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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. why do you need a reason? tap into the infinite love and beauty around you and the stillness of the present moment. too much thinking about questions that can't definitively be answered with mind cuts one off from this.
  2. lol I've never seen this subject come up anywhere spirituality is discussed as much as it has here. If you are struggling with solipsism thoughts you need to quiet your mind and leave your house/computer and get out into nature and get more social.
  3. the distinction between sane and insane I would say is how functional and healthy your life is. you can be pretty eccentric and kooky but if your life is healthy and stable I would not call that insanity. insanity is the homeless person yelling at themselves walking down the street.
  4. got my first shot gotta wait a month for the second
  5. thanks for sharing. i really love the sedona letting go method and hale dwoskin is a treat to listen to.
  6. I've made the most progress with a therapist that is green/yellow that does MDMA therapy and psychedelics. I personally look for someone spiritually awakened. It may not be the case for you and if someone that isn't helps you that is great. I personally have felt emotionally cold and neglected around CBT heavy stage orange rational therapists. They are at a stage where they aren't emotionally developed enough to give the reflection I look for in a therapist. Not for me, transpersonal from here on out but not someone who is cringy tryhard overly positive green. There are spiritually awake, mature yellow therapists out there. Takes time to find though.
  7. Honestly I don't think it's productive to try to understand this. If there is something you're specifically doing you think is causing you to make women find you unattractive or some inner stuff going on try to trouble shoot that stuff. You will go in circles trying to understand this question you pose. You can't specifically psychoanalyze every woman that you have approached or been involved with. I don't even see the point of it, some knowledge is kinda useless. I think it's better to just focus on your social skills, your own inner stuff and embodying confidence, pleasant emotions, masculinity, leadership and working on your life purpose and improving your status in society.
  8. I think claims of him abusing anyone was overblown and not accurate but Psymposia did make some good points about how facilitation can be improved and the problems with looser cowboy operations
  9. jesus green is so cringe to listen to sometimes. not denying the validity and insights in those videos, they make many... but man the framing is sometimes too much for me lol
  10. cause he wasn't a saint and mostly an aloof cult leader
  11. conservative comedy is not funny
  12. If I was to list some of "her game" without going too much into the why... - Making men work for sex and have them jump through all sorts of hoops and obstacles and ace tests before they get it, this is partially obstacles set up by the girl and just general stuff set up by life that comes between relationships. I could expand on this and write ten other bullets based off just this one but you get my point. - Keeping their options open and playing the field even though it may not appear that way when you are on a date with her, she is likely talking to a few other guys and there are likely a few behind them waiting to get her attention - Protecting her reputation and societal stuff about how women should be, she is being partially influenced by various other aspects outside of her coming into play, friends, society view of easy women, etc. I would say these are three main points. Dunno what else to add to this for now. Leo described it best, it is more subtle and coy the way it is done. These are not overtly or communicated in a sort of cold masculine way (duh!!!)
  13. I've noticed there is a spectrum of sorts of how people are sort of basing their paradigms and navigating or conceptualizing attraction. On one end there is the sexual value marketplace and heavily pragmatic people (example: pick up advice) and on the other there are the people who subscribe to notions of deep relationship building, authenticity, etc (example: those teal swan videos). Kinda reminds me of how life in general is sort of a balance between the physical and the spiritual. Going too far to either side can create an imbalance and usually lead to an outcome people wouldn't prefer. I'm in the process of sort of reconciling the more pragmatic side myself with the more divine/emotional/honest side. I think it's downright foolish to deny that there is a sexual value market place and both sides of the dynamic when it comes to masculine/feminine are playing their own game with their own interests mostly/solely in mind, all the same I don't think it's good to reduce it all down to just that cause it can make it seem very cold and overly and unnecessarily brutal and limit opportunities of growing in this domain.
  14. I would apply if I had the proper tech and internet. I’m experienced enough with editing and video production to do a great job at this. Unfortunately I’m in the process of moving and I’ve downgrade all my tech since traveling oh well
  15. therapy with a conscious professional who is holistic and accounts for spirituality in their practice and has awakened themselves. the modality itself usually isn't what is most important I've found.
