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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Thanks for the advice. I’ve got an idea. I’m going to pad the fuck out of my resume and lie that I have all sorts of corporate sales experience, PR, same in management, etc. See what’s the most senior and highest paying job I can land in some sort of PR, marketing, writing, finance, management job. Something that doesn’t require having a super specialized tangible specialized skill but something I realistically could fake my way through. For example I can’t lie about not knowing Java script for a programming job. A lot of these white collar jobs basically require no skills and the most senior position isn’t anything the junior couldn’t do. I don’t give a fuck. My gf just got fired for being Russian, said it looks bad for business having a Russian as their promoter. Reminder that companies do not give a fuck and will sack you even if it’s bigoted and some bullshit you have nothing to do with.
  2. Big dick and an attitude. Being chill and fun of course as well.
  3. Frame battle is such a stupid dated concept though. If you are looking at getting laid as some sort of conflict then it’s going to be far more laborious and harder to do and unpleasant when you don’t get it. Pick up theory is goofy sometimes.
  4. NATO literally became relevant again the moment Putin invaded. All he had to do was sit in his big ass mansion and lobby the European energy sector and get them really hooked on Russian gas. He woulda been able to get NATO to look more and more unnecessary and after another republican presidential term or two it’d probably have been disbanded. Instead he shot himself in the foot. NATO ain’t being disbanded now. Part of this was definitely an imperialist conquest and to revenge the fall of the Soviet Union in Putin’s mind.
  5. Some analysts are saying it’s starting to reach a stalemate and that Russia doesn’t have the resources, manpower, logistics, etc to take Kyiv or Odessa. I think we will find out if this is true in the coming week. What a clown show. Really goes to show just how misleading propaganda and raw numbers are. You have to factor in training, will, leadership, etc. A lot more than just raw numbers and resources goes into an effective military.
  6. Ok so it sounds like you have to get clear with yourself first what you want. Start by deciding if you want to be in a relationship with her or not . And second then re evaluate boundaries. Absolutely nothing wrong with asking what you want from her and communicating that in a clear and respectful ways. Boundaries can be re negotiated at any time. I wouldn’t use what you just said as an excuse to avoid expressing what you want from her. There isn’t gonna be much hope for this relationship if you avoid this and it won’t be pleasant either cause you will feel resentful for letting this slide by.
  7. Nothing wrong with how you feel and you aren’t broke or needing to be fixed or needing to get rid of these feelings. They are there for a reason. You have a need for something that isn’t being fulfilled. I personally wouldn’t seriously date a woman who wants to hang out with a guy who used to fuck her. I would try to avoid my heart getting too entangled with such a woman. I’ve learned my lesson here. I’ve tried it before and it was awful. I wasn’t even concerned about cheating. It’s a matter of boundaries to me. That is just messy IMO and her past should be in her past if any relationship between us is to work. I would screen/sniff stuff like this out before getting too committed with a woman. Def learned my lesson here lol. Keep these sexually liberated ones for fwb and hooking up. Don’t save her. She don’t wanna be saved. Maybe you are ok with it though, absolutely nothing wrong with that if you are, doesn’t sound like you are though. I would make it clear that you have a need for this not to happen. If she isn’t willing to fulfill that need then there is nothing wrong with her, you both just aren’t compatible in this way and you can look for another girl who doesn’t press these buttons as much and she can look for a guy who is fine with this.
  8. Sure, if that works for you then I’m happy for you. There are other ways to get those needs met for sure. I’m just speaking about dating and women from my perspective. It’s hard to fake having a girlfriend if you don’t or can’t get laid, but there are other ways to get fulfillment and perhaps those needs met for sure and those ways may even open up space for women.
  9. Fashion is also a fun hobby and way of expression. I wish I had more cash so I could buy more clothes. I have expensive tastes too so it’s not so common I buy new stuff from brands I like!
  10. I mean, It’s possible to swap around beliefs so a person can feel better and be more resourceful and get themselves to actual abundance but you either have the numbers / access or your don’t. You can’t always just change a belief and it automatically solves your foundational issues. It can but not always and may require other stuff. It’s like saying you aren’t broke but your bank balance is $0. You either have abundance and that reach or you don’t.
