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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. there are a ton of problems with porn in not sure consuming it is necessarily always harmful though depending on the content, if it was made with integrity, and your own habits I do think porn is way too available online for underage people, I do believe porn does skew the mind if you don’t have experience and haven’t been able to form loving relationships, I do think porn can be used like a drug and it def adds more to superficial aspects of society, it def can be misused but I also think it’s a reflection of deeper issues. Just by watching it though I’m not sure it can be harmful. What’s the difference between that and masturbation without porn ?
  2. I was living with my ex up until two months ago, lived together for two years. Honestly it's been really challenging ending, but I'm starting this new chapter little by little each day.
  3. Rio de Janeiro
  4. I have some thoughts to share here. I’ll keep it brief and concise. I was thinking a lot about what it takes to become truly great at something or really build a business or create one’s dream vocation. I think we will all be in agreement that commitment, dedication, working consciously and smart and continuously approaching it with an open mind and putting in time to build it is necessary. Rome wasn’t built overnight. Utilizing our passion and getting clear with ourselves what we want and what we are doing. I think where I want to open up the discussion is how this fits into living in flow, balance and oneness. Embracing and accepting our own uniqueness, strengths and weaknesses and having a balance but also perhaps realizing in order to achieve or create certain things there may be a level of drive, time and energy needed to put into what we are creating, which in turn may throw us off balance. I’ll give a practical example: I want to study 16 hours a week of a new language but realistically after 12 hours I’m pretty shot by the fourth day. And I am wanting some sort of change up of tasks because it can be a bit monotonous. Now this right here I would begin to question myself why I believe I need an instant reward or change up, but putting that aside, I think really all we can do is accept our own unique pace or throw ourselves out of wack. Maybe I’m not explaining it well but I’m looking to understand what is perhaps just our beliefs about what we are doing vs what is sort of uniquely is and why we are that way. Because I was listening to a linguist talk and he could study 9 hours a day, I am not sure I have that in me. So do you all believe in some sort of life lesson, we have to maybe throw ourselves out of wack to really reach an advanced level in a vocation or can it be done in balance and flow?
  5. I’ve seen this guy in the video on instagram. He originally started out as a caricature of the office plankton ass kisser but his fans started defending him in the comments so he became sort of admired for his positivity and probably a source of entertainment for other white collar guys. He’s funny to me for different reasons, I don’t have remotely the same lifestyle and I would not enjoy working in an office and doing the corporate grind.
  6. I did this. 10000% better than the USA just based off what I value but it’s definitely not for everyone. Life is more dangerous in Brazil, where I am. But the risk is worth it.
  7. it did indeed, not a clue what you are saying
  8. It is a belief system. Different cultures have different beliefs. Some like you described believe elderly should be addressed differently as a sign of respect. I don't see anything inherently wrong with this but your own personal situation could make you see things differently.
  9. Give this a go: Just stop trying to understand and focus on resolving any issues in your personal life. No more “seeking.” Flip it. Ask yourself why you choose to move away from truth rather than trying to move towards it in your endeavors. Then just accept yourself and your life. You will be blown away by what you discover. I know this community has its own style and model to doing this work, keep an open mind that there may be some over arching beliefs here about what/how you are seeking and living life and how you are using your mind are actually limiting you.
  10. But you just said you are black pill and forever alone and it is lovely. So you don’t need advice from anyone not even dating coaches. The thread is a wrap.
  11. Congratulations you must be so happy and fulfilled You made this thread for a pat on the back? Or are you actually asking for help which we can give ?
  12. Too many labels and models for me personally. Using the label “inner child” has been enough for me. Everyone brings in their own idea of how they are not aligning with their true value and not returning to oneness but upon my own self inquiry I’ve found it’s really not that complicated. What other parts of ourselves do you mean precisely?
  13. This is very common. Witnessing a death, like a loved one passing at home from an illness also does this But you mentioned a really special moment of your life, which I think is talked about less, at the birth, which you got to witness for your new baby! its very common when witness a passing away OR a birth of a new life, to then have a deep connection to the Tao, spiritual experience, I’ve yet to witness a birth but I can only imagine, hope my day will come soon. I witnessed my mom pass away and there was a peace, just a pure eternal peace and everlasting stillness that took over the room for a moment. Everyone went quiet. No one was even sad or crying anymore. Just pure acceptance, an indescribable wellbeing, everything was ok in that moment.
  14. What’s wrong with living in the unknown? It’s pure potential. I wouldn’t want to know everything. That way I can enjoy endless surprises. Why do you want to know everything? What do you want from your life here in earth?
  15. Exactly. This is really the essence of the work we are doing here and you are wise to notice that statement and see it. Are we born with value, inherit true value, or do we have to earn value? This is a good question to ask yourself. I believe everyone is valuable no matter what.
  16. Good luck to you. I don’t have any practical advice. I would say a situation like this is a good opportunity to look at your beliefs and also build a strong relationship with yourself. Call on that innate inner wisdom that is there. Doesn’t even have to be a big thing. Just ten minutes a day talking to yourself about what you may fear, and letting go of any lies like you won’t be able to cope or get through this.
  17. Awesome work! I love my vision board. I looked back on an old one and realized in some form almost everything I put on it was fulfilled. Was pretty crazy to see.
  18. First is realizing you are not a victim. I’m not saying you didn’t go through hard times but you are not a victim to them. They are in the past now and live on in your mind. You are the creator of your emotions, you aren’t the victim of them. You are creating them through the beliefs you hold about the past. There are beliefs you are holding onto which are not true and out of alignment with the truth, your true intrinsic value that you are always whole, lovable and capable. You have to have this dialogue with yourself, the part of the mind I like to call the inner child, and sort of reverse engineer the belief systems you formed over the years that are filled with these lies where you doubt yourself and doubt your value. It’s 100% possible. If you want me to share some resources that helped me let me know and I’ll post here.
  19. I invite you all to perhaps look at this topic differently. I remember doing self work under this shadow work label and it wasn’t for me. I’ve not found this particular belief system helpful. Both in the language used and how I see it made out as more mysterious than it needs to be. I invite you all to use the label the “inner child.” I’ve found it worlds better for doing the self inquiry and returning to a wholeness / oneness.
  20. Just a bunch of weird discombobulating stuff where one or both people leaves hurt. I’ve yet to see this FWB stuff work out. Seen a few open marriages but it seems like usually one of the partners is a people pleaser. Just date and see where it goes and if you don’t want to commit move on.
  21. Yep only sometimes. It can be used periodically.
  22. Wow , can you share more how you started earning money online while traveling ?
  23. I think you should address why you think it’s ok to call yourself a loser before looking outside for some philosophy to believe in. I can tell you now, that is the issue you need to be looking at. Why do you choose to disrespect yourself and doubt your value?
  24. I take Vyvanse sometimes. It helps me a lot. I was diagnosed with adhd twice and I genuinely do believe there is differences in minds and cognitive uniqueness in everyone. I’ve found the side effects to be minimal. If anything the decreased appetite and lots of water drinking has helped me lose weight. I really love this drug.