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Everything posted by Lyubov
most girls are way too shy to call themselves the girlfriend. they will look for the guy to call her it first. it's always been that way from my experience.
Don’t worry at all about your past and being inexperienced here. You absolutely don’t have to disclose all this stuff especially on a first date and likely even in the subsequent months of dating a woman. I was actually in the same position at your age. She has plenty herself she is not ready to be vulnerable and open about. That’s not the focus here. Focus on having fun and taking a bit of a risk. No need to take it so seriously. Look at it as an opportunity to expose yourself to a new experience, learn and have fun. I hope you enjoy your date!
A lot to answer here in your post. A lot of this you will have to figure out on your own and trust your own knowingness and intuition. You got this my guy. I can give you a few insights I’ve had though. If you hang out and talk a lot via text, are emotionally vulnerable with each other and are having sex regularly then it is going in relationship territory. FWB just feels different. You will know what I’m talking about. It’s like knowing when you had an orgasm or awakening. You will just know and feel it’s happening. You will be thinking a lot about this girl and she will always be quite free and available to hang out and spend time with you. You may even find you are introducing each other to your friends and starting to RELATE, that is becoming a WE over an I. Making plans together, etc. FWB feels very separate and just about the sex and hanging out a bit after. For you, be fearless and let the relationship unfold and allow yourself to slowly grow into her. From there a lot of this neediness will surface and you can start addressing it and healing it so to speak. She will have her own process like this unfold as well. Good luck!
You’re playing a loser’s game ranking women like this. It does untold damage to yourself and your esteem in return. Stop ranking them and just pursue women you find beautiful.
You actually are deeply misinformed and parroting a lot of red pill talking points here intentionally or unintentionally. I'm sorry for being so blunt here. You make a few valid points why it might be bothersome to a man but your entire conceptualization of "why" is actually so off and just screams a lack of dating experience with women both in their 20s and 30s. You can ask a woman at any age what dating is like and they will all say it's hard. That's the nature of the beast. It does not get harder past 30. Maybe the thought stories behind it changes but the rawness and emotional rewards stay the same. You saw a video of one or two women complaining about dating being hard in their 30s and are now basing your entire world view around that thinking it gets harder for all of them and that this somehow morphs into some sort of existential crisis for them. Does it get harder to conceive and start a family? A bit. Could that be a regret, yes. But that has nothing to do with finding a partner a woman is satisfied with. Plenty of divorced me not looking to have kids. Your bolded statement is literally pure fantasy of what you think it is like for women. You have no clue actually. I can tell you now most women, if they married a guy, are happy and not going into some sort of maximizing thought story where they think they could of married better if they were in their 20s. I'm going to be repeating a previous point I made in my last post if I explain further. It's somewhat superfluous to the discussion but no, playboys/puas don't cause nearly the amount of harm the guys here say they do. Modern women know when a fuck is a fuck and actually are far more psychologically equipped to handle this than you realize. They are playing their own cunning game and most are far more prepared for what happens when they play with fire. It doesn't feel good to be ghosted but playboys don't have nearly the investment in her to sway her so much that it traumatically affects her future relationships in a heavy/impactful way. She may be more cautious to hook up on the first date with a playboy going forward but that is far more surface level than what we are talking about here. In terms of feeling special. I agree with you there. That is a valid point that if your partner has a higher number than you that it can cause a feeling of imbalance. I already addressed this in my prior post how to handle this in a healthy way. You are free to pursue your other desires and leave the relationship or stay with her knowing, or not knowing her past, whatever she is comfortable disclosing to you. I don't look down upon such under developed men. I think they just handle this issue in an incredibly dysfunctional way. Read my prior post. It would be so much easier if shame and judgement wasn't wrapped up with being a slut. Men and women could openly disclose their bodycount and find someone they feel comfortable being with. Some will be put off by the imbalance and free to find someone similar to them. People who don't care can be together. That's not reality unfortunately. This is an issue that unfolds over several months in a relationship (or even longer, or just swept under the rug). I also agree with your analysis of relationships in these societies. All of them have room to improve in. There is plenty of judgement even in advanced societies on this topic. I know the center of gravity isn't exactly where I am but I'm also aware I'm much more advanced than most men and I'm a trailblazer and leader in this domain just through my understanding, being and energetic presence. And for the record, I actually do prefer to have a partner that is at or bellow my level of experience. I can relate to this issue. I've dated a woman more experienced than me before and it was an issue. I learned from it though and learned to create a healthy and judgement free way of handling such an issue without conceptualizing in all sorts of crazy, judgement based, lowly developed red pill ways like you have.
fair point here. women play a role in this problem of transparency as well.
How about you start believing women? Not all that dumb pick up bs about how every woman lies about this and can't be trusted. Most won't bother telling you if they aren't comfortable or they will tell you the number flat out if it's honestly low.
