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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I would be careful over analyzing you are creating resistance. Keep it at that. now ask yourself why you are choosing to create resistance? Use self inquiry to get crystal clear on what you are doing and then see if it is authentically what you want to do and if it’s true.
  2. The middle way live in balance and flow
  3. The thing about bashar is that everything he is saying in regards to living in flow and harmony and using the law of attraction to create your dream life is said pretty clearly by other teachers and even discovered by oneself if you do self inquiry. Regardless of the woo woo his core teaching is what I have found to be true in my life as well. Beliefs create your reality so it’s all about taking responsibility for your beliefs and owning them and realizing you create your emotions and your life. The thing where a session may be helpful with him is if you are into epistemological stuff and pondering/discussing mystical states. He basically teaches what the Tao Te Ching says otherwise in terms of living a true / authentic life otherwise. I even prefer some other teachers to him that have in my opinion a better teaching on inner resolution work and law of attraction.
  4. cool dude thanks for the info
  5. Which is why I don’t listen to these teachers. They always say this is the bottom blah blah. I say I live in the unknown. This way there is always something new to learn and discover. You will never stop learning, expanding and discovering if you realize you live in the unknown.
  6. How much is a session ?
  7. It’s a very good question. I’ve even thought about this myself. There’s actually examples of both. There’s guys who have created some very life changing things in this world who were hustling and grinding through it all, and there were people who seamlessly seemed to wait, perhaps in sort of Wu Wei, and when they saw a wave, took off. There is a study where they examined how architects work, and they found the ones who were taking the most action and got started right away on a project were the least talented and innovate. Those that seemed to procrastinate and just doodle seemed to produce the best work, where things naturally unfolded and there was an explosion of creativity and right action. Look at judo, this martial art sport. You don’t struggle or strive in it in order to win. There’s a sort of flow you go with and at the right moment you apply force, and your opponent goes flying. I think the answer to this question is actually quite personal. As a spiritual being maybe you don’t want to take much action, but only the right ones. Or maybe you desire to constantly be doing something. I think it comes down to getting clear within yourself what’s the right choice for you , to be authentic.
  8. Do not take 5meo again. I would get evaluated by a physicians as well, but to be honest this sounds like you have an unresolved issue about this trip. You need to take responsibility and realize you are the creator of your emotions, you are not the victim of them. You are creating them through your beliefs. You have to get down to the bottom of them and understand what is actually going on. why are you choosing to create this experience you call anxiety?
  9. City of God is one of my favorite movies. I live in Rio too so it’s very eye opening to see how the city has changed over the years
  10. super natural and mysticism has become more personal and less a topic of interest for discussion for me the more I have had these experiences. I’m sure sahdguru has plenty of stories to tell but it’s sort of idle chatter.
  11. I read it once and it’s just a great book about a core components to creating whatever you want. Commitment and responsibility.
  12. thank for sharing. I'm starting to look into and do Qi practices. It's very nice for working with the balance and bringing harmony to one's life.
  13. Well that’s the reality of the situation. The most superficial metric which also happens to be the most important part of online dating since women have nothing to judge you by other than your photos. Guys who are in good shape and display a nice lifestyle. At the same time though you only need one woman at a time so I even if you are niched down I don’t think it’s a big problem if you do you really well and everything you are showing about yourself shows care and quality. How interesting the photos are, your fashion, etc.
  14. Wow thanks, I’ll try this. I want to make travel content on YouTube and documentary videos on the platform, travel blogging and also content on spirituality mixed in, self help, maybe even offer coaching or offer travel itineraries. I also am an off the beaten path traveler so I like to tell interesting stories and go places tourists usually don’t see. Any tips on how I can get more clear and creative on what I want to do and how I can align it with the flow of money?
  15. could be, I just don't think this site is substantially helpful. I mean if someone has not developed any taste when it comes to photos or isn't aware of obvious things that make their photos weak, sure it's probably helpful but I would take it's accuracy with a grain of salt. Good photos are pretty apparent when you see them, just brows instagram, they come with an attractive and active lifestyle. Many women are aroused by highly engaged and active men, even if you are niched down, active and engaged lifestyle is key towards good photos.
