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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. It’s not. I was just building on the trap I listed first with how to live life.
  2. Decide for yourself for me it’s a double edge because there is a conflict of belief or at least some disingenuous engagement with the material I would fuck most of the women that I see in porn but would I date them or relate to them on a romantic level? No I have boundaries and am territorial and want a woman with a lower body count for a long term relationship. so this sort of double standard I think is maybe a problem for spirituality. So generally speak I think my perceptions that I bring to the table could be not good for my connection to the Tao. But I would say it’s not inherently bad in and of itself. there are some unbelievably beautiful women in porn so it definitely is an enjoyable past time but I think generally it’s not healthy to consume if you have a lot of misaligned beliefs.
  3. Why is there a problem with not knowing? Not knowing to me is probably one of the most joyful states I can be in. I see pure potential and opportunities to learn and do the things I love in not knowing. I would ask you why you are creating this problem for yourself and work on getting to the bottom of the misalignment with the Tao.
  4. what do you mean by attached? I would assume you mean you are placing your value outside yourself into needing approval or something from the other person but I would need to understand your position more before sharing my thoughts.
  5. My question is how do I align my passions and my intentions of becoming a full time content creator with the flow of money? Because I would love to earn and attract money by aligning with the flow of this energy and at the same time be able to do what I love which is make videos, content and travel movies.
  6. worrying about traps and overthinking seeing life in a way where traps are all bad, we learn through mistakes this is really worn out to say but it's a balance being fully responsible and accountable but also accepting we make mistakes and learn through them
  7. I handle shrooms well but they require much respect and proper dosing and handling. Not my ass kicked before on them. But they have also been incredible for me for deeper resolution and expanding my consciousness. I see long term changes in my perception on life with an occasional shroom trip. I’m a lightweight though. I don’t do more than .5 and this is a great dose for me. I’m not trying to breakthrough or have some sort of outer worldly lost in the trip type experience.
  8. There will not be a resolution to this conflict until many of the citizens of Israel come to terms with the fact that their entire state is built largely on lies. It would be one thing if they were honest and acknowledged they are a western creation, but the entire thing keeping everything together I s the deeper dishonesty about how they have this god given mandate (funny enough it started with the British mandate) to live on and rule this land that is now called Israel. Imagine if we all just rolled up and demanded Ethiopia cause humans apparently come from there? The modern Israeli is over 1000 years separated from this land and the modern Israel citizen and Jewish diaspora have genetic similarities with Europeans, not anyone who has inhabited Israel for the last 1900 years.
  9. What you fail to see is the bigger picture. Looking through a bamboo shoot it’s easy to see Israel as this country under attack but it exists entirely through colonialism and the displacement and destruction of the true ancestral inhabitants of the region who lived there for over 1000+ years before Jewish refugees from Europe showed up backed by western interests. This wasn’t that long ago either. Only 70 years or so. Many of the people who were displaced and had their homes and land stolen are still alive.
  10. I would agree with your assessment here. I think Israel is very much seen as artificial to many. It is a unique outlier when it comes to state building and the formation of a nation into a state. It has the colonial element of the British who oversaw that region after the Ottomans. The British didn’t really care about the local populations or how their mandates and whatnot would cause complex issues for the true locals of the region. Keep in mind there were Palestinians there through British rule and for several 100s of years prior, all through the Ottoman Empire. Nations prior to the modern concept of state were much looser in definition and often had fewer political aspirations and desires to build countries. This is probably the biggest lie that comes from Israel. The people there have this totally bullshit narrative that they are entitled to the land there because the people they claim as their “ancestors” once lived there but were forcibly removed. Keep in mind this happened like 1000+ years ago during Roman times and a couple hundred years after. It’s just completely asinine garbage. Hebrew was a dead language with little connection to the modern Israel apart form it being historically a Jewish language. The land was given to refugees of WWII and there is a humanitarian element to it as well since it served western interests to have an ally in the Middle East. There was also wealthy backers who identified as Jewish and wanted to build their own state. Israel’s formation is complex to say the least and it is comprised of humanitarian effort, western geopolitical interests, colonialism, ethnic jewish nation building and of course plenty of lies about the whole narrative of the country. I would definitely say modern states like the USA and Brazil were much more organic in terms of forming into what they are today.
