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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I've noticed eastern religions tend to give more direct practices to find God that are sometimes esoteric but also sometimes easy to understand if you take a bit of time to learn them. For example, yoga and meditation. Christianity kinda bogs you down with a lot of bible shit and rules but it teaches heavily through stories and that can be kinda poetic in a way. It is kinda practical in the sense that it gives you some examples of challenges you may face in life. In the form of some abstract bible story and then how one might overcome them in alignment with god for you to then apply to your life. Prayer also is powerful as well which is sorta the Christian practice. I've been to some awful sermons though in Christian churches where the pastor basically went on about absolutely nothing for an hour.
  2. Red pill likes to rope in stuff and borrow from more credible sources. It's a common thing when it comes to ideology and group think. Nazi ideology borrowed heavily from all sorts of scientists and top thinkers at the time to warp it around and justify their bullshit.
  3. Do you have instagram? Go through there and find some brands you like and follow their looks. How much cash you got? I've noticed it can be hard to dress well on a super tight budget, like goodwill/salvation army prices. Save up a decent amount of cash. I think you could get a complete killer wardrobe for $5000. That's everything including a suit. Most of the clothes will come from the mall. The more money the easier it will be.
  4. First off, David Deida isn't Red Pill, at least not the one book by hime I have read twice now (Way of the Superior Man). It is in no way a red pill book. Secondly, this book mentioned is great and a must read for sure for any guy working on himself but I don't actually agree with everything the author says at times, I found myself disagreeing with a few chapters here and there, especially towards the middle/end. I think he is a bit narrow at times in defining masculinity and unnecessarily ropes in some esoteric stuff one might disagree is 100% masculine. He extrapolates in some odd directions at times as well. It's really hard to fit this topic into one book. Deida has a sort of dry approach at times in his writing. I don't think Masculinity is entirely unforgiving and relentless. It most certainly can be at times though.
  5. Modern men aren't weak per-say, their role has changed though which makes them appear more weak. This is some Joe Rogan redpill bullshit to complain about this. Western society has just changed and masculinity and the role of the man is being sort of reevaluated and reworked into something slightly different than what it was in the past. Growing pains so to speak. You could inversely say why are western women more manly today. They sort of are in way but have also had to pick up different roles to survive in modern society.
  6. Weed has the opposite effect on me. I hate being high around people and it makes me feel paranoid. I can enter altered and mystical states to benefit myself but I do it alone. It just makes me feel too neurotic and ungrounded doing them around other people. A candle lit comfy room with nice music is for me with weed and psychs. Alcohol I think is best for socializing and also I think pure Molly as well is really good in the right setting like a rave or party. If you dose it safely and properly and can handle this state around other people (in the right mental health) it can help a ton in certain situations. Ecstasy as well which is just Molly with some meth mixed in. Basically these two can really help. It’s very easy to have some very freaky sexual experiences at a house party or rave on molly. Orgy and groups happen as well on molly.
  7. I’ve had a girl I hooked up with abandon her coworker/friend once ? I don’t think they were too close. We walked pasted her as we got in a taxi while she stood awkwardly alone. When girls are in larger flocks they will be broken up occasionally if one of the girls is REALLY horny. It’s probably more of an exception though. I’ve seen it. She literally fucked one of the dudes she just met in the bathroom. I think this is one of those things you either get super lucky with or you go to a real crazy party and just screen till you find the one chick that doesn’t give a shit.
  8. This is one thing I currently can’t do but want to maybe try one day. I’m way too sensitive to psychedelics and I’ve only had uncomfortable (but beneficial) experiences on the stronger ones like DMT. Don’t think sex will mix well for me on these. I’m going to try it with lsd or shrooms though soon.
  9. This stuff freaks my body out. I can handle some brewed coffee but these energy drinks put way too much caffeine in them. A small can of Red Bull is super tasty and refreshing though. I think that’s the only exception. I maybe drink one of those twice a year.
