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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. yes, text her the next day. you can even get her out the day after hooking up for some lunch. she will go if she likes you and doesn't have other plans. she may have even slept over the that night at your flat anyways if your flat wasn't awful so the next day you should spend with her. basically it's not too different and a lot of it is common sense. don't over think it. text her a decent amount and get an idea of what her schedule is like. if she has a decent amount of free time and likes you she will prioritize time with you. just be cool and fun and caring. I wouldn't go into it with mindset of absolutely making a specific girl to be your girlfriend after hooking up. you won't even know if you want her as your girlfriend until you've spent a good bit of time together over 2/3 weeks. just continue to see her often with no pressure if you like her a lot. after a few weeks of pure fun and enjoyment with you she will be wondering what you are and at that point take the lead and make it clear you want to be more exclusive. you can even get tested together at that point and start doing the deed without protection if that's your thing from there then you can tell her you want her as your girlfriend, introduce her as your girlfriend, etc. Introduce her to your friends early on. from my experience most girls aren't sleeping with multiple men at a time. some do this but from my experience most don't. so claim her as your own after these first few weeks of spending time together and enjoying each other. you will know if you want her as your gf or just wanna be fwb after 2-4 weeks. don't be scared to commit and find a gf. lots of guys missing out on the best sex just keeping a girl as a fwb until they get tired of his shitty dick game and move onto another guy.
  2. Nah, you did everything right actually. You escalated which is also a form of screening. A lot of guys getting into pick up think it’s magic and you are in complete control and can get any woman depending how good you are. No. A big part of it is making your move and screening for those that are down in the first place and knowing when to fold it when you come across those playing games or uninterested.
  3. You're over thinking it. Yes, this sometimes happens. If she wants some company and wants to just chat cause she's out alone that night for whatever reason. You can pick up on those vibes sometimes or sometimes you just have to find out. I think you did the right thing going with the flow and finding out if she was into you or not though.
  4. My relationship is facing the exact same thing right now so I can relate. You aren’t alone. I made this very thread a few weeks back. It sounds like you have a distinct direction you want to go. I’m lucky to have a job where I can potentially relocate but I’m still not sure I want to do it. It’s hard man, going through the same thing
  5. This is why these people are just as useless interacting with as right wing nutjobs. You can't build a consensus with such people or actually enact change. Democratic socialism is still very much baking in the oven. It has yet to materialize and no one knows what it will actually look like when it arrives in 20-60 years from now. The liberal's heart may be in the right place but they are as useful at getting the job done as a croissant used as a dildo.
  6. The party is JUST popping off at 2 in cities that actually have good clubs Main DJ usually doesn’t go on until at least 1.
  7. Interesting post, I like your thoughts on this especially the part about how the job acts as a container and it can help you develop your own.
  8. It may be a bit unrelated to you but one blind spot of mine that I've sort of filled in recently is you have to let go of your models and beliefs about women. If you find yourself feeling angry at women because they have it easy, or slightly judgement or resentful even on a subtle level, explore those feelings. Put those emotion into writing and get clear on your beliefs about women and what is triggered when you get rejected. Women do pick up subtly on this. Beliefs like "the hotter she is the more crazy she is", "women are spoiled", etc. Let go of all your beliefs about women and approach each and every one with wisdom but also an intuitive curiosity that she is her own person and unique in her own way. Attune. Don't shoehorn her based on how hot she is or what you think women are like due to some pick up model that you saw in a youtube video. This can be very freeing and give you a level of presence around each woman that will greatly aid in your leadership, influence and fulfilling both your desires and helping her fulfill hers and share your love with her. And even if sometimes it feels like you do everything right, it may not go your way, and even sometimes when it feels like you did everything wrong, it may sometimes go your way still. Look at things from a large perspective and don't be afraid to make mistakes and address triggers when they arise with compassionate self reflection.
  9. All those premium systems, exclusive programs and complete theories from pick up guys are played up way more than they are worth and used to grift desperate guys out of cash. They can create a lot of tunnel vision for guys and I've seen a plenty get stuck in the theory loop or even just stuck in one approach hopping from one program to the next making little progress. You can learn a thing or two from them for sure but I remember seeing some of them costing like $5000..... the fuck Real ones know that pick up theory is basically useless once you reach a level of consciousness, usually through trial and error, where you realize it's about the principles and values you embody and aligning yourself with authentic desire. The theory I oddly find most helpful now will be books on more broader topics on relationships, sex and love, and even then I'm very hesitant and flexible when applying such theory. It's about finding out what works through experience, reflection and flexibility, not trying to shoehorn your experience desperately trying to get it to fit some theory you overpaid for.
  10. Nah, loud music is good for your health. If the music is good that is I also don't like to go clubbing more than once a week. I've never liked going on a rager / bender. I may go twice a week max, and that won't be every weekend.
  11. live and learn, the more you text and reflect you'll get an idea of what feels right. sometimes you won't get a reply. it's fine. focus on the girls that do reply.
  12. Gun laws are just fucked in the USA. The very fact that a 17 year old kid can go around pretending to be a cop is crazy. I think there are tons of issues and factors that lead us here but the issue runs deeper than the sort of surface level problem the trial was about.