  16. I came off this medication twice (I was on a fairly low dose for a little over a year each time) and I don't recall having sexual side effects after coming off it. I was able to have sex while on it but I recall it feeling a little more numb and not as sensitive, maybe a 30% decrease. Also I had less interest in sex and would maybe masturbate every 2-3 days rather than once a day while off. - Check for nutritional imbalances, REALLY focus on diet and fitness - Cold showers & daily breathe work - Get all your vitamins tested - How is your sleep? Are you getting deep healthy sleep? Go to a sleep lab to see if your are sleeping well - Comprehensive metabolic panel - Test hormones comprehensively & thyroid (TSH, T3, rT3, T4, SHBG, free test, estrogen, DHEA, cortisol, etc.) You said you have tried TRT, to what extent and how comprehensively? I would double check this and seek out a doctor that specializes in TRT and sexual dysfunction. General medicine practitioners usually don't know much about specific stuff. Seek out doctors that specialize in these symptoms and related disorders, male genital problems (urologist), hormonal systems (endocrinologist). This sounds pretty awful, I'm real sorry. I would really look for other people who have improved their condition and seek out doctors that treat sexual dysfunction in men as well as alternative medicines and treatments in this area. Would you say you can 100% starkly attribute it to the medication as well kinda like if you were in a crash and lost your leg or is it more ambiguous? Are there any mental aspects, stuff from the past, worries, emotions linked to it, psychosomatic so to speak, etc that are making it more difficult? Perhaps brainstorm and see if there is anything else this could holistically be connected to. You sound like you are emotionally hurting as well, this can impact bodily functioning and the sex drive. It's possible it could be a compounding of multiple things going on and clearing each one up will lead to improvement. Take a broad approach and address multiple areas in physical, mental and emotional. Another idea is psychedelics which you seem to be looking into. MDMA can make people horny as well. Really research whatever you take though in this are and weigh the side effects and benefits and positives, really do your research.
  17. I think neurotically thinking about "game" and pick up lines and bs like that leads to a dead-end in development. I think a more holistic approach is best, embodying masculine confidence and sweetness of emotion, discipline and taking action, strategically planning how to increase the numbers, material life in order, emotional wellness and able to handle rejection, honesty, having fun with it and being able to play the bad boy character occasionally. It's complex and for long term growth it will usually have a guy focusing on all sorts of area of his life even stuff somewhat removed from dating. Sometimes the quickest way to start getting an idea of what to do is something simple like taking on the task of approaching a girl. That alone will usually make a guy aware of six other things connected to this he can also choose to focus on such as handling emotions of rejection or realizing he lives too far away from where he is likely to find a girlfriend. See even the approach of "no game" an approach that came up from doing game, often exposes an overly logical mind where you are better off not focusing on this stuff and something else to make you comfortable in this domain. It's all connected so it's about trying several stuff out and seeing what works for you and what doesn't. It's gonna be different for everyone depending where they are at.
  18. can you do an updated video on how to be a man / embodying masculine energy / attract women, if you're interested in it (2-3 hour multi part one)?
  19. Dude enjoy yourself I like doing things alone too. Consider traveling alone, perhaps to a country you are interested in. You can meet a ton of people and even your next girlfriend on an extended trip
  20. I don't have a condition. just curious to see if anything is low or out of order or could be improved. overall energy is fine. some brain fog and occasionally lowish mood/energy but my diet is pretty mixed with a decent amount of junk food and I haven't been exercising lately. maybe it's a bit of a frivolous investment. I wanna see what my testosterone level is as well, maybe try to maximize it. I think I may just do it all to get an idea of my overall health. I think most will come out fine though so probably better just cleaning up diet and doing exercise again. EDIT: Decided to go with comprehensive hormone panel for men, basic general health panel and heavy metal urine testing. if the first two check out and are good I'm gonna move on to doing heavy metal detoxing if the third is off. wanna maximize my energy, mental clarity and creativity. gonna focus on diet and exercise next.
  21. I'm a man in late 20s. I'm gonna drop some cash on getting some lab work done just to make sure everything is in order or if I have any imbalances. This is what I'm looking at Comprehensive Health Check - Men's this is $1999 and tests a ton of stuff Also gonna get this done Heavy Metal Profile, Urine And finally Cortisol The total for all this is $2350. Is this a rip off? I'm in the US and it would be done through labcorp. Would you say this covers just about everything? Should I get anything else done? I'm mostly curious about testosterone and boosting energy levels!