  11. You will attract more women, have higher self esteem and will find yourself standing out more if you put the time and energy into looking good and not looking unkempt/average.
  12. This is absolutely mental if true. Of course be careful with everything on Twitter. This might not be exactly true but it looks like some footage from older events were spliced into this new one ?
  13. I don’t think you can really fake abundance though. obviously a tough position gets better when you get life experience with women and are better able to get your needs met but if you live in a town with three fat chicks and one looker, yeah you will be a little needy.
  14. The thing is Elon looked absolutely horrible with his balding unkempt old man haircut. He doesn’t have the head or the beard to back up bald cut. I don’t think he’s a particularly good looking guy either but looks aren’t his selling point. He probably got world class plugs. Some guys are saved by then but in general a lot of guys that get it don’t need it.
  15. Lol this whole thing was heavily staged apparently. Kremlin doesn’t even allow their supports the freedom to exercise their will to protest in support of the war nor do they give too much freedom even when it comes to being outspoken about being in favor of the war. They like a nice subservient population, they say jump, the деревенщины ask “how high?” That’s sorta the difference between them and MAGA. Those guys will go to rallies based on their own time, will and finances, even if some of their organization is through astroturfing. The Russians in that crowd were literally bused in state workers from as far as 6 hours away, who don’t even really give a fuck. They were offered a paid day off from work, free meals and a concert. No one from Moscow is goofy enough to go to something like that. North Korea vibes.
  16. This is one of those situations that is helped a lot by having other options. I wouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket here and by that I mean your feelings for her and your dating life. Try to be going on dates with other women and meeting other women. It will release some of the tension around this and open up some space. From there she may not feel as pressured which could help your situation. It sounds like you are kinda walking on eggshells here. Alternatively, you could pursue her hard and you may get her due to some sort of rebound phase going on with her. I’m not sure what she’s into or the dynamics in your situation so there may be an opportunity as well here. Strike while the iron is hot. Things may mellow out and go cold if you don’t pursue her. The thing is sometimes you have to be prepared to lose her though given your situation. If you haven’t gotten with her but you want to, you have to be prepared to lose her as a friend. This is in general why I try to avoid this scenario myself with women I know I’d grow quite attracted towards. For me, that initial spark of attraction I find works out much better when it starts from a sort of detached, low pressure situation. Kinda like a clean canvas or fresh start. Just easier to develop other aspects of the relationship but at the same time can be harder since you are starting from 0 with a person. When these sort of fond feelings of friendship are already there it can sometimes go your way or go heavily against you. Not saying it isn’t possible, it is, I just have found it uncomfortable and not the most enjoyable scenario to find myself in. I’m perfectly happy starting from scratch with each relationship but I’ll keep my options open as well if other situations arise.
  17. Bald is fine, the height of male insecurity that some can’t cope with being bald. Hair plugs are ultra cringe. No clue why anyone gets them. Granted some people don’t have the head for being bald, that big alien ? head look. It can be compensated for in other ways.
  18. It never really came up for me. If anything women are more on edge about this than men are and it usually comes when in a relationship.
  19. Hydrogen peroxide, it will be gone in a day or two
  20. This is pretty incredible and interesting breakdown of the war rally in Russia today orchestrated by the kremlin I’d say Russian people are very sheep like when it comes to their government. It’s a mythical figure to many, not to be messed with and only obey.
  21. Twitch culture is goofy. It’s just lazy and disconnected to me but I guess some people are fine watching someone else play video games all day. If I had a son I would not let him play video games much or hang out on twitch or buy him two monitors and a light up keyboard. Women streamers have found ways to exploit the male base and the male base has willfully fed their own lazy addiction and will give away cash to just talk to them. Both are responsible in different ways for this sad past time. Not all content on the platform is like this either. There is good outdoor content there. Just a lot of people I don’t vibe with at all on it as well.
  22. Russia is not saving its best for last. Russia is throwing its abused and hazed cannon fodder trash army into a fire along with their poorly maintained military gear which was ransacked due to corruption. This guy is delusional. Is Twitter puffing up Ukraine a bit, sure. Is Russia winning? They’ve stalled and made little to no progress due to all sorts of resupply and logistic issues. All they can do is threaten nukes and bomb civilians. A draw / statement is absolutely on the table which would be a huge L for Russia.