  10. Definitely not more than Europe, and they have you pussy whipped if you have to do all this dancing monkey stuff to sleep with them. I’m shocked reading this is the type of game being run in Vegas in order to sleep with a hot chick. When in Rome. It isn’t a coincidence European pick up artists and game coaches are so much more chill and authentic people.
  11. I have. I’ve used it as a substitute for a phone number in the past. I’ve gotten several dates from sliding into the DMs on Instagram and have gotten laid through it as well. In a sense it can be used as a dating app and as a contact. I overall don’t prefer it as a base for setting up a date. Telegram and WhatsApp are actually much better if you met a girl in the club, on the street, or tinder, etc and took her contacts. There is one or two downside with Instagram and it’s the follow feature and the amount of dudes sliding in on it. The follower feature can be a huge blessing because it shows she is into you. She can also see how cool you are if you slide in her DMs. The major downside is you can end up being just another follower of hers. Hot girls will often have a lot of thirsty dudes/simps following them. They will follow back some of them and unfollow or not follow the ones they aren’t interested in. Do not be a follower. I unfollow all the girls that unfollow me. Don’t need those follower vibes on my social media. I would get her phone or WhatsApp or telegram initially and then get her IG in the first or second date if you both are a vibe. It’s also good to just build a big social circle like this. Hot girls will be liking your photos and it feels good, also if you met through friends and have a big network like this you can usually get them out on a date eventually. If they were randoms off the street or in the bar they may unfollow you or not follow you back at all so best to get a messenger for those and IG for social circle game. Girls keep plenty of dudes in their pocket via IG, you can do the same as well.
  12. Not surprised Vegas has tons of AMOG shit going on. Haven’t seen so much of that as I have in the US. You know the clubs are shit and you’re playing a skewed game when AMOG is prevalent. It basically means there aren’t enough hot chicks to go around and guys are having to overcompensate to get with one. US guys jumping through the goofiest hoops and basically having to become a dancing monkey with stand up comedy skills in order to get a decent looking chick. Beautiful women will literally let you guide them to bed with ease east of the UK.
  13. Yes, it’s very good to have. You can build a network and keep in touch with women that way. Seeing you put up good photos and stories is attractive, if they are good. It’s not 100% required but all the hot girls are on IG. It only helps, so do it. It’s also a great way to get good photos for tinder.
  14. It's just shit. I can respect his discipline and hustle and there are some good qualities to it but as a whole that project is utter shit. Stuff for the lonely stage orange circle jerk to pat themselves on the back over. Hard work and grind and being a leader, blah blah blah. This guy didn't actually go homeless. He would of actually been homeless if he went, you know, homeless. Actually had zero money, didn't have family and friends to fall back on, was face with the fear and uncertainty of the complete chaos of having nothing. This is like when white people take a tour of a slum and live in a slum village to help a bit and then think they actually have experienced what that is like. It's insensitive and just a waste of time. Go make a million that benefits homeless people if you wanna prove a point.
  15. I agree with everything you said. For me sex is the most important thing in the relationship. It’s obvious he hasn’t overcome an issue like this or if he has he gave up quickly, because when you overcome something like this with a person you love, you reach a level of sexual ecstasy and intimacy that is basically the equivalent of an awakening experience, mind blowing forms of sexual life changing experience. Really stuff that’s difficult to put into words but it grows a person exponentially. At least it’s one path towards them. There may be others when it comes to relationship issues. My advice to the op would be to not give up on this if he loves her. The treasure in this domain may be closer than he realizes. It was the case for me.
  16. I mean you have a point. My discipline has been a bit lacking recently. I think I’m doing a disservice to myself not putting more effort into transitioning to my life purpose. I’m sort of spread out though with other areas of life so it makes it hard to really go all in and transition.
