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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Really happy you have had this experience. Therapy greatly changed my life as well
  2. I do. I can foresee it in my future. I know when I get older my desire for sex with different women will slow down. I'll be much more open to ending the chapter of playing the field. Most guys I've seen who aren't married by their 40s usually have peter pan vibes going on with them or are married to their career. I am fine spending my 30s dating and getting experience and putting lots of good miles on my dick. Make him one of those nice classic cars.
  3. Taking a taxi or Uber back isn’t awkward at all. I used to think that but realized how silly that is. You’re creating an obstacle for yourself and making it weird believing that it’s awkward/weird. You gotta learn to sit with the tension but at that point you should already feel warmed up and in flow so it’s not really a problem. If you live like SUPER far though (1hour) via taxi then maybe it’s time to relocate to the center!
  4. I slept with a sexy Russian movie star once and then started sleeping with her equally beautiful sister a year later. I was a savage years ago when I used to actively game ? I love the Russian hunnies!
  5. loool I did not expect that
  6. I think it depends what you value. I feel a rejuvenating wave of energy every time I look upon my gf’s physical beauty. But just because I may not see that in another woman it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I do agree with what you are saying and how intimacy increases this. Pretty amazing how that occurs. I was mostly just making banter here. Beauty is subjective and everyone has different preferences and there is no better or worse, just personal preferences. I’m glad I’m able to fulfill mine in this regard. @Leo Gura they are my absolute favorite.
  7. Nah man, I’m mostly busting balls here. It was discussed a few times before in some other threads in dating/relationship section where those gaming the US claimed it as the best and some in Europe chimed in saying how they are wrong and there are better and different dating pools out there. I have no doubt Vegas has a lot of good looking women. The problem is you gotta play the Vegas / US game to get to them though. It’s doable for sure but I will always call out how Europe is way better for game if you want to sleep with really hot women and not have to have a six figure job or be part of some inner circle.
  8. Dude, Russia and Ukraine is literally a paradise of women. All the countries east and north of Germany as well. I don’t like number ranking beauty but I will say I find more than half of everyone I see around my age (20s/30s) sexually attractive. The numbers drop the further west you go on the northern hemisphere. Leo’s all against living in underdeveloped places, fair enough. If he can still speak decent Russian though the dude would literally drown in women out here. It’s just my preference so some will disagree.
  9. Nope, but it’s subjective. Open a tinder and change your location to the capitals of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia and Ukraine. Basically almost every woman looks good to great with plenty of immaculate mixed in as well.
  10. I’m happy for you but sexy just doesn’t make my jaw drop with envy like that anymore. They are a dime a dozen east of Germany. If you were here you would be saying “if I showed you my last five girlfriends / lays yada yada” to another guy and if he wasn’t gay he would smirk and say the same back to you! Socialism in action There is a saying that the men are spoiled rotten and don’t appreciate the beauty here (former USSR).
  11. Gotta be hella slow to still be following Tai Lopez. Maybe if it was their first foray into self help and happened to watch some youtube videos of his like five/six years ago? I think only people dumb enough to still be following him actively are naive teenage boys / young guys that are desperate to buy a sports car and have a hot girlfriend. Guy is a total conman. Only thing I envy about him is his work ethic and ability to commit to something for so long such as pulling one new scam after another.
  12. Wonder if the guy who sold that FAKE green energy truck will get a similar sentence if he goes to trial. pretty crazy how the same dog and pony scam shows happen at all levels of society all the way up to the very top of the financial elite.
  13. I like her message at the end. She isn't telling women to go all natural. Just to explore what feels right and comfortable for them and explore where these forces come from. Are they doing it for themselves, society, someone else, just to be aware of them.
