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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. 100% boosting this. People, DO NOT MIX SSRI/SNRI WITH ANY PYSCHADELICS. PERIOD. People have died before drinking ayahuasca and doing this.
  2. In this case this advice is not for you. glad you found what works for you I also don't consider this advice "pick up." I loathe that word lol. it's just general advice for men who want to make themselves more attractive. Men for ages have been dressing themselves up in silly stuff to look appealing, from powdered wigs to bear skin.
  3. I guess it's up to you to do the inner work along side it to prove them wrong
  4. I'll share with you the brands I like here to give you an idea of my style. I personally like "Americana", work ware, and vintage stuff that feels a bit western and motorcycle rider but not frumpy like some old biker or redneck lol. Stuff that looks kinda rugged but has an elegance and artistic touch. To me personally it feels very masculine and I really like that feeling Think Levis classic style with a modern and artistic twist. I plan to buy this shirt: Multi&cgid=brands-double-rl-men-shop-all-cg&webcat=search#ns=shopall&start=1&cgid=brands-double-rl-men-shop-all-cg Yes, it is expensive but don't let budget be a barrier. You can shop for cool stuff way less at vintage stores and online if you look around and get an idea of what you like. I like this brand for jeans These two shops carry tons of cool brands more brands boots some awesome shirts for the summer. love shirts with colorful patterns like this. I feel like a beautiful peacock again, these clothes are more on the expensive side but don't let budget hinder you. there are brands like Levis that put out some wonderful stuff that aren't too pricey. your style may be totally different too so just keep an eye out for clothes that you thinks look cool, could be in youtube videos, movies, tv, when you go out, etc. Make a mental note of it and do some research on styles that feel nice and beautiful to you!
  5. Two prong approach - inner work: talking with a therapist that you really like (and that works with the body as well) to uncover beliefs and the bodily responses to them. - what Leo said, approaching anyway, and putting into practice a lot of what you learned from inner work No need to try and control emotions like this. Stuff like this arises in the body sometimes, feel it, be conscious of it, give yourself love, and still be honest and approach
  6. What looks more appealing to tear off? a gift wrapped in a brown paper bag Or a gift wrapped in a beautifully printed pattern
  7. Who knows how far the material dimension goes. If a reference point was established like scientists claim with the Big Bang it is probably finite just like all life. And beyond that who knows ? Can’t say I know much about it. I occasionally keep in contact with astral beings though. They are not grounded in the material dimension.
  8. Nothing wrong with that. do as you wish. don't expect your bliss to open every door though so this advice is for guys who are wanting to improve with women. jinco jeans = pussy magnet
  9. Cause 90% of “pick up” is low brow garbage that is mostly just grifting useless packages and programs comprised of stuff you can figure out on your own quickly to lonely men.
  10. I disagree. It's a fine reason to move abroad. I don't necessarily disagree with every point though. If you are moving abroad to find a gf/bf you likely do have some inner problems to look at which can be worked on while abroad. It's a form of taking action. Better than sitting at home in a place you've grown deeply resentful of. Sometimes a big change can get a person unstuck. I'm speaking from experience. I improved drastically with women when I traveled. Anecdotally a friend of mine as well who was having problems at home dating did as well and is currently in a long term relationship with a beautiful and smart Russian girl. It's what you make of it.
  11. seems to be that the suffering isn't inherent to such a state or being raw matter so to speak but the clashing of bodily sensation returning and it clashing with these very different reference points. it seems like the body has a very important function of keeping one grounded in the reality their reference point originally starts from. leave it to humans to fuck with this due to their curiosity
  12. was it the fourth ceremony with the breakthrough? shit... same...a dude at my first retreat kept telling me just wait for the fourth. holy shit is the 4th the breakthrough one. it is almost a synchronicity or destiny feel to it how it's always the fourth or last ceremony. this caught me off guard.
  13. I don't think you need to eat a rather unhealthy amount of food to make progress on it. Programming can be tweaked at the intermediate phase to accommodate for one's dietary intake as well as the light day I threw in there. I also brought in back exercises and the barbell row which for many will usually be worked in around the second or third month with the light day. Most novices can barely do a few chin ups so those are worked up to using lat pull downs or a similar exercise. You don't have to. Many people have improved on the diet advice of the original author. Barbell medicine and Barbell logic I think have basically taken everything from Starting Strength and improved on it and made it more holistic. Strength training programming isn't inflexible. It can be adapted and can accommodate your diet/recovery if you aren't doing "bulking" (which I don't) that is eating insane amounts of food/protein because they are trying to set new high records constantly.
  14. Yup, all those countries have beautiful women everywhere. Holland has both local Netherland girls and a lot of pretty foreigners from other EU countries and Eastern Europe. Sweden and Russia are a paradise of women lmao. Hungary, Poland and Czech are really good as well. Basically Eastern Europe / former USSR block countries, Scandinavia, South America (Brazil, Colombia, etc), Spain and Italy. Central Europe like Germany to a slightly lesser extent but it makes up with all the foreigners that move there. France supposedly is quite good as well. I am not knowledgable on Asian countries. I have heard if you are a black man from the US and prefer darker women, South America is great. Black people may experience some racism in Eastern Europe. Like Leo said, a lot of stage blue in these countries which can interfere with personal development. For gay men who may want a change, I heard Brazil is quite nice.
