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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I'm trying to do this as well. I struggle to focus. I have an adhd mind, I try not to identify with this label too much though. Planning my day in order of tasks helps some but some days things don't go according to plan or something comes up, throws me off, I get back up and try again. I'm always looking for new ways to improve my focus and orderly execution of tasks. Any tips helps?!
  2. So I made this thread the other day. My health has been a somewhat problem for me more recently, with this problem getting worse recently. I will often get mild flu symptoms and just general poor health. I am confused because my diet is solid. I walk a lot. Get a lot of sun. It's been bothering me. I will go to sleep at night with the AC on and wake up sick and I think it's a temperature thing in the room so I would wear a hat and stay warm and still nope. Anyways I went to my unit today out of curiosity, opened it up and it was absolutely disgusting, filled with black mold and dust caked on. I instantly started sneezing and it is the same sorta sneeze I get when I come back home and turn it on. How the fuck did I miss this? Just looking at it it looked fine. I started reflecting on the places I have lived the last two years and all have in common that they were incredibly dusty environments with mold. I don't think this is from having COVID from 2 years ago but from not really taking my environment seriously and cleaning for mold. So I'm hoping this cures my issue and I can finally get an idea of why I have been struggling with this. I feel even better having removed the AC unit from my room, air has already improved. So if you are having health issues, it could be something in the environment. Check for mold!!!
  3. He's just a guy that's a yogi and has really developed himself. He made a company or NGO and his living his life. He helps communities, teaches yoga and posts a lot of inspirational and helpful perspectives and opinions on social media. He seems to me to be an honest man. I obviously don't know 100% but that is life, we take what information we have at any moment and do with it what we think is best. The only thing I heard that was sketchy was something about his wife dying and his father in law blaming him. I don't really know and never looked into it. I don't hold Sahdguru on some hierarchy where he is above me or anyone. I do like him.
  4. I don't do philosophy but I can tell you now you are creating this entire problem for yourself. You are creating it through your beliefs. What you are experiencing are painful emotions and those are from beliefs that are out of alignment with truth. What you need to do is do self inquiry and ask yourself why do you choose to create loneliness? What exactly is going on here? Philosophy is not going to resolve these issues. You listed a bunch of stuff that are just flat out untrue. You say you can't find a woman that's attractive because you aren't handsome? Who says you are not handsome? What about all the guys that look like you that have a beautiful GF/wife? You see you are ignoring all the evidence and positives to find evidence to fulfill your false beliefs and lies that you aren't good enough / unlovable. So I would say the first step you need to ask yourself is are you creating this problem for yourself ? You are the creator of your emotions, you are not the victim of them: do you agree with this statement?
  5. be honest and share your own story and make it relatable, I actually want to do this myself too
  6. I pay it little to no attention
  7. I'm against the ban. It's used by a ton of US businesses and creators and I don't support much of anything this geriatric congress passes. They are old and out of touch. I don't see any security risks from people using this app. Parents can do a better job parenting if they want to cry about the app poisoning the minds of kids. It's called taking away the ipad. And lastly it sets up more stupid tit for tat geopolitic games between the USA and China. The biggest issue here is the flat out lack of integrity USA business does overseas by censoring themselves to make more cash in foreign markets ran by authoritarian governments. Critics used to scold them for that and tout how the USA version was so free and shit and how they shouldn't do business there if they don't uphold American values. How times have changed, we want to now flat out ban a harmless app with zero evidence it does any harm just to "get them back." USA has gone to shit, move abroad if you have the cash.
  8. So let me give a run down of my situation and I would appreciate anyone who can relate to what I’m writing and was able to resolve a similar issue and create/attract their dream income source to help me please. I believe money is an energy and there is a flow of it in there world. I don’t believe it’s possible to make money, it’s already here. I believe it’s possible to earn money and provide value in some form in exchange for money. I am working on my beliefs about money. I am taking time to do self inquiry on what money is and how it works and all beliefs I have on it, many I’m sure are false. The one issue I’m wanting some different insights and perhaps some guidance on is this: I would like to earn money through my passions. I make content online and have a small and unique following. I plan to grow my audience. I love to film travel videos and I plan to do this even more and my dream is to make money online somehow through this where I am financially supported by an income that comes from my video creation. The thing is I don’t want to compromise my values. I don’t want to pander bullshit influencer crap. I don’t want a product I’m not proud of quick for cash. I want the money to come from people who genuinely love my content and want to support it through donations, subscriptions, perhaps ads on YouTube, etc. The thing is though I believe my expectations are a bit limiting and not inclusive of every way I could earn money and the unpredictability of life, will this actually happen you know? so I’m trying to get clear on this. What’s an inclusive way I can take my passion that I love and not have to compromise on it or what I love about it all the while earning money from it and aligning with the universe and flow of money? Im open minded and willing to learn new skills and perhaps incorporate other elements but my highest value is freedom and not pandering bullshit lies or being confined to one place (I wish to live abroad for the rest of my life) so here comes an end to my yapping about this unresolved issue for me in short: how do I align my passion and interests and values with the flow of money?
  9. I keep getting mildly sick. I got COVID19 back in Feb 2022. It was followed by a very strong flu. Since then I get a mild flu every other month or so. I will get a mild fever. My head is bald and I get colds very easily. Please, what сan I do about this? Before this I used to get sick maybe once every other year. Now it seems like I'm sick multiple times a year. I am thinking of getting a blood test and seeing what it shows.
  10. I want to improve my story telling and improve my public speaking, specifically in front of a camera. For the second one I know comes down tons and tons of practice. Any suggestions? Any good books for the first?