  13. Size does matter for many women. If you’re a cool guy it usually won’t be a deal breaker though if you’re not gifted down there. If you got this you know it tends to help in most situations. The size satisfies a lot of women and feels good and makes her feel filled fully with you. It makes it easier hitting all the spots properly in her vagina as well. You gotta be careful though cause it can hurt her if you aren’t careful with your technique. A lot of Girls like it rough too so it takes some finesse and skill if you got a large D but it’s easy to learn. Kinda takes anal off the table too unless if she really trusts you and you know what you’re doing.
  14. One thing that can make this sort of situation slightly more tolerable is just hunkering down and focusing on it being an exercise of discipline. You can learn to sit better with uncomfortable emotions. No need to look for conflict in this situation. Be mindful of your body, keep your chest out and keep breathing deep. Focus on your work and doing it to perfection with no mistakes, like you are a master craftsmen. This deliberate exercise will aid you in the future. Make sure to get plenty of rest and not bite off too much outside work. Also remember it will change, do your best at this job and get a good reference and move companies when the opportunity arises.
  15. This is why you need a balance of both the boyfriend sort of approach and the horn dog. It’s sort of an intuitive skill where you feel it out and know when to ramp up which side in which moment. You need both for sure if you want to feel fulfilled in your dating life l. You can get action being too far off to either side but it will cause problems. Too far in the boyfriend frame? You’re gonna be passed over a lot and seen as boring and platonic. Too far in the horn dog frame? You’ll get action, but it may not be the quality of woman you most desire. just a quick personal story: I had this exact conversation with my gf the other day. I’ve been initiating her into the male POV of dating and she is kinda blown away by it. I illustrated these two points and she sorta had a totally different paradigm where from her POV it’s most important for a guy to be in boyfriend frame so both people see if they are a good fit together. I basically was finally able to fill in her blind spots. She admitted that the guy that’s pure boyfriend frame can get boring and after a couple dates with such a guy she is praying to god he has a huge dick cause everything else about him is making her dry. A lot of women are simply blind to the sort of aspects of masculinity men sort of have to play and act through to be attractive and turn women. They don’t care and just go with the flow and feel if it’s fun or not. Many women don’t like to conceptualize this stuff at all like guys do.
  16. Holy crap, I just looked through that thread and then went down a bit of a rabbit hole looking at that subreddit. What a bunch of clowns. Makes me appreciate the discourse here about dating way more.
  17. He drank Aya, of course he had an awakening. That’s kinda the point of drinking it.
  18. didn't this john anthony guy have sexual assault charges brought against him before? I remember it was mentioned here before.
  19. The same ways that have been touted here, especially since Leo got more active in this section. That classic sort of RSD game approach. Todd V is a good example who still teaches this type of approach. Look him up on YouTube. It’s not useless information and is still a very valuable skill set but I also recommend guys just getting into it to be prepared to balance it out with inner work and more holistic approaches to women/dating/sex when they feel they have gotten their fill of the fuckboy/badboy side you gotta cultivate. The best mix I’ve seen of this is James Marshall / The Natural Lifestyle on YouTube. These guys have very solid game and IMO it’s a much more healthier form of game. They do take the sort of classic bad boy aspects that a guy does need to be attractive but they also don’t neglect the more sensitive and emotional sides, boyfriend side, etc. when things are in balance the results you will get will not only be good but you will also feel quite fulfilled by them. One of the biggest limitations with the game being touted here and with Vegas game is that it sets few guys up to becoming sex gods. When you realize that becoming absolutely incredible in bed and an incredible lover is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your overall attractive levels for a woman you will know you are on the right path. This specific quality and skill is something that’s very hard to develop if you aren’t willing to surrender to love and requires a ton of inner work and emotional vulnerability, just having ONS at a holiday resort city is not enough to develop this. Women subconsciously feel when a guy has developed himself to sex god statues and it permeates through all layers of your game. You can be an ok guy with ok game and ok finances and be a sex god and beautiful women will feel that and you will get laid regularly if your logistics are ok, they will stay around as well. This requires doing deep inner work and facing all the uncomfortable beliefs and buried traumas.
