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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Hello Ra'Jidaar! I am Vandoor, last prince of the intergalactic wood elves. You by chance know a La'Jidaar? Met him a few thousand centuries back. Maybe you’re related ?
  2. I’m sorry but your mom is wrong here. This is an awful way to build credit. Buy a cheap car in cash for $4-5k. You can build credit through a credit card.
  3. I think $8000 is too much for a car IMO I spend around $4000-$5000 max. You can get a used Honda or Toyota and they just fucking run forever. On top of that they are super easy to work on yourself and parts are easy to get. Invest a bit into tools which you can get at decent prices if you look around on Craigslist. if you are in the USA get all this stuff on Craigslist. Do your own research of course. Everything I said ain’t flashy and it likely isn’t gonna impress LA girls on the street like a luxury car but it will work and it will be reliable and it will get you around on a budget ! I drive a 2008 civic I got fit $4000 on Craigslist. I see no reason to spend a ton on a luxury car. Does nothing for me emotionally.
  4. Drunks ask me for cash all the time. I rarely ever give them it. It’s unfortunate part of reality but it is what it is.
  5. Time to rename this subform Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Solipsism
  6. lol always gotta love bashar... goodd dayyy to you!! he is cute I like listening to bashar.
  7. Yes, everything is consciousness there is no opposite
  8. lol don't gas light me. just like how guys in their youth shows each other their dicks and compare dick sizes or comment on each other's junk during the shower after gym. it's a common thing most guys have done. asking to see your friend's (who is a girl) tinder counts as well.
  9. stop separating sex from whatever else you have separated it from. sex/intimacy/love are all baked into each other. when people say men just want sex it means he just wants what is mostly going to satisfy his needs in a relationship without giving any thought to what she wants. a long term relationship is sort of a greater unit that builds on this foundation I'm discussing and leads to deeper more evolved stuff emerald has brought up, but the foundation of the house does not go away. when it does we see cheating which is where this thread started out. sometimes it goes away and said couple stays together for the kids.
  10. I agree, which is where this discussion opens up and I think the stuff Emerald has been saying and this trauma talk more-so comes into play. The initial grace period of attraction (first few dates and first few months of passion/sex) Leo is much more accurate on.
  11. I think it's 50/50. hard to put a number on it and it's kinda irrelevant. sorry if TMI but I like to eat pussy. it's a deep desire of mine. It did not come from my childhood, it came at puberty, cause it's just hot. and it's so strong I'm willing to put up with a woman trying to make me feel jealous all the time so she feels special and gets that masculine nature of holding strong over her games, up until a point and that breaking point is pretty high if she a GODDESS. has little to do with trauma and more to do with simply being a human in a body with human needs. the toxic masculine threshold for women is equally as high unless they are wise and have their desires under control.
  12. I'm honestly getting tired of the "don't know themselves" and "it's just trauma" talk. to some degree it is and with some patterns and people it is but I also think to some degree it isn't. people need to face the reality that they are willing to walk through some broken glass if it satisfies some deeply held desires the body wants without having to dress it up and ignore how silly yet crucial animalistic survival can be even for conscious people. don't need to spin some tale about it being trauma. just like you need to face killing a beautiful cute deer or cow to survive in the wild. doesn't have as much to do with trauma as some people are spinning in here but I guess that is how they wish to understand something that is more out of their control than they realize. more to do with wisdom not yet gained from life experiences. a lot of people will put up with BS if it means it satisfies a very powerful core desire the body needs to feel good and grounded. period.
  13. the strong-toxic coin for men is the opposite of the hot-crazy coin for women that is often brought up. I'm not going to post one of those dumb meme graphs but basically a guy is willing to put up with higher and higher levels of crazy with a girl if she gets hotter and hotter. strong-toxic coin is just the male version.
  14. thing is though many girls will settle for some toxic if it means strong. just depends what level of toxic is their cut off point. two sides to the same coin if a guy isn't conscious enough to be strong but also keep toxicity and narcissism in check. a really timid weak guy can be very sweet and selfless and not get any action. it's kinda ridiculous but whatever.
  15. he had sexual assault charges brought against him too. not sure if they ever made it to court or not. dude will molest/rape if it means a body added to his tally, sure he loves isolating sloppy black out drunk chicks in a van too.
  16. lol it just goes full circle and gets better and better every time it goes around... this stuff basically became the new normie mundane state for me and life just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter the more love I embody. If anything I feel bad for people who seem to have painted themselves so much into a corner that their death will likely be the only thing that releases them instead of it happening before while their body is alive.
  17. Thanks! Will do
  18. Yeah, if you live in a huge city there is basically a party out in the parks and streets during warm weather. Anywhere but there though.... the guy from wherever wandering around his local 1980s built mall should focus on changing his location, not focusing on improving his social skills.
  19. I haven't made my mind entirely up on your back and fourths with him over the last several threads. You articulate some interesting points and I think you account for a more wider view of things like long term relationships and marriage, family building, etc. but I find what Leo saying is a sort of a pessimistic way of framing what has often times been my direct experience of things, especially in the beginning with girls, and it's hard to argue against that for me.
  20. I never eat this stuff and I very rarely drink. I eat pretty healthy on the food side of things when I focus on it and avoid pizza and deep fried stuff. it's more-so the stuff that can barely be considered food. Soda / milkshake almost every day and tons of desserts, etc. I have a huge sweet tooth. Since my last thread I've cut all that out and so far it's going well. How come? I just got a supplement for liver cleansing. it has in it milk thistle artichoke leaf dandelion root turmeric beet root I think I'm gonna cut out coffee if it potentially hard on my liver while I try to lower these levels
  21. learn to follow your intuition. american men probably think Vegas is a good example of a city with beautiful people lol. materially speaking it's good for US standards I guess. there are literally droves of the most beautiful women I've ever seen on every single corner on every single street in some of these south american and european cities.
  22. lol day game is such a waste of time. you're like the farmer trying to plant a field of corn with a donkey and plow while your neighbor has one of those big ol fuck off john deer tractors. just get to a better place financially so you can move into a nice apartment with some bars one or two blocks away walking distance.
  23. the concept of the "nice guy" is sort of a joke in it's nomenclature. "passive aggressive guy" is what the term actually means.
  24. also god did not intend for regular cross species sex in his grand design besides for the will of some odd humans to be exercised. otherwise he would of allowed Mr.Hands to survive after willingly getting fucked by a horse...