It's all the garbage slut shaming and dumb red pill mindsets that make it hard/impossible for a woman to just flat out tell her date early on how many other guys she has been with. It would make dating , spotting this imbalance and finding a match so much easier if this wasn't the case. You both could tell each other how many partners you both had and then know right away if there is an imbalance and then decide where to proceed. It's easily done with saying if you want kids or not or how rich you are. Not have to draw this bullshit out over months and play idiotic coy games. All the stupid mindsets on this just setting everyone up for failure because a portion of people are super butt hurt and judge someone getting more action than them. This is done so much more transparently with other values. Shame sex still carries this taboo.
It's not the mainstream male perspective. It's the perspective of under developed men. The center of gravity may be leaning there more but we are striving for more here obviously. It matters but it depends on why it matters. Is it hidden because of under developed men judging it and dumping their insecurities on her about it or for reasons beyond that? Women enter into relationships for many reasons. Sex is very important, no doubt, but it's not the entirety of it all so to speak for the relationship to feel whole. That doesn't solely determine the value of her man in her eyes. She subjectively may feel very different about what he is bringing to the table and not even be thinking about her past or his. It does not become harder for a woman in her late 30s to find a good husband. This is incredibly subjective what good is and it's evident you are putting far too much weight into that sexual market place BS that fits very specific sexual preferences of yours. It doesn't apply nearly as much when it comes to settling down at this stage in life. You're parroting red pill jargon. Women base their value of men on a lot more than his job at that age. A good bit have probably already been married once already and are getting into a second marriage with another divorced man. I would also say they are evaluating their partner much more holistically at this stage as well when choosing. You are describing a woman stuck in the past with your last statement. That's easily avoided and not something that comes up much in a healthy relationship. Most women don't have to worry about being forever-alone-ers like the guys on here getting into pick up do.
Definitely not the perspective of all men. You basically just listed all YOUR own insecurities here Women will compare you to their exes no matter the number. This shouldn't sway you too much if you are confident in yourself. She will almost always be staying with you as well if she values you as a whole more than she does an ex of her's from her past. Women live and learn you know. If you have any question about this then there is something wrong with your current relationship at it's root that likely doesn't have to do with her past. Find loyal, honest women, build better relationships. Women are much more ruthless in their settling than what is appreciated on here. Guys here far overvalue the ticking biological clock high value/ low value BS that is said to play a role on female psychology. Most would long and far become crazy single cat ladies before settling with a loser guy or guy they think is lower than those they fucked. She's in a relationship with you precisely because she sees you as a high value guy. The bolded is probably the silliest part of your post. Especially today with the career focused path and being able to have a baby into the late 30s. Women have a lot of options today besides starting a family. I've dated a woman who was scarred after dating (LTR) a single guy and having slept with 5 total at the age of 24. Playboys don't scar women even though they wish they had this amount of sway/influence/impact on a woman they hooked up with for a few months. The scarring comes from dysfunctional LTR. I'm also far more suspicious of the envious partner that has less experience over the experienced partner that clearly knows what they want now out of a relationship. This list you made doesn't hold up at all. It's fine if this is the stuff going on in your mind finding out your girl has slept with more people than you but you are far away from speaking for all or even a sizable portion of men on this topic.
Having an imbalance in a relationship that stirs up some painful feelings is perfectly normal. Imbalances are an aspect of relationships that can sometimes cause some issues but can also be overcome if both sides wish to do so. For instance a financial imbalance is a good example. You don't see rich people marry middle class or poor people too often but it sometimes happens. When it comes to sex partners you can feel intimidated or even feel some envy if your partner is more experienced than you. You can even prioritize wanting to go and gain more experience and fulfill your desires with more partners over being in a relationship. That's fine too. Creating some sort of toxic world view that any woman who has had more sex than you is untouchable and any guy that is with her is a beta is pure insecurity and pathetic small dick energy stuff.
If you want a highly passionate romantic loving relationship with you feeling like a superior man that has a beautiful woman by his side then yes. It's a very important aspect. You're free to settle for letting it fizzle out and having a platonic life partner instead though if you so wish.
