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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. It’s basically the whole idea of self centered bias on a larger scale that we address on this site and how we are working to see through this. We are working towards greater development that allows us to see a bigger and more nuanced picture and thus obtain a great wisdom. A lot of nationalities sort of hinder their development because of this. Any chest thumping society like this has to work through it before becoming more developed. Israel is a solid blue/orange society. Norway and Sweden for instance which are much more orange/green don’t sniff their own shit like this as much.
  2. Yeah they made a movie about him. He was a brutal despot stage red dictator. Part of the necessary process of development for a country but no place in today’s world.
  3. Is this the guy they made a movie about ? The last king of Scotland ?
  4. The footballer may be rich but idk if that means we can hand wave him being called racist words online. 6 weeks in jail seems a little excessive maybe but I know they are trying to clean up this sport so it may be what’s needed to do it.
  5. Yeah, it’s kinda crazy to see how boomers were able to buy a house in a decent area with a high school education and some easy factory job. It doesn’t keep me up at night but I really do wonder if I’ll ever own a flat and have a huge nest egg when I’m older or will I be renting and on a month by month then. I figure something drastic will have to change cause I don’t see just a whole portion of the population just living in poverty, would be pretty awful. At least in democratic societies I could see some sort of welfare system for people who are old and can’t work anymore. Oh wait, doesn’t the USA have that already and it’s been dismantled?
  6. Destiny was always an edge lord clown and incredibly toxic. The type of guy that got a following for being somewhat entertaining at insulting whoever he is currently playing in a video game. Props to him though for managing to get some cash this way. He’s a unicorn in this way cause basically anyone else like him on the internet is usually a total loser.
  7. If it’s true then that’s pretty funny and shows you the limitations in how autocratic leadership functions.
  8. Fair enough. I just don’t value most athletics. I value physical health and vitality but most organized sports come off kinda dumb and I can’t get into the stupid chest pumping and victory speeches. Sports can go to crap for all I care.
  9. This is kinda ridiculous. West is supporting Ukraine but those are Ukrainian troops dying and fighting. If anything we have learned the will to fight is much more important than material wealth in a war. Russia has way more military equipment than Ukraine and are about to face a stalemate.
  10. trans women athletes do not make much sense competing with biological women but I really don’t care at all about sports and I think sports culture in general is absolutely ridiculous so just for the sake of inclusion I don’t really mind if they do compete with them.
  11. I’m looking for foods to boost sexual energy. I’ll give this a try.
  12. I’ll do more research on Ukrainian culture. Perhaps there are gaps in it and I’ve done an insufficient job understanding history.
  13. I screened out girls because they don’t drink. You gotta find someone who matches your lifestyle. I don’t see the point in going to a bar and not drinking and it’s fine if someone does but I couldn’t really vibe with such a woman that agrees to go to a bar on a date and then drinks tea.
  14. I’ve asked every Russian I’ve ever met if they understand Ukrainian and they all said yes. I’m barely pre intermediate in Russian and understand almost every vocabulary equivalent in Ukrainian if pronounced slowly. You sure you Ukrainian? Selective memory and total fabrication to forge a new identity. I don’t mind it but I’m going to stick to a holistic historical interpretation and yes they are 95% the same
  15. I’m sure you have selectively chosen what to believe to support this new creation, I’m fine with Ukrainians separating and forging a new identity for themselves separate from the precedence of history, but you are just wrong thinking Ukraine as an identity was distinctively looked at as substantially different from Russian up until 30 years ago.
  16. Nah, that’s mostly bullshit and I have studied it. They have their own separate identity in a similar way Texas has a separate identity from New York but they have an overarching identity of being American. Ukraine and Russia are perhaps even more similar, they just pronounce words slightly differently and have their own linguistic jargon. Russian and Ukrainian are basically the same language. I’m against the war and ofc am fine with modern day Ukraine forging their own identity but historically they were one land along with Belarus. The modern identity of being Ukrainian is largely a modern creation that mostly took a back seat to being part of the larger Russian nation and began to become more prominent when geopolitically the people there found it more advantageous to be aligned with the West. They are Slavs just like Russians and Belorussians. One large diaspora with slight differences throughout it. People from all over that region have traveled through and resided all throughout it. Almost everyone in Russia has a relative in Ukraine.
  17. Dude, if anything he’s brought the west closer together than it has been in years. Putin with his actions strengthened Ukrainian identity. Before it was sorta just an offshoot of Russian identity and the language is basically just a different dialect of Russian. Putin believes Ukraine and Russia are one people and he isn’t necessarily wrong here. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia are basically one civilization. Thing is he’s kinda done the opposite of reuniting these pieces together and driven Ukraine to establish itself now as it’s own identity.
  18. @Fleetinglife holy shit that interview is incredible. Absolute must read post a few up from mine here.
  19. I would say it’s more about the clubs and the raves. I listen to electronic some but mostly only when I go out. To me it’s like watching a movie at home vs the cinema. Russia has amazing clubs and techno parties.
  20. Age: 30 USA and German passport I have bachelors from a decent university in the USA, political science and international studies. Graduated honors. Last 6 years I have worked in tefl, esl, tutoring and exam preparation to study and work in the EU and USA. Teaching English in countries where it isn’t the first language. I did really well and made a ton of money in several countries doing private lessons. It’s seemed to have dried up a ton recently and I’m looking for a switch. I’d like to do some work online. I have my passions which I will work towards slowly but I also have to make some cash and can’t do them all in my free time since they have to do with content creation and art. so, given my experience and resume what do you think I could transition to? I was thinking of contacting recruiters. I’d like to get a job I can work remotely from anywhere. I was thinking corporate sales, editing or journalism. I’d like to make $3000-$4000 a month and then maybe move to Bali or South America where my salary will go super far. I don’t want to live in a country that’s expensive. any advice here? I basically have lost a ton of clients and work due to the conflict in Ukraine. I’m frozen out of the Russian bank system. Any advice for starting over and getting an online job?
  21. Yeah I see this going two ways if there is a stalemate. The first is Putin is “escorted” out of the Kremlin and Russia enters a new 90s 2.0 phase, less violent and not as bad however, but some sort of new autocrat takes his place or a Yeltsin 2.0 The second is martial law Putin. Putin locks down Russia and the country basically becomes Iran / North Korea until Putin dies. Putin purges any possibility of anyone overthrowing him and the whole country becomes isolated. He quietly rules with even more autocratic measure and domestically talks often how Russia needs him or else NATO will destroy them.
  22. This is pretty crazy when you hear that a autocrat is starting to arrest his underlings. That is a tall tale sign that things are gonna start falling apart or he is gonna go super dictator and go in lockdown mode. He is probably paranoid. Putin cannot afford a stalemate. That would spell big trouble for him. A war with NATO may actually be the only thing that could save him from that.
  23. Nina Kraviz I really like. Basically they have an amazing techno nightlife in Moscow.
  24. Russia has amazing nightlife and electronic music. The mainstream pop culture is crap though. Russian rap for the most part is super cringe. They just copy everything going on in the USA. Electronic music is way better than anything coming from the USA. Electronic music in the USA sucks lol.
  25. This is outside the stadium that held the war rally the other day. Thing was entirely set up and staged by the kremlin. Not even pro war people are given freedom to support the war. Kremlin wants to control everything especially political expression. They figure a person who is pro and in support could change and then soon be against. They literally bussed in people from regions outside Moscow cause no one in Moscow would go to something like this. They bussed in docile and apathetic government employees and offered them a paid day off from work and free lunch and a free concert.