  17. Yes. You retrain your nervous system and uncluttered your beliefs and there are many ways of going about it. Journaling, therapy, inner child, integrity, etc. I’ve reached this point as well. Worrying about your state before going out is like worrying about being in shape 10 minutes before a marathon. It’s something you should of trained and done months/years prior. It’s why I’m such a huge proponent of inner work to get women and don’t really recommend highly tactical/ cognitive classic pick up style approaches for getting women. The outer stuff just falls into place mostly on its own when you’re thrust into experience and when the inner is untangled and flowing. The one thing the classic pick up approach gets most right is exposing yourself to plenty of experience.
  18. You’ve mentioned it a bunch here before. You expect to find a near perfect trauma free partner that’s done decades of work on themselves. Even if they have done that, such a relationship will still require a lot of grueling work. It’s fairy tale ending type thinking if you think a relationship without some sort of serious issue like this at its core is going to happen. People win the lottery sometimes I guess. Living out standards and screening from a place of presence is different from vowing to yourself you have high standards and writing about it. I can relate to what you said, I’ve been in a relationship once where she was just learning to walk and I was learning to fly. There is just a dimension and breadth of experience missing in your prior post that makes it look like you haven’t overcome a very serious issue like this with a partner before. Maybe you have with some other issue that was more tolerable for you. I’ve played therapist before. It wasn’t the worst thing but maybe this is far more of a deal breaker for you. If anything I feel fine giving such a level of containment and it’s a type of clarity I can offer due to the work I’ve done. I just can’t imagine finding such a girl like this without any sort of issues. At a certain point it looks like cold feet and an avoidance to dive into this domain of life fully to find great treasure. Zero trauma, sexy, cums easy, fun personality, does personal development, etc; you can only pick a few from the list.
  19. I agree with you in essence but your post makes it look like you totally lack the sensitivity, maturity, artfulness and finesse to actually dive into and overcome an issue like this yourself. It’s just plainly obvious in how you write, but I obviously don’t know how you are in practice. It looks like you would bail quickly on it and not put even a fraction of the energy and passion you put in your videos that you would into the relationship to fix an issue like this. I actually faced a similar issue like this in my relationship. It didn’t have to do with orgasms but overall a feeling of sexual incompatibility from my end and her feeling a lack of passion on mine. She was kinda shut off and I wasn’t enjoying the sex. It took a lot of work and patience but we made it through and I noticed it is a continuous process we confront occasionally. The absolute most exhilarating life changing, passion filled, kinky, god levels of sex isn’t usually just something that happens effortlessly at first. It takes a lot of work and bluntness is one way to go about it but it needs to be approached from many angles with patience and in different ways at different times. It’s a complex issue few deep relationships won’t face.
  20. Good points. It could be her own psychological blockages. I’ve found a few things work to overcome this. 1) listening and not judging. Basically getting a nonjudgemental avenue of communication going. This can be a little tricky cause she may be closed off at first. Get her talking about sex and start getting an idea of what’s going on in her head. Creating a judgement free zone! 2) Willingness to pleasure her. This goes hand in hand with listening. Show her that you want to make the sex better and really want to make her cum. Make her feel love, safe and cared for. This can allow her to relax and be less tense during sex. 3) Tell her how beautiful she is. Really express in words how beautiful you find her and how turned on you are by her body. This type of compliments given to your girlfriend can help boost her confidence if it’s a visual thing. Even my gf sometimes gets anxious and tells me not to look, especially when taking out the buttplug I’d say really assuring her she is beautiful and you look looking upon her can get her to relax. Make it clear nothing about her visually repulses you or is judged by you.
  21. Your love language doesn’t make you more masculine or feminine. There are masculine and feminine ways about everything. You can also have a mix. Be predominantly masculine but sometimes be feminine and your love language may be recharged by a more feminine activity.
  22. I don’t do it. I’m over 6’’ too. It feels like I’m qualifying myself or jumping into some sort of stupid dating game and societal thing. I don’t need that in my profile. The whole outspoken and judgement “being tall” thing wasn’t even a thing until more recently. I don’t wanna partake in such shit.
  23. Nice man, I was just thinking about how much poon famous djs get. Basically stand on a stage and play some mp3 files from a MacBook. I REALLY wanna be a famous dj lol.