  20. Strength Protection Rationality Leadership Positive ownership Containment Masculinity Charisma / Charm / Humor Physical Safety Emotional Safety - Attunement to timing, situation and setting Closeness Attunement Sensitive response Emotional availability and stimulation Kind Fun Good sex
  21. @Pavement This guy gets it. You did a great job describing the differences in the nightlife and my issue with US nightlife. Socialism in ACTION in European clubs The same beautiful girls vining to get to one those tables in a Vegas club are just chilling and dancing in European clubs waiting for some dick, and you can get to them after a small cover or even for free if you know how to dress well and show up properly. Guys are way less thirsty/desperate in Euro clubs as well I've noticed. Way less of that competition feel to get laid. US finding a way to monetize nightlife like this has super fueled the simp culture and try-hard alpha male dynamic in these clubs. It makes sense why Leo is so hesitant to buy girls drinks when he goes out. Not the same in Europe. The elite business sheik status creates a super competitive/raw environment in US clubs. It is NOT fun to game in those clubs feeling like you have something to prove. The vibe is just different and the sort of class divide is less present so people are way less competitive and often times not trying to prove something as much in Germany, Spain, Amsterdam, etc. The DJs are way better too. No one is paying $180 to hear Steve Aoki play, they want to get in a photo with him for their IG. The artistic integrity is better in Euro clubs as well. Tale of Us, Nina Kraviz, Solomun, Black Coffee, etc can literally go to world class venues and see these amazing DJs and meet the most beautiful women in the world for like $40.... Like their healthcare, US people are getting ripped off with their nightlife! Also don't get me started on drug culture in US night clubs. It's all about cocaine which is not a good drug to take regularly for one's psychology. In Europe it's Molly which is WAY better for accessing the most incredible and erotic love with the opposite sex (or same) It just puts people in such a caring and loving place, cocaine makes people aggressive and egotistical.
  22. And most of them are down to fuck just as much in Vegas but it takes a somewhat different approach. You find yourself getting laid a lot the more authentic you are, a balance between fuckboy and boyfriend. This is the reason I'm not a fan of US Vegas game, because it's just that, pure fuckboy GAME. Nothing wrong with developing those skills. They are actually important to have. I've developed my fuckboy side quite a bit already so now I enjoy having a balance. The skillset is raw because the window/context is much more narrow. ONS game is another way to describe it. It's fine for a summer holiday but if this was the only avenue in my city to get laid I would get sick of going out. Agreed, this is why I don't vibe long term with Vegas. I've never been but I can just tell by seeing youtube videos it isn't my vibe. It would be fun for sure. I could see it being a decent place to go to for a few months to have some sex and just have straight fun for a few months but it isn't a long term place for me. These table heavy clubs are more of a US thing. The reason being because the country went through a huge ego backlash after disco where nightclubs were basically labeled "gay", lots of homophobia and racism around it, Disco Demolition Night, etc. Because of this the classic night club hasn't really evolved since in the US. It continued in Europe but died in the US. Also why Electronic music is awful in the US and rarely curated well (it's just starting to improve). So your sort of classic night club fell off, so in order for this business to stay afloat they introduced tables and vip sections, a sort of tier list in the club and entice patrons to spend on them. It changes the vibe tbh. You really have to spend a decent amount of cash just to meet hot girls in the US clubs vs Europe clubs, it's kinda a fucked up genius how someone in the US was able to figure out how to monetize that so heavily. No goddamn way is Steve Aoki worth $180 to see
  23. You need to go to the good clubs where you are. Your city may not have good clubs. Sausage fest clubs are the worst. Nightclubs are not like that where I am so I'm lucky. Just the shitty tourist ones will get like that here at like 4am as the doors are closing and the last round of guys that didn't find anyone are holding out lol. A good club will have an equal mix of men and women and the vibe won't be that feeling of thirsty dudes running around fighting over what few chicks there are. The vibe is shot if it's tons of dudes and only a few girls that are kinda weirded out by all the sausages coming up to them. The worst. Such establishments are a rarity where I am thankfully. There are basically two sorts of clubs Table heavy clubs - These ones will have tables you spend extra money to sit at and drink at and impress the people who don't have a table. They will also have a VIP section usually with more tables. These clubs in general are kinda awful to go to alone. It's possible but it's not fun from my experience. They will have a dance floor of course but depending on the venue and the vibe it may be real table heavy and people will be in their own groups. Disco clubs - These are your classic club. A bar and a huge dance floor, maybe some places to sit off the to side. People at these clubs are usually more into the music that is playing and focused on dancing. These are my personal favorite type of club as I love Techno and House. I've gotten a lot of action at these type of clubs. They are just fun! I would say go out and explore what clubs you like and get an idea of the venue and the vibe of the nightlife. You realize having fun is a very important key factor. From there it's just talking to girls at the club and enjoying yourself, always move things forward at a pace that feels right. You get a feel for it with just experience. When you start having good conversation, making out or grinding with more girls at the club you just build up this sort of intuitive knowing when it's time to order a taxi and guide them back to your place. I think you need to start with just finding good clubs first.
  24. the fuck? does this come with a complementary hand job? That's insane. Is this some Vegas shit or something? I've never been there before. I can't say I've payed that much just to GET INTO a club. I didn't even know there were covers that high. Seems sleazy and kinda shitty on the club. I guess a good classic CLUB is a thing of the past and they need to do this just to keep the doors open. If it's a good club IE the vibe has artistic integrity to it there won't even be a cover unless there is a famous DJ playing. It will just be hard as fuck to get in and no amount of money can change that. I've gotten tickets to get into certain high end night clubs but they were basically high end parties with some of my favorite DJs playing. More like a concert/rave. I'm gonna try my best to not start on how awfully overrated I think the US is for doing game but if that is the cover cost to get into one of those behemoth table heavy cattle show clubs, god help American men lol. They have no clue how much better night clubs in Europe are.
  25. It’s a place holder color given for a potential stage beyond turquoise.