  14. The music and vibe in that club was whack and offensive tho. I'm still not sold on Vegas clubs. I will gladly die on this hill that I think Vegas is super overrated for game
  15. Never seen him in the wild like that I want more content like this
  16. Well put. Non duality is a pretty awful conceptualization of truth anyways to follow, especially if you are looking for healing and psychological well-being. I would even choose a religion over the non dual circle jerk. Almost everyone I’ve spoken to that’s super deep into it doesn’t seem happy or very fulfilled at all in their life. It’s dry and overlooks a vast amount of terrain and mystery and joy possible through spirituality and relationships. I wish this person was able to find the help they needed. A lot of people don’t have the support and grounding around them and it’s very unfortunate. I feel bad for their family.
  17. I got secure. I did a tremendous amount of inner work to get here. Secure doesn’t mean a relationship without problems. You can still face some very challenging issues.
  18. ? love it if it’s keeping you from sleeping with them then maybe this dynamic is getting in the way of communicating what you want out of the relationship with them. I would say your level of consciousness and psychological well-being can be one of the best gifts you can give to a girl. I can relate a bit though cause sometimes it feels like I’m playing therapist with my gf. So I think it just requires a balance, trial and error with how for wnd setting boundaries and communicating what you want. You can be helpful and a strong container and radiate sexual energy.
  19. You need to communicate better with your bf what you want. What you said sounds humiliating for him and unfulfilling for you. Tell him what’s missing. Don’t be so scared and run around like that behind his back. that’s going to be worse for your self esteem and reputation in the long run than just working on this or leaving him because you aren’t satisfied.
  20. Looks are super subjective. I’ve seen lots of hot girls with physically average looking guys but here is the thing… the guy looks good because he dresses nice, takes care of himself, has a sense of fashion, looks confident cause he has a hot woman, etc. So usually I find it’s very hard to find a guy unattractive if he has a hot gf cause he takes care of himself and looks happy. I’ve rarely if ever seen a truly unhappy horribly maintained guy with a hot woman. Even the most chubby guys I’ve seen with a hot gf look happy and handsome and take good care of themselves.
  21. This is just my thoughts from what I’ve read here. It could be off. Just take it as some random advice, take or leave it. I would say the central issue I see here is that you seem sort of indecisive and unsure and uneasy, sort of like a limp handshake. Unsure what to do, unsure what you want, uneasy about the whole thing. There is a sort of lack of leadership and ability to guide and progress things how YOU want them to go. Do you want to sleep with her? Don’t think long term like a relationship. A girl will say she is not looking for a relationship whenever she isn’t feeling the vibe between the both of you and loses interest on a date. You can have sex before a relationship. Sex almost always comes before a relationship forms. You seem like you are unsure if you even want to be flirty / “lover” with her or just friends. This usually can come off as emotionally unsafe for women cause they aren’t sure what you are communicating to them. I’m not talking about physical but emotional safety. She isn’t sure if she can trust you because you don’t seem to trust the process and trust your feelings that you certainly want to make love to her after a date in the park. I had a similar experience happen to me like this when I was younger and starting out with women. A way to fix this is both through exposing yourself to more dates/women and secondly working on your inner world so you feel more emotionally confident, decisive and clear in what you feel/want. The experience will teach you how to communicate, the inner work will teach you how to feel chill and good in your body and able to follower your emotions clearly.
  22. I can relate to this experience. It seems from reading this you feel like you are misunderstood by them and you don’t feel like they are trying to understand you. You then sort of feel closed off and don’t feel like being emotionally open. Perhaps this is one aspect to it, you know if there are other layers to it but from what I read here this kinda sounds like one of them. It feels a bit unsafe and/or can feel like talking to a dog that doesn’t understand a word you’re saying and is running through the procedures. In this case I would just look for a person you “click” with. You know what I mean? You know how some people you just get along with cause you feel sort of aligned with their world view or their energy, conditions feel different, etc, whatever. Look around so to speak and open up when you feel safe and like you can trust this person. For me it becomes quickly apparent if I can work with someone after a couple sessions so just give it a bit of time. Write down your values and world views and look for a therapist that seems to hold similar stuff. I like therapists that are spiritually informed, have experience with psychedelics but also aren’t too deep into new agey stuff or are too overly esoteric when handling spiritual concepts in the sessions or pushing anything too much. Just compassion, openness, a willingness to understand, no judgment and a strong sense of containment and integrity.
