look up some books and share them when I find them.
  15. this dude has been doing some hardcore seeking since his ayahuasca awakening
  16. This is a VERY common fantasy for many women. It's so common that it is often enjoyed through novels (50 shades), porn, etc. I've dated and spoke to many women who have this same emotional attraction to varying degrees. Many women have this fantasy and there is nothing wrong with it. There is an aspect of the feminine that wishes to be embraced by the masculine like this. All you have to be conscious of is engaging with it consciously. That is it. No need to feel shame about it and it doesn't make you a defective or wrong person. There is so much shame around sexuality. I think as a society we need to realize sexuality is much more expansive than we realize. It is sort of an avenue that various emotional needs may manifest in. No need to feel bad about the content. Just look for ways to satisfy it in healthy ways. Many masculine men fantasies about dominating women, owning them sexually, etc. Find a partner who is on the opposite of the pole of your fantasy and fulfill each other's together.
  17. lurked some right wing message boards. the meltdown and delusion is so thick it can be cut with a knife.
  18. The problem with the argument most people make for the US not being the planet’s s police is that it fails to take into account how such a situation arose in the first place, why it still is and the ramifications of a suddenly the US had its military cut into half and no longer played the role over the course of say one presidential term. It’s not as simple as just cutting budgets and taking troops home. Sure, an audit could be performed and cutting the budget of the military is needed but it isn’t as simple as brining troops home. The balance of power I think is something people take for granted.