  11. It’s hard to say. USA is also struggling with their decision making on this and all the conflict of interests back home and abroad. USA “checking” their own ally sends messages to Iran that there are cracks in this coalition that can be exploited. They may just try and escalate in some form through their proxies if they sense a lack of coordination. But also simultaneously I think the one guarantee Israel has is the USA will step in if Iran escalates. It’s also an election year in the USA, Biden administration does not have the same backing as previous presidents on Middle East policy. Isolationist influences. General grid lock and even funding for Israel war effort put under scrutiny like Ukraine. To say the least this is not a unified USA with a cohesive and decisive foreign policy. Israel is very much unchecked here.
  12. Let’s be realistic with the current situation USA will not stop supporting Israel for many geopolitical strategic reasons USA probably does not have nearly the amount of sway or ability to call a ceasefire. They are knee deep and entangled with Israel and don’t have the sway to likely get one. Their only method of forcing a ceasefire puts USA strategic interests in jeopardy so as much as they would like one it’s not possible. Israel is like a rabid uncaged dog that the owner is only in the position to continue to support but has marginal control over what it does usa has lost a lot of influence recently
  13. Worrying about humanity is a waste of time. All I can do is live my best life and do what I believe is honest and truthful and has integrity. Thinking about how complex and deep all these humanity issues does nothing for the world. Living in harmony and flow and choosing to not create painful emotions by un aligning from false beliefs is the best thing anyone can do for the world.
  14. What do you mean by carousel of life? If you mean the emotions which you choose to create that may be unpleasant. Then yes, it’s possible to resolve that split and choose to no longer create the carousel, choose to live in flow and harmony. If we are talking about the ever changing life, with all its challenges and the need to be fully responsible and engaged and creative, then no I would say that does not end until death.
  15. I fundamentally disagree with you. I think life is such a wonderful thing, so blessed to be alive. Why do you believe everything in life is BS?
  16. That’s not under her control though. She can only accept him for who he is or choose to leave him, or have a conversation with him and see if he changes. This is the process of dating and relating to people. It’s entirely her choice to stay with him or leave, and make the choice best for her. She isn’t a victim here. She will be fine either way.
  17. Is it what you genuinely want to spend your time doing in order to attract money? Do you enjoy it? Is it a passion of yours? What are your intentions for pursuing it? You can make something wonderful out of anything you are truthfully aligned with.
  18. Women have their own rationale. Because it’s beliefs and thought that create emotions, what you call vibe; and most women are living their life governed by their emotions. They definitely are rational, but they have their own rationality and they think sometimes differently than men. I say this with no certainty to anything, just my loose conclusions from my experiences.
  19. He’s free to be who he is. It is not your job to change him. Be open and honest an discuss it with him, understand and have a genuine conversation. If you don’t see yourself on the same page with him after, then accept him for who he is and continue the relationship or leave him. It’s not that complicated, jsut open and honest communication to see if you can come to terms with each other.
  20. I’m looking to get around 180-200g of protein a day spaced out over three meals and one snack. I’d also like to get around 300g of the right carbs. I’m finding it difficult to do this however and just eating lots of chicken is so boring. For the people here getting strong, what do you do for reaching your daily protein? I’ve found whey is the only way lol
  21. I am seeing these new AI apps that can alter photos, sound, text, etc. It’s starting to get to the point where I wonder just how advanced it will be in 5-10 years from now. I’m wondering what some of the broader implications are and if you all agree we may need some regulation soon. For example, AI could be used to tamper with and forge evidence that could interfere with trials. It could also be so good that soon there may be digital apps that replace actually people for texting. I could also see it killing 80% of all white collar jobs. Maybe at one point that one academic’s complaints about AI being dangerous seemed silly but now I actually agree, this stuff could quickly get out of hand and cause some serious problems. Thoughts?
