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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I'll take toxic green any day over a toxic orange or blue. Having a bunch of people complain and cancel a comedian for using a slightly offensive term vs having the stock market ravaged devaluing the life of millions or having a minority group targeted and disenfranchised.
  2. If you live in a country that is developing in some ways and still has dirty tap water it's an awful idea to drink. There are plenty of countries that only drink bottled water or use a filter for the tap. I think it depends where you live. I'm not 100% sold on tap water being unhealthy to drink.
  3. do they really though? there are a ton of fish in the sea. I can think of many characteristics to describe western women before being too picky.
  4. go read some of his facebook posts. almost indistinguishable from stuff posted on conservative reddit.
  5. guy has had some genuine insights for sure, developmentally he is blue, I agree. read his posts to his facebook group lol.
  6. I can actually relate to this somewhat. I was allowed the internet when I started high school many many years ago and around that time one is edgy, not wise and curious. It wasn't a pleasurable feeling of enjoyment seeing disturbing content of people being killed, but a sort of fear/shock, mixed with curiosity/confusion wanting to be explored which often times lead to a feeling of shame and worry about if I felt bad/repulsed enough or why it made me feel curious. I've unravelled a lot of this over the years and feel much better about it. It still bothers/disgusts me a little sometimes to think about how awful some people have treated others before.
  7. I think this is a bit of a gray area though. A classic pump-and-dump will be privately orchestrated by a few people, usually with insider information. This was all done using public information and appears to have started fairly organically during public discourse. A pump-and-dump is usually more of a conspiracy where this is more of a revolt.
  8. I've noticed that China is perceived as uncivilized and barbaric even compared to other developing countries. I've been to US, Europe, Mexico, China and Africa. Aside from the slum I saw in Africa, China takes the cake for most pollution and trash everywhere. On top of that it seems like the general population just doesn't care unlike in Africa where it was more an infrastructural problem. Also I noticed in general China people seemed the most not to care about one another, occasionally used the bathroom on the public street, ate incredibly unhygienic food and had awfully dangerous traffic for how developed they are. This is not a thread to make fun of Chinese people or Chinese culture but to inquire why they seem to have developed the way they have compared to other countries on and bellow their gdp.
  9. Conservatism isn't going anywhere. I think the current party is unsustainable for more than 10-20 years though. They will try to hold onto power through their minority rule tactics but they just don't have the numbers in the long run. I think they are going to be pulled left and have to adopt a number of Dem positions to stay relevant.
  10. this woman is incredibly toxic and i only imagine there is worse content, but how do you top saying to shoot/kill democrats?
  11. I bought 1 share in solidarity with the movement that wants to see wall street reforms. I don't stand to make a lot of money from this and I did not buy it with the intent to turn some huge profit. Maybe I'm getting taken for a ride like those BLM protestors that went to a Russian organized protest to start a fight with the alt-right. If I was wrong on this I will admit it when the dust settles but I want to see how this plays out.
  12. has what so far taken place ostensibly been against current laws though? this seems to be in a gray area. I'm not saying there aren't any devilish aspects to this but have any laws actually been broken yet regard what is going on with reddit?
  13. people are quite divided on here about this that is for sure. I would like to think my thoughts on this are more nuanced than the typical stage green burn the wall street establishment stance. I think there are some positive merits to this that have not yet made this movement spiral down into complete anarchy.
  14. I think this as an untenable purity test of what's going on. I'm well aware this started on a sub reddit whose original regulars look up to the guy from wolf of wall street. If anything I see it as finding some common ground in a current political climate where there is little between the left and right.
  15. yeah, I've noticed this as well. I wonder if this started out as an astro turf by right wing internet nerds. Either way it has taken on a largely green message.
  16. I wonder if this is actually true or some inaccurate myth spread by christian conservatives. Marriage and sex a few thousand years ago seems abusive and perverted by today's standards. I'm pretty sure humans started marrying right around puberty and it was treated as sort of a rite of passage.
  17. I have a feeling this movement is going to play out as a taste for what is to come kinda like Occupy Wallstreet. This is going to get squashed and burst but it will grow and morph into something else over the next ten years when something major will happen that will be felt heavily by everyone.
  18. You're putting the cart before the horse. US society is barely at green. It would be silly to expect more from the collective conscious. It would be like expecting civilians under a stage red leader to be coming together for stage orange individualism before going through the collective rigidity of blue. There is still value in stage green movements in raising people on the lower end of the spiral. Stage green is necessary to fall in love with the collective all before moving into integrative thinking and working with the distinctions within the all.
  19. most developed countries are barely in green. it's going to be a few centuries if not longer until every country is minimum majority green. there are countries on the african continent that are barely blue.
  20. marjorie taylor greene could legitimately be dangerous to have in congress
  21. this is the website Brian Rose set up with the $1,000,000 in donations he got and he then tried to run an additional $250,000 monthly donation goal for "running costs" before his base realized they had been tricked... You would have to be incredibly naive to think something like this even costs 10% of a million to set up. The whole thing took place in broad daylight so I'm not making anything up here. It is probably the biggest grift/scam I've seen take place on youtube during the pandemic.
  22. tbh after reading what the OP is saying Sahdguru said it isn't really that farfetched. I've accessed dimensions of siddhis myself but haven't bothered to develop them since they don't interest me. A lot of what he is saying is more subtle and what I would describe as perhaps being ontologically true in some form even though it may be paradoxical or metaphorical to more literal interpretations of reality. Him claiming he is the most developed seems a little egotistical like when Leo was doing it but is it all that different from a pro athlete claiming they are the best at something or an even better comparison, art artist proclaiming their masterpiece? I have no doubt he is one of the most realized but I didn't come to that belief from him saying it. It is obvious to anyone into this stuff that he is incredibly advanced and also a very mature human being as well. I'm glad Sahdguru is as selfless and as caring for other people as he is. It would be a pity if he lived his life as a recluse instead of making his life purpose to help others. Really the only thing I'm skeptical of is levitation but even that could have some metaphorical or different dimensional meaning to it than what I am speculating levitation is IE a human flying (without an airplane) or floating above the material ground. Don't take everything he says so literally. There seems to be some interesting truths outside of conventional logic and what he is saying may actually be something totally different than what we think he is talking about. Language has it's limits.
  23. @TheAlchemist I have never seen someone back peddle and become such a degenerate as quickly as Brian Rose. He was putting out high quality content and appeared to be quite developed in 2019. Then COVID happened and holy shit did he go off the rails. I'm pretty sure with inspiration from Alex Jones (who he did video colabs with around this time) he scammed his looney fanbase out of over a million dollars to set up some nonexistent video platform. There is a video that basically goes into this. The dude straight up scammed his new found base of Alex Jones fans as quickly as he got them.