  11. you need to change your beliefs. you instantly label yourself a loser which is a lie. that is where the root of your issue is that needs to be addressed.
  12. whats the difference between this and chatgpt?
  13. Is there a way to use this to help me make video content or make video content faster? Is there way it can look at my footage and compare it to viral footage and help me choose the best clips to use? help me write viral hooks? etc?
  14. I do agree there is behavior and beliefs that are unhealthy to live by and of course utilizing the justice system and all means we have to live truthfully is crucial. I don't subscribe to a good/bad model though. If you find it help you are free too but you have to realize whatever belief system you have will automatically apply to you as well, so you are essentially creating a world view that will be a form of self punishment.
  15. It's an important question. The first step is to take total responsiblity for your emotions, you are creating them. You aren't a victim to them. That is the foundation. From there you then need to ask yourself why you are lying to yourself believing you can't cope in the first place. To exist is to cope and survive and if you are here now reading this you are doing this right now, so automatic lie right there saying you can't cope. Lastly is then to slowly break to yourself the fact that life doesn't always go how we want. It doesn't for me. It doesn't for you. You ask yourself why you can't accept life is the way it is. And from there you build your connection to the divine, Tao, whatever you wish to call it and no live by lies such as believing you can't cope or life should be different and you can't accept it. Done.
  16. It’s interesting the page you shared. I would say you have to love yourself first and most importantly. Love is a feeling created by genuinely accepting and seeing without judgment, connecting to true value. So I would agree that a man that is able to love women first and foremost loves himself.
  17. I went through the end of a 3 year relationship last month so this is on the surface for me: Don’t put energy into it after it’s ended. Continuously self inquire on why you may still want to talk or think about it. Do not keep in touch, delete them on all social media. Don’t forget your true value and definitely address this lie that we need other people or we need other people to be happy or whole, it’s false.
  18. I’ve already overcome the brainwashing and resolved these issues. You need to get in touch with your spirit and really question these beliefs. You have to take full responsibility for the creation of this perspective where you believe you aren’t worthy. I can tell you now this is simply a lie. You are worthy and valuable and capable of living to your true potential but you have to go down to the root of this belief where it started and sort of continuously examine it until you see it’s simply a lie and untrue. I definitely don’t think we can snap our fingers like you said. I’m not saying life doesn’t have some big responsibilities. It definitely does and we need to be fully engaged and responsible for every aspect of our lives. What I’m saying is I wouldn’t consider that hard because when I’ve described these as hard in the past I was just describing a feeling, stemming from a belief that was limiting like “I always fail.” So I definitely do agree life requires responsibility, learning and being fully engaged, patient, everything you know about like this as we all do and anyone who set out to do something great. But I wouldn’t label it as hard like some do because I think you can look at it as hard or not and that’s a choice. It’s just my wording maybe it doesn’t resonate with you. To me accepting life as it is including the hard things makes them not appear hard anymore but just phases and ever changing experiences not based in my expectations.
  19. I would also ask yourself what you mean by these things being hard or easy. I used to use wording like yours but I was referring to an emotion which I was creating through my beliefs. To me living life in flow and allowing is not hard or difficult. But also I don’t set expectations. I set intentions and then embrace the uncertainty.
  20. I would say the most limiting ones are about myself and there really is really only one. I’m not whole / I am not valuable this is the core belief which basically all the negative self thoughts come from, the belief that doubts your connection to the Tao and your intrinsic spiritual value that you are born with, the only true value. Usually happens in childhood. From this lie of lacking value and wholeness follows beliefs like these I’m bad / I’m unlovable or not good enough / I can’t cope and survive. I would say these have hands down been the most limiting beliefs for me and I’ve done a lot of work to resolve them all. apart from these I also will often ask myself what i believe about money and different domains of life but usually the only way I can learn if I had a limiting belief in a certain domain is by really digging deep into and understanding the domain and how it works.
  21. Thanks for your input. I see your point. I think you hit the nail on the head. The content I make has to truly stand out in some form and resonate with people strongly. That’s actually what I’m focusing on and learning to do now. It’s actually the idea that I realized is most important. The seed. But I am really making a lot of content because I realized it’s through this volume I can learn little by little then self reflect on what’s working and what isn’t. It’s my absolute calling so there is only one way to find out. I don’t think about comparing myself to other people or if my niche is competitive or not. I know this is my path but I of course don’t know if it will work out how I would like. Just try and see.
  22. You don’t have to lie and manipulate women to get women.
  23. Your post is very long and I think you basically stated the issue you have in the first paragraph. my question for you is why do you choose to have an overly optimistic view of reality? because to me I see your problem right here and it’s very simple. You aren’t accepting reality as it is. Why do you choose not to accept reality as it is, with all the different aspects of humanity and things you don’t like in it?
  24. Sure. To be clear these are the traps 1. worrying about traps and overthinking 2. seeing life in a way where traps are bad, we learn through mistakes I would say worrying or needlessly thinking about traps is a trap itself. Since life is always being re-contextualized through beliefs in the present moment. No one has any way of knowing they would have been better off if they didn’t make a certain mistake, so whatever is just is. And further more to build on this one doesn’t really have an appreciation for their development without having made mistakes. Because we learn through mistakes and get a sense of our growth and change through learning these lessons. life has a weird magical way of just working out sometimes, where what was once saw as a mistake is now seen as a crucial lesson which I think leads me to maybe the only other mistake I try to no longer make and it’s 3. not being true and authentic to myself If there is one mistake I think is one of the main ones it’s not being grateful and wasting this life being inauthentic. Be as authentic and honest as possible and make the most of everything no matter what.