  23. This forum has a masculine / male bias for sure. I would say it’s largely because that’s the sort of crowd Leo’s videos attract. It’s very much male oriented and your sort of space that values masculine cognitive expression. I sometimes wish it was more of a space that welcomed different energies.
  24. Traditional blue is like a Chinese finger trap. It feels super good getting into it but will be hard getting out. I also think blue values devotion more which is lost in orange.. it’s a key component to making long term work. Devotion is undervalued today in orange society and I think it makes it harder for people to get married and date. Incel and that sort of “hard finding a partner” stuff doesn’t exist as much in blue societies with an equal balance of men/women. At the same time one could make an argument that lots of stage blue marriages should of ended a while ago for both individuals to grow but it hasn’t due to it being stage blue. It’s tricky. I personally am fine dating orange/blue girls. A healthy blue / orange is possible for the short to semi long term (1-2 years). I’ve yet to see it play out in my personal experience going deep communion and long marriage (5-10+ years). To me I have a preference for women from stage blue countries too cause I find them them the most beautiful IMO.
  25. I wouldn’t say most therapists are unconscious or in a “blind leading the blind” sort of situation. I think it’s 50/50 from my own experience. I would say relationship aspects come into play as well kinda like how different people get along better with different people. For me I’ve had sessions with therapists I didn’t jive with at all and some that helped a tremendous amount, helped me transform into a different person. I would say just keep an open mind and keep looking. You can feel out a few different therapists and decide on one after meeting with a few. You can bring some questions you want to ask them and get an idea for how accepting and open minded they are. For me I look for a therapist that gives me signs of high emotional intelligence and isn’t trying to push or “teach.” I prefer a more hands off approach because I realize such a person isn’t there to be my parent or teach me how to live my life. I also take into account that the therapist is human too and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some topics the therapist can handle better than others. I look for a therapist I feel safe around disclosing everything to and if they are a good communicator, so they subtly communicate with judgement or do they have a strong grasp on how shame works and are very careful and compassionate. I basically look for a therapist that feels emotionally strong to me, safe to talk to, open minded and is not shaming. The one I’ve seen that helped a lot really facilitated for me letting go of a lot of shame and negative beliefs about myself formed from past experiences. How to handle OCD mind symptoms usually through expressing and talking about what lies behind them. From my experience obsessive/compulsive thought experiences usually have a deeper fear or trauma bellow them. The obsessive thoughts is sort of a very crude and unconsciously constructed defense mechanism to the stuff bellow it. When the defenses are safely let down and the stuff behind the obsessive thoughts is explored, a tremendous amount of mind clarity, grounding and a sense of embodiment with the present moment returns, kinda like leaving a self imposed prison for presences and well-being. It can be scary to leave this stuff sometimes because it’s familiar and there can be lots of defense mechanisms that can’t be just forcefully disarmed but slowly unraveled. I can relate to what you are saying about the obsessive mind. I struggled with that for years but really healed and brought back a tremendous amount of clarity and shame free self esteem and grounding/embodiment through therapy so I do proclaim that I think it’s probably the best treatment for a person really wrapped deeply in shame and strong negative self beliefs and trauma. It’s not something I’ve seen many people handle or heal on their own. Many people who say otherwise can’t appreciate just how entangled things can get. When you have a broken leg you need a surgeon to help you realign it. When you have a cut you can take a bandaid from cabinet. It took thousands of people to build beautiful buildings. Your emotional well-being is similar. We are all in this together and getting help and support for something you have problems doing on your own is not a problem. You may even find yourself stronger and more mentally healthy letting go of the heavy self responsibility to do it on your own and open up more where real change and healing can take place.