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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I mean you have a point. My discipline has been a bit lacking recently. I think I’m doing a disservice to myself not putting more effort into transitioning to my life purpose. I’m sort of spread out though with other areas of life so it makes it hard to really go all in and transition.
  2. Yes. You retrain your nervous system and uncluttered your beliefs and there are many ways of going about it. Journaling, therapy, inner child, integrity, etc. I’ve reached this point as well. Worrying about your state before going out is like worrying about being in shape 10 minutes before a marathon. It’s something you should of trained and done months/years prior. It’s why I’m such a huge proponent of inner work to get women and don’t really recommend highly tactical/ cognitive classic pick up style approaches for getting women. The outer stuff just falls into place mostly on its own when you’re thrust into experience and when the inner is untangled and flowing. The one thing the classic pick up approach gets most right is exposing yourself to plenty of experience.
  3. You’ve mentioned it a bunch here before. You expect to find a near perfect trauma free partner that’s done decades of work on themselves. Even if they have done that, such a relationship will still require a lot of grueling work. It’s fairy tale ending type thinking if you think a relationship without some sort of serious issue like this at its core is going to happen. People win the lottery sometimes I guess. Living out standards and screening from a place of presence is different from vowing to yourself you have high standards and writing about it. I can relate to what you said, I’ve been in a relationship once where she was just learning to walk and I was learning to fly. There is just a dimension and breadth of experience missing in your prior post that makes it look like you haven’t overcome a very serious issue like this with a partner before. Maybe you have with some other issue that was more tolerable for you. I’ve played therapist before. It wasn’t the worst thing but maybe this is far more of a deal breaker for you. If anything I feel fine giving such a level of containment and it’s a type of clarity I can offer due to the work I’ve done. I just can’t imagine finding such a girl like this without any sort of issues. At a certain point it looks like cold feet and an avoidance to dive into this domain of life fully to find great treasure. Zero trauma, sexy, cums easy, fun personality, does personal development, etc; you can only pick a few from the list.
  4. I agree with you in essence but your post makes it look like you totally lack the sensitivity, maturity, artfulness and finesse to actually dive into and overcome an issue like this yourself. It’s just plainly obvious in how you write, but I obviously don’t know how you are in practice. It looks like you would bail quickly on it and not put even a fraction of the energy and passion you put in your videos that you would into the relationship to fix an issue like this. I actually faced a similar issue like this in my relationship. It didn’t have to do with orgasms but overall a feeling of sexual incompatibility from my end and her feeling a lack of passion on mine. She was kinda shut off and I wasn’t enjoying the sex. It took a lot of work and patience but we made it through and I noticed it is a continuous process we confront occasionally. The absolute most exhilarating life changing, passion filled, kinky, god levels of sex isn’t usually just something that happens effortlessly at first. It takes a lot of work and bluntness is one way to go about it but it needs to be approached from many angles with patience and in different ways at different times. It’s a complex issue few deep relationships won’t face.
  5. Good points. It could be her own psychological blockages. I’ve found a few things work to overcome this. 1) listening and not judging. Basically getting a nonjudgemental avenue of communication going. This can be a little tricky cause she may be closed off at first. Get her talking about sex and start getting an idea of what’s going on in her head. Creating a judgement free zone! 2) Willingness to pleasure her. This goes hand in hand with listening. Show her that you want to make the sex better and really want to make her cum. Make her feel love, safe and cared for. This can allow her to relax and be less tense during sex. 3) Tell her how beautiful she is. Really express in words how beautiful you find her and how turned on you are by her body. This type of compliments given to your girlfriend can help boost her confidence if it’s a visual thing. Even my gf sometimes gets anxious and tells me not to look, especially when taking out the buttplug I’d say really assuring her she is beautiful and you look looking upon her can get her to relax. Make it clear nothing about her visually repulses you or is judged by you.
  6. Your love language doesn’t make you more masculine or feminine. There are masculine and feminine ways about everything. You can also have a mix. Be predominantly masculine but sometimes be feminine and your love language may be recharged by a more feminine activity.
  7. I don’t do it. I’m over 6’’ too. It feels like I’m qualifying myself or jumping into some sort of stupid dating game and societal thing. I don’t need that in my profile. The whole outspoken and judgement “being tall” thing wasn’t even a thing until more recently. I don’t wanna partake in such shit.
  8. Nice man, I was just thinking about how much poon famous djs get. Basically stand on a stage and play some mp3 files from a MacBook. I REALLY wanna be a famous dj lol.
  9. I don't play dumb games like this. If you're trying to develop some sort of fun natural way of teasing her and having fun/charm it might work to show you how far is too far but I think there are other ways. Just look her deep in the eyes, breathe deep and visualize you having confident dick game and giving her multiple orgasms. That right there can change your vibe. You want a low key sexual vibe. It doesn't have to be through silly games like this. You're betting against the house when you adopt heavy tactical approaches. Just focus on developing and on your capacity to be in and relaxed in great states when interacting with women. It takes time to make these inner changes but it brings about the best long term results.