  22. I want to change careers. I want to become a web developer, start with front end then become full stack, and hopefully work my way up to software engineer. I’d like to do this without a cs degree if possible. right now I have these beliefs about it and I’d say how I’m going about doing it - I’m reasonably disciplined and learning what skills and abilities I must have to succeed in this field. I also could further research what I need to learn. - I need to network eventually which I haven’t really done before and is new to me. - I realize we learn through mistakes and I’m willing to make them. I hope I can avoid making something big, like this not working out for me and having wasted my time, but that sometimes happens and I’ve weighed the ideas and I think I’m going about this as rationally as I can. - I would like to start putting in much more work into this. - I’m fairly decisive and can make choices when I need to. - some stuff in my personal life is keeping me from fully committing as much time as I would like to this but I’m working on resolving this What I believe I could develop is creativity since it’s one thing I lack with second being the drive to put in massive amount of work. Any tips to improve in these things and anything else I could work on?
  23. Thanks for expanding on this. I do agree with you. I’ll take this into account and try to do some more writing based off what you said. I actually was at this point when I was in my early to mid 20s. I was an incel 10 years ago before the word was coined. Getting out of this was like clawing myself upward out of a well with no ladder. I’m actually not sure how to approach this even though I’ve been through it, need to reflect on it more. I’m trying to put together a body of writing and maybe put out a short book on this topic in the future.
  24. One of the fundamental obstacles I see a lot of guys having problem with isn’t their “game” abilities. For example they aren’t sure what “to do” in a certain situation or say and are looking for some mental concept they can mechanically implement. That approach to thinking about this stuff has it’s place and is useful at times. Their problem is more fundamental however and it’s that they lack abundance. They are not living a socially active lifestyle nor have the exposure which gives them social access to simply meeting and partying with lots of beautiful women. They sit inside mostly, they keep to themselves, they spend time with the same couple friends who don’t go out either, etc. This is somewhat where cold approach and day game attempts to fill the gaps but this also can be further refined and isn’t the same as being in a place where women are going to be automatically receptive to your sexual agenda. Not all places give the same level of social reception. I’m part of a Facebook group where guys ask for advice. You see a lot of posts there where a guy will put up images of some texting he’s doing with a number he got. He busted his ass to get that number in his town or city then he’s in scarcity mode and trying hard to make a mediocre set work. All those mechanical “gamey” techniques aren’t necessarily the foundation. They are more the icing on the cake. You don’t need a lot of them, sometimes even none, for a robust and rich experience. You’d be surprised how the techniques that are studied in pick up are sparingly used by guys who actually get home runs, in reality much of the “game” you are expected to run as a man is being just a fun and relaxed guy who is confident in himself and can make solid eye contact coming from that core inner sense of well being (not forcing). Basically just knowing how to lead. Not the fake try-hard red pill confidence but actually confident and truly appreciative of yourself. You’re happy to be who you are, weaknesses and all. If you had abundance/exposure and simply were happy to be who you are you wouldn’t be hyper focused on making that one shitty set work. I noticed here instead of guys posting screenshots of text convos they ask useless hypotheticals to try and understand something. Both are just inefficient coping mechanisms to try and deal with a challenge in life. You would know there is an element of chance and you are not in control of the woman or the situation, you can only influence it, so you would have no problem passing onto the next instead digging in, and with this all attuned together you are then quickly able to filter to the girls that like you and put energy into the sets you can tell will go in your favor and you will get laid way more and have way more opportunities to make this girl you girlfriend or that girlfriend a hookup. It’s just what’s efficient. So I would say the main thing to do is focus on abundance. Move if you have to. If you live in the Middle East or a shitty USA state, then move. Second you have to make some great internal shifts and take responsibility for your emotions and how you view yourself. No more blaming others for how you feel or what you like or don’t like. You create all your emotions through your beliefs. Nothing outside you is doing that. Stop blaming your chemistry or the heavy metals or the label of some diagnosis. It is just your beliefs. Your beliefs can be changed, beliefs of course can be changed! So this all revolves around taking responsibility and the first thing you can do is take responsibility for what I consider to be the most important fundamental which is reorienting your entire life towards building abundance. Move if you have to, change jobs, join a co working place, whatever you have to do to just be around women for hours on end every day, do that, then start refining.