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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. my deepest desire. but does this quest for understanding ever end? I wonder
  2. Some interesting thoughts you bring to the conversation. I want to clarify that I am not talking about the potential of crypto currency in the future or any sort of decentralized variants. I'm talking about BTC specifically and the current state of where this technology currently is. I have never heard of ETH. I'm still not entirely sure what is backing it though that gives it legitimate value. I also went to the wiki page to learn more about it and in the first section they say there was $50 million worth of it stolen or something? Stuff like this will make it very hard to earn over the public' trust in using these types of currencies. Yes, I meant crypto exchanging platforms. I am hesitant to believe how effective these crypto trackers are at screening for coins used on the black market or how effective they are or what work arounds there are. I need to read up on this more. Darknet drug markets only continue to grow and BTC is still their preferred method of payment so it doesn't compare to a securities and exchange commission or the secret service looking into counterfeit money.
  3. 1) Inaccessibility - It's accepted almost nowhere. You can't use bitcoin to buy groceries or really anything. I'm going to speak like an absolutist in this post so be prepared. Don't tell me how some food truck in the Bay area accepts it. It isn't remotely an avenue for expenditures in any practical sense. On top of that the entire process of buying/exchanging bitcoin is unusual and unfeasible for the conventional usage of a currency. 2) ZERO intrinsic value - It only has value because people think they can buy it and others will later as well at a higher price thus making some money off of it. It is backed by literally nothing. Don't even try to compare this to a fiat currency backed by society and entire governments. Such a low quality false equivalency. I'm not going to even bother explaining why here. This leads to my 3rd point 3) Volatility - It's completely volatile and unsafe at storing wealth. On top of that these cryptocurrency companies don't have remotely any sort of foundation of trust from the public. Don't even compare them to banks. Another low quality false equivalency. You know how much earnings for other cryptocurrencies is based off stolen money for their initial offerings as well as the amount of heists that have taken place? A fuck ton. Bitcoin literally only became a thing originally because people needed an anonymous way to pay for drugs online.
  4. I'm saying it's a hoax. I highly doubt it will replace gold or ever stably function as a legitimate currency. Mark my words. Bitcoin will go down in history as the biggest pump and dump scheme of the century and the people who made money on it will be laughing their way to the bank at the stupidity of people who actually took it seriously.
  5. I don't think we will ever go back to a gold standard. It is simply not possible given the current complexity of modern economics. Fiat money is here to stay and will continue to be the standard as society further develops along the spiral.
  6. 5% of the harm compared to tobacco is still a major step. I want to quit vaping one day but I really do enjoy nicotine and the flavor. It would be dishonest to say I don't get any value/pleasure out of vaping.
  7. Count me in the group that considers BTC a pump and dump scheme that we will be watching documentaries on in 20/30 years about how it was a hoax that got a few people really rich off the people gullible enough to think it's a legit investment and how we were all so gullible to buy into this narrative of it being a legit currency. If I'm wrong I'm fine eating some crow.
  8. Don’t listen to the naysayers. You can learn a lot about yourself and reality tripping with others. The risk is maybe only a bit higher that someone freaking out causes you to have a rough one and even then there is a lesson to be learned.
  9. It's not really an investment than it is a gamble. The days of "investing" in bitcoin or just buying some as a novelty to see where it goes are long gone (2012?). It's just a pump and dump scheme now.
  10. do you think ecigs and vapes can cause health problems?
  11. part 1 is worth watching as well for some background into how Zuck thinks but this part goes into detail about how facebook played a role in the Myanmar genocide. He definitely is responsible. I don't think he had the foresight at the time to see what he created but it's apparent now he played a role.
  12. is this worth committing to daily? I've done it before and it's powerful but only do it occasionally. are there periods of a plateau ?
  13. They are terrified of saying something intolerant or threatening and being banned or losing sponsors lmao this is so funny
  14. I imagine trump openly making jokes in front of secret service, other republicans about pence and with him in the room and him just taking it like a good boy trump: hey guys look at this giant grandma pussy hahaha get it cause pence is a total pussy and he has old grandma hair ahahah everyone in the room: awkward laughs pence: good one mr president I am a total pussy sir
  15. It can be. It just depends how it's done and also how it holistically fits into the rest of your life. It actually is somewhat necessary to invest in order to build any sort of wealth especially if you are on a standard salary. On the other hand if you are you neurotically micromanaging your massive portfolio of lockheed martin and similar stocks... not very conscious.
  16. is that you in the video with the back tattoos?
  17. Sadhguru is my favorite guru. He is such a sweet loving man and full of wisdom about life. But you are not going to be " a million fold of ayahuasca" by simply closing your eyes and quieting your mind lol. Maybe in 20 years of sitting for 3 hours a day, maybe... One breakthrough ayahuasca trip will literally last for a lifetime and induce a spiritual awakening / enlightenment.
  18. Wow, cool stuff! I have attended a holotropic breathwork seminar in person a few years back and it was really interesting. I know this stuff is really transformative. Maybe try to take it on as well as a daily practice.