It's largely insecurity. Red pill is shit, stop listening to it. Some loser pick up coaches that have the word beta in their vocabulary will harp on about this because they are under developed and actually incredibly inexperienced with women. I would firstly watch your information intake. Tons of toxic ideologies and mindsets in this domain and it's presented as advice which is stored in your mind and transmitted out through your body making you insecure and weak. When such clowns find out the girl they like has been with other guys their feelings curdle like milk and they have an existential crisis. They think they were the ones with game when the game was playing them all along. Let me be clear, It's one thing to still want to fulfill your own sexual desires. To want to have lots of sexual experiences with various women, because women are awesome and beautiful. The feeling of sexual freedom in this domain as a man feels great. I feel this way sometimes as well, wanting freedom from my relationship to have sex with other women. It's perfectly normal. It feels good to be single or have the opportunity to experience different women and have various sexual partners. And it's also perfectly normal to have some envy or frustration when you can't do this because you are in a relationship. Sometimes your partner may have already fulfilled or explored these desires or aspect for herself. This may even bring up some envy in you and some anger that you can't do the same. That's all normal and the feelings that come about because of that are healthy. This can be handled through healthy forms of discussion and working on having a fulfilling sex life with your partner. You can also choose to be single again and pursue other women if you so please. You are free to choose and free to fulfill your desires in healthy ways. Her sexual past says nothing about who you are and if you think it does you are purely assigning that meaning to yourself. It's another thing to create some sort of toxic judgement based ideology because you are intimidated by a woman choosing to do whatever she so pleases with her body. All you need to be concerned with here is if you are having safe sex and the past doesn't affect present health, being honest with each other about your desires and what counts as infidelities, and being transparent with each other about your pasts with boundaries that are comfortable with both partners, and then you are free to choose to invest in this woman knowing the information you do about her. She is under no obligation to disclose everything about her sexual past to you. That can feel very judging and painful for her. She may have been assaulted or been in a dark pattern where she had sex due to a traumatic response. You are free to choose if you do / don't want to be with her based off what you do / don't know about her past but not in a way where you judge her for it, force her to disclose more information she isn't comfortable with, or make labels up for her and shame other guys that are happy to be with her. The guys who get all defensive and butt hurt about this couldn't hold down a healthy relationship to save their lives. Their dick game is awful too and far from great. You can't reach sex god statues holding onto this type of judgement AND at the same time fuse your passion and love energies together. It's not possible. Stop listening to this awful advice, start trusting your own guidance and focus on fulfilling your own desires in healthy ways.
Eastern Europe IMO has less dogma than the Bible Belt in the USA but more than Western Europe. Corruption and a lack of industry is a huge factor why it’s behind development compared to the west. Middle America would be a third world slum if it weren’t connected to the liberal east and west coasts.
I thought this shit blew over already. Borders haven’t closed yet. I think this is gonna be another delta thing where it will get a bit of coverage and stuff will stay the same.
Agreed OP, you probably are making mistakes very early on in your interactions with women and are still very much inexperienced and still have some inner work to do in this domain. You mention being ghosted or friend zoned which is something I've only seen/experienced this happen before a guy starts hooking up with a woman. You are not a thing before you have sex. Stop talking about giving love to any woman before you have had sex. It takes a couple months usually before a couple really falls in love. So I'm confused what you are talking about. You need to expand your consciousness and just expose yourself to much more experience and meet much more women. You sound very inexperienced. It's hard to really pinpoint what is going on here or in your post but it just reads like a cover up or a different way of framing that you aren't meeting women and you are getting turned down after a couple dates. You don't need to dress it up and make all sorts of conclusions and beliefs off this experience about love. Women and men fall in love like in some of the deepest tear jerking corny ways right out of a hollywood movie. It's possible and it happens and it is life changing. You just haven't experienced it yet.
Yes, a bit Sometimes I am bit tryhard with wanting to be right in a conversation.
Yes, this is a good take. He definitely can have sound judgements lobbed at him by normal folk that still stands up after criticism and inspection. I see that he has moved some industry forward and made some interesting contributions when it comes to automobiles but I'm not going to turn a blind eye to his dumb circle jerk cult and in general his unabashed and unremorseful exploitation of capitalist society. His ingenuity has moved aspects of society forward while simultaneously rewarding plenty of the toxic aspects as well.
could be a sensory thing. I used to put all sorts of stuff into my mouth and even now as an adult I feel a sight temptation to. I like fidget toys and certain sensory experiences that have to do with touching and playing with certain things. It feels good experiencing different things. Only real harm would be ingesting something poisonous.
I don’t think we will face a civil war in the sort of classical sense of states conducting military operations against each other. What could occur is severe corrosion and a sort of collapse of the system where various institutions are in just gridlock and the government stops working properly. It’s already done this. Imagine this on steroids.
Lyubov replied to Mesopotamian's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I see you post in here often. I can imagine growing and developing yourself is much harder in a country like Iraq over a liberal democracy like Germany. I think your analysis could go deeper though. The society itself hasn’t fully embraced human sexuality so it’s sort of simplified through this barter system. A man should have enough to ensure the survival of himself and his wife with money. Since survival is hard there it’s still a lot of work just to ensure this so it makes sense why there aren’t deeper aspects of relationships and sex in Iraq yet. -
Make outs mean less with girls you just met at the bar/club. You should have a very high close rate for girls you made out with on a date, etc.
Interesting how dems disagree more with him being named it over republicans. This is a solid orange pick this year. Also this isn’t necessarily a positive award for people who aren’t familiar with it. Hitler was named it once. It just is recognizing who has swayed society the most in a particular year. As a bit of an idealist myself I think Musk is not the best type of leadership for the development of humanity but it is what it is. Def had the most influence this year.
if you want your body to live long and healthy, you most definitely need money.
Lyubov replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Never really happens like this with me. I do gain a lot of wisdom from my dreams though. Points me to stuff I'm holding onto or still hurts. Can also be a muse and fuel creativity.