  16. Dating coaches making videos on dating apps don’t have any incentive to be honest with how the apps actually work or what their actual results are. Saying they have a solution to your problem and hyping that up makes it more likely you will buy something from them or watch their video to the end. Photo feeler itself is also highly questionable if it’s accurate. What woman you actually are attracted to uses that site to rate randoms? The truth is unless you are paying for the premium services as a man and have a very popular look for the area of the world you are swiping in, or you’re exotic cause you’re foreign, the results you get are always going to be mediocre / poor. I consider myself to have pretty decent photos too for the app and I’m a foreigner in South America and I even in doing just ok in terms of volume, a small fraction of matches the typical woman user gets on these apps. If you want results you’re going to need to really upgrade your profile which comes with an upgrade in lifestyle and be prepared to pay as well for perks for any sort of useful volume. I pay for platinum and get 1-3 matches a day of pretty girls.
  17. I wouldn’t say less spiritual but integrity does apply to sexuality. Certain sexual acts are carried out often times because of certain beliefs people hold. I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with DP or gangbangs in and of itself, but a lot of it takes place from a lack of integrity and dishonesty and exploitation.
  18. Not acting / living with integrity makes you less conscious. are you acting out of integrity with your internet usage? Using the internet doesn’t inherently make you less conscious.
  19. I can relate To this. First off you have to return to your true value and connection to higher power / spirit. Live with integrity and be truthful and don’t align with lies. A person cannot give you love. Love is not a commodity. A person cannot give you value. You are already valuable. This is crucial when it comes to going into a relationship and especially through life. Love with integrity. People do not give you love. You choose to create a feeling / state within and your partner mirrors this back to you by doing the same. This is foundational in this discussion. Secondly in society today and throughout time there have been expectations for certain financial abilities placed on the man. This is just a preference and is not required for two people to create love in a relationship. But I do think that since economics are changing faster than societal belief so men who are having problems keeping up with the economy are facing issues when it comes to finding a partner that does not believe what society believes about men and money. It raises some questions for me too about relationships because you may think someone is only with you because of your money rather than your uniqueness. I think this is where it’s important to return back to the first point. If you are right within yourself you will be guided where you need to be and be more likely to find a woman who wants to be with you more so than with your money. After all you only need one woman so if 99 what your money and 1 doesn’t you are fine. I do not deny money is important. It is for stability’. But it has to come with a balance and I would invite people to be open to possibilities besides BUT including money. Money problems are rarely actually problems about money but deeper issues about belief in oneself and one’s abilities. What if you have exactly what you need whenever you need it to do what needs to be done in any given moment ?
  20. I don’t understand the obsession this forum has with this guy and why it seems like some expectations are placed on him that don’t belong. He’s just a guy running a huge YouTube channel. His channel isn’t really art and it’s soulless content for the most part, I don’t expect perfect integrity from him but I’m also not fooling myself thinking he’s a saint when he builds houses in Africa or whatever. He’s a typical late stage capitalist YouTuber with philanthropic elements to his content. I’ve seen a few videos his and they are fun but I don’t really look for or expect anything valuable from him.
  21. I mean if it’s just your typical condescending vibe where you think because you tripped a bunch and connected to god, whatever words you want to use for that, and you’re just going to go in and have some sort of debate where you think you know more than him about what is true because you’ve changed your state more often using dmt, then no, but if you actually want to have a discussion where you want to learn something from him and vice versa then maybe it could be interesting.
  22. I have no clue. I think this needs to just run its course. Some years from now we will look back and taken the parts of it that work and left behind that which hasn’t. I think society will slowly realize how it isn’t helping.
  23. The thing is people want to split hairs and just let their mind run wild with labels and frankly it is exhausting and if anything society needs to stop going into this stuff. It’s the reason why LGBTQ keeps getting longer and longer. It’s confusing mentally ill teenagers and there is a much more natural and simple way to look at this.
  24. Well this calmed my nerves a bit. I have to get mine out and I think it may be a bit complicated. So I may have this and it doesn’t sound too uncomfortable.