  15. let's be mature how we phrase stuff like this, but yes, I have heard that there aren't a lot of physically attractive local girls there outside of London and then it is 50% foreigners who are the attractive ones there. Just hearsay. All those countries you listed are filled with beautiful women in most places. I was in Spain and yeah, babes everywhere lol. In Brazil you can do very well as a foreigner due to there not being many and if you take the time to learn Portuguese your value will go way up. Learning the local language is important or at least getting to a level where you don't need to be pulling out the phone to have a conversation or looking like a clown in front of a waiter. The US has a lot of really beautiful women but to get the volume you have to move to one of the expensive cities like NY or LA.
  16. stop with the clickbait titles and this video is trash tbh
  17. generally speaking there is no right body per-say when it comes to parkour (lets leave out outliers, for example some power lifter that is very strong but incredibly overweight due to their dirty diet or some disabled person). There are fit people and unfit people. Or strong people and weak people. You want to be strong so you can do parkour more effectively and lift your body weight over obstacles and launch yourself with powerful jumps and leaps. these articles go into detail about how to implement and train for conditioning while getting stronger or what to focus on before the other. start reading half way down, he goes into some dumb personal story at the start The power clean can be implemented into programming towards the end of novice or intermediate to train for what you call explosion or the application of strength exerting force rapidly. Right now a lot of these lesser programs that don't make use of barbells you will see some progress b/c an untrained, weak person will make progress with any stress placed upon their body. It's optimal over sitting on the couch all day and doing nothing But if you really want to make progress and reach your top athletic ability look into the tried and true method of barbell training when the gyms reopen where you are. Keep doing what you are doing though. No exercise is always worse than not the most optimal or effective method/program.
  18. lol, how do i get out of 1200??
  19. Bolded are the lifts to focus on as a novice. No reason for a novice to be doing curls. It's a specific accessory lift and the arms will get plenty of attention doing bench and press. ideal novice program is 3 days a week d1 3x5 squat 3x5 shoulder press 1x5 deadlift d2 3x5 squat 3x5 bench press 1x5 deadlift d3 3x5 squat 3x5 shoulder press 1x5 deadlift upper body rotates each workout add 5 pound increments for upper body add 10 pound increments for lower body deadlift is likely to plateau first which in that case it is removed from d2 and replaced with a back exercise like chin ups or lat pull downs or barbell row when squat starts to get real heavy but progress is still being made, d2 can then have a light squat of 30% off the work load of the last d1 workout. when this program is exhausted it is onto an intermediate program which is more complex. but uses the same lifts and may have an accessory workout in it depending on what area needs it. not all lifts are likely to plateau at the same time so a novice to intermediate program is usually implemented in parts, with each lift being altered that has plateaued until the entire program is considered intermediate.
  20. this is a misnomer. there aren't different kind's of strength and really only two distinctions to be made in fitness. strength and conditioning/endurance. what do you mean exactly by athletic?
  21. I think you should start barbell strength training. It sounds to me like you are doing just random exercises now you don't really know much about that aren't really an actual program and you are over training an area of the body. I'm guessing you want to get stronger? Look up "starting strength" on youtube and "barbell medicine" also "barbell logic." Starting strength has a book on this method as well as a programming book called practical programming. Barbell training is basically the best training method for strength and fitness. Basically you need to clean up your training method and get on an actual program so it is actually effective and can be tracked. Then from there we can hone in on your recovery period if there are any problems there. Most novices won't face problems during their recovery period unless if they are having sleep problems or eat like one meal a day.
  22. I had the same experience my first time drinking where I interpreted every vision so literally like you did and just like you it wore off the next morning and I was left confused about what had happened. Trust me, tons of lessons in this that will continue unfold even after the trip. I have found mine to be highly metaphorical and a sort of creative way for piecing together beliefs and stuff buried away in the unconscious. It also sounds like you still need to take some more time to integrate this as well. I would not get so caught up on your crush for Leo which worked it’s way into this very complex/deep experience and keep you from realizing sooner the lessons and personal insights and growth that awaits you the more you integrate this.
  23. From my experience the people who talk most about this place way too much importance in this and yeah, kinda dumb. Yes, to a degree such a phenomenon exists, the say way if you spend a lot of time around really negative people you may feel yourself starting to feel drained, same phenomenon just conceptualized differently. It really isn’t something you should worry about or focus on. It won’t bother you if you don’t focus on it.
  24. I don’t think you can always distill green down to whatever personal experiences you’ve had with it. It is pretty diverse stage as are the other stages. I’ve met green feminist hipsters that are kinda all about gender neutral stuff and don’t really think about masculine / feminine stuff. I think this topic just comes up and depends on a lot of stuff how people approach it. Seems like it’s kinda two extremes when it comes to green though. Get the hippies going on about divine masculine feminine and the liberal hipsters going on about genders being a construct and not important.