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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. no one man should have all that powwwweeeerrrrr - kanye west
  2. you men a completely fearless human being? yes, it is possible, but they won't be around for long since they will be awful at survival.
  3. I think I pinched a nerve pretty badly in my neck a couple days ago and since then I've noticed all sorts of somatic painful symptoms that I often associate with fear and depression. My body is tingling often all over and I find myself in a sort of fear response constantly that is not going away. Going to try and stretch my neck some these next few days to see if I can free it up. From this a lot of negative thoughts have followed. This lead to sort of an insight. Since all emotions are felt in the body and are essentially physical sensations, can chronic pain lead someone to becoming very depressed and in an awful emotional state?
  4. Cast iron skillets are awesome. You need to season them before use and do it occasionally again (not after every meal) but they are amazing and really fun way of cooking. Can put them in the oven too.
  5. I feel anxious and emotionally blocked when around my parents. I don't feel as open around them cause I feel afraid of being judged and vulnerable due to all the quarrels and family issues and fighting from the past. I feel afraid to cry around them and don't really like to be too emotionally open with them. Has anyone been able to make progress at improving relationships with their parents?
  6. what seems blue to you in this? seems like some sort of comedic pure green with a healthy dose of all it's dysfunctional aspects.
  7. I really sorry. This sounds really painful and sad
  8. Woke as fuck but still thought jar jar was a good idea. God, you sure know how to tell a good joke.
  9. worrying about herpes lol let it go time to stop stigmatizing what is essentially harmless red bumps.
  10. Stuff I’m probably not even aware of or expecting. Probably 99% of the unpleasant stuff that I’ve experienced I didn’t even fear it before it occurred. It just happened and was unpleasant or painful. Not saying I wouldn’t be fearful if in a situation where I was acutely aware the end was nigh but death itself oddly doesn’t scare me much upon reflection. I have some personal realizations of what death is though so it isn't so scary. Perhaps a bit sad, a beautiful longing, but not so scary. far more stuff in life scares me off the top of my head - going clinically insane or psychotic beyond return where nothing stable can be maintained in this life - going broke - being emotionally open and potentially have my heart broke in a relationship - being shamed and rejected by loved ones and people I care about - getting cancer or some illnesses that causes great bodily suffering - hurting others out of ignorance or anger - spiders and big nasty bugs - airplane takeoffs - a sliver of uncertainty Whelp this was fun. Let’s do it again sometime!
  11. It seems like more ethnically homogenous countries have an easier job instilling collective social policies if they have the means to. I haven't done a full case study but it seems so at a quick glance.
  12. Are they though? I'm reading some about NFTs based on stolen artwork being sold. I'm wondering what started this bubble exactly.
  13. I just read up on this and holy shit. Perhaps one of the best examples of late stage capitalism. Crypto investors with way too much money are now investing in pretend-scarce items for no other reason to sell them off to other crypto investors doing the same. If you just let this set in for a moment you will literally start laughing with embarrassment at the absolute tom foolery of this and the games people play.
  14. Same, it doesn't really resonate with me much now after doing as much consciousness work as I have. I occasionally watch true crime documentaries that resonate with a curiosity and fear I have of encountering/experiencing such deeply twisted states that some people unfortunately find themselves in actuality/reality but for the most part I have little interest anymore in these dimensions where as before I enjoyed all the classic horror movies. True crime can help with understanding and feeling compassion for how an individual can become so twisted if you contemplate on it.
  15. It's a form of self expression. I think there are heathy and unhealthy ways to do this. To a certain degree it is necessary and a valid desire when really in your masculine and wanting to leave your mark on the world so to speak. Even animals do it lol. Ever heard of peacocks?
  16. sounds more like some dumb bubble fad to me than a timeless piece that will be remembered and studied in art history classes. dunno if the artist even cares or not about this, he got his bag.
  17. there is an existential reason horror movies are as popular as they are. they allow one to experience their fears and shadows without having to actualize it. nothing wrong with it per-say. I would let go about worrying about your vibration and honoring the part of you that views horror movies as long as it isn't interfering heavily with your life in a way that is dysfunctional.
  18. Have a lovely one I printed out. I'm not holding my breathe but I like how it makes me creative and it fills me with good feels so even if I don't get it materially I think it will come in some form symbolically.
  19. I guess when you've figured out a way to magically snap your fingers and have a million dollars in cash in front of you let me know
  20. Megan does not look ethnically white from a US perspective to me. I would think she is mixed or a Latina. She is very pretty though.
  21. wait... what? ok I'll have to try this
  22. this is one of the last things on my mind when looking at women. I'm attracted to it cause it just looks beautiful to me and a woman's body that is filled out nicely feels great to touch and be in. maybe there is something underlying at play but it's not what's conscious for me when in the moment.
  23. Yes, you have a limited free will that comes along with being a finite life so to speak. You obviously can't will a million dollars in front of you out of nowhere as this life. You have to make it, steal it or earn it. There is a greater will encompassing it though which is baked into everything so to speak that is willing everything all at once. It's god's will or the meta will. It accepts everything as it is essentially and allows it to be.
  24. sometimes I feel selfish/survival is subtly used by this forum as a substitute for good or bad.