  10. To be honest this discussion can kinda go both ways, either into useless JP mind garbage or touch on some wisdom. I'd say I sort of see it similar to this way. It's recognizing the sort of capacity or faculty of being cruel and not judging it and seeing it as a part of human psychology and behavior. Expressing it in healthy ways, usually it is attached to anger and other uncomfortable emotions. The video is kinda distracting though and probably would appeal to everyone that liked that Joe Rogan post in the other thread.
  11. Make sure to be discreet. Also, look really good. Make sure to keep on top of the barber and dressing well. Dunno if this will actually translate to anything for you besides a paycheck.
  12. He has some great qualities to him. He's a great example of discipline. I've found there are traps being stuck for too long in this mindset. There is a flow and unfolding and acceptance state that I think is equally important. I'm in the process of marrying this state and the discipline state. I think both are very important to have.
  13. The same people nodding and going "yes" to a post like this are watching those weird cult of personality motivational Elon Musk videos on youtube where it's like a mashed together monstrosity of various clips and exciting music with flash transitions.
  14. Agreed. The older generations back in the day committed genocide and literally almost nuked the world to charcoal. Orange and blue love to shit on green. Green is fun to make fun of but if we are actually looking at who is actually trying to set up a world based on the well-being of everyone it’s green.
  15. Oh, that’s a tricky one. I can imagine that being painful. I would imagine a genuine apology would be in order if they forgot. Sounds like they acted kinda aloof after this happened though. I’d feel confused and hurt too. Are you sort of holding onto this friendship out of decorum? Or did you care about this person a lot and consider them a relevant friend? If it was someone close to me I’d bring it up to them and discuss it. If it was someone kinda distant and just a sort of party friend I’d let it go and either go or not depending on how hurt I felt by it.
  16. I get it. You feel awful and angry about it. It's fine to vent and I hear your anger and how shitty such a situation is. You still deserve respect though regardless of this problem. You don't need to go around calling yourself a loser. At least be gentle with yourself and give yourself the love and respect you deserve while you take the actions to find or create some fulfillment for this issue.
  17. Nothing wrong with being a virgin. You don't deserve to be hated on for it or made fun of it in any way. When you feel ready and the opportunity arrises have some sex. You do you. Some people may judge you for it but fuck them. Some people may not feel it and not want to sleep with you because of it. That is their right but also know there is plenty of opportunity to still lose it. You can still always find and work towards having sex. Your v-card is not a problem. The stuff limiting you and making you feel bad is.
  18. Doesn't have to be just for online dating like tinder. Having it on your Instagram as well helps a lot. I would make sure all your clothes looks good and fits well on you. Also make sure you just went to the barber in all your photos. Motorcycle photo is always good. I think you have a ton of ideas here. If it's a good photo, it's a good photo.
  19. A lot of those goofy PUAs don't know shit about maintaining a relationship much less been able to keep one around for longer than a couple months. Yes, you can talk about your problems with your girlfriend. It just depends on the quality of the conversation, how you go about doing it and how you are able to handle the ruptures/repairs when they occur. Lead her and guide her to appreciating this more conscious fork of masculinity. My girl was sort of confused by this and she is now very accepting of it. If you are a man of integrity and she is a cool girl she will be open minded. She isn't your therapist so try to avoid all sorts of heavy dumping and expecting her to solve it for you. Get a feel for when it's appropriate to share. You are going to need to open up like this with your girl or else you will feel like a stranger. The relationship will be kinda shallow and pathetic then which is where such advice about being closed off will lead you.
  20. I agree for the most part. I buy flowers and stuff for my girl but we have been together a while and are super close. Wasn’t a thing at the start. The thing is though I’ve noticed in some cultures a guy is expected to sort of win over a girl early on with flowers and fancy dates. It’s kinda dated but still a bit of a thing and valued in some places.
  21. I mean I do agree it gets much better the more you fall in love. I don’t like the feeling of waiting long though for the first time. I don’t have time for that lol. I’d rather get started on it right away and see how we vibe physically.
  22. I'm sort of the opposite. I want to get into bed quickly before so I know we have a physical connection. Somewhere on the first to third date. Maybe it's a bit fast but it feels right for me. It also builds a ton of intimacy between us. I find the long drawn out approach never leads anywhere. Maybe I just don't fit into this approach idk?
  23. I faced the same issue in the past after hooking up. From my experience I realized I was being too cold and closed off because I was scared of being needy. I learned from this mistake. If she likes you she will be down and be delighted to have your affection, especially after sleeping with you. Send her memes, have some fun chit chat, complain with her about her shitty boss, etc. Texting a lot is not necessarily neediness. How compliant and how much she invests along side you is important but you also have to take the initiative first to see how interested she is. What you probably have done is somewhere in the past shown interest and were rejected and then labeled this situation as something wrong with yourself or you having neediness. I can tell you now if you act too conservative after sex she will think you just wanted a fuck and it will not turn into a relationship.
  24. it exists for sure but I wouldn't worry about it. if you respect yourself and nurture your ability to feel things out you will find chicks that won't run around your back like this. it's kinda like how low self esteem people end up with shitty friends that use them. you will spot the signs and know it before walking into a trap like this. Even then we learn through mistakes. Worrying about it won't help though. Stick your values, always screen and keep your self esteem high. You should do fine.