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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. This just takes practice, and I would say speaking truth. It’s harder to speak if you are speaking nonsense you don’t believe in.
  2. This is why I don’t recommend these substances in this kind of setting. I think it’s better to lie down in a comfortable and safe room and gently contemplate or relax into the trip. I also think there’s so many different facets and styles and labels for these experiences where one person calls this ego death and one thing happens in their experience and then another person has something totally different happen in their experience and they use the same label. I have had recent sober “ego deaths” as I we could call them and it is nothing like this. It’s a total sense of oneness and completeness, acceptance and resting as this point of creation. On shrooms it was similar for me as well.
  3. I think you should dig deeper into your beliefs and really look to resolve your inner issues. A lot of your sentences are filled with self doubt, not recognizing your inherent and intrinsic unchanging true value and you just seems very defeated and in need of really changing your whole perspective on self growth and how you relate to yourself. I would look into therapy and help with people who know how to spot what areas of your belief system and world view are limiting the flow of wellbeing and energy into your life. I commend you for having done so much and I know going up to girls can be really hard and it definitely takes courage, but I don’t think your issue will be solved by some habit change or practicing social skills. I think deeper inner growth and really getting to know yourself and resolve any issues going back to childhood is what will make finding a girlfriend much easier for you.
  4. Why do you think there’s something there that can even die? Even those labels don’t make sense to me.
  5. I don’t use the label shadow. I use the label the inner child. I use an entirely different model and a journaling method for this called “the golden thread” that actually works and actually returns you to oneness and to a flow with everything balanced and in harmony. Check this channel out
  6. Why do you choose to compare yourself with others? What are you desiring that you think will give you value ? These are the questions to ask which will melt away this idea the internet is a cause of suffering for you.
  7. I think you’re looking for something to blame and not take responsibility for your own wellbeing. Maybe that sounds a bit harsh? I don’t deny that the internet is something we have to balance in our lives. It definitely comes with its own unique challenges. It’s really how you look at it though. i would say we are blessed in many ways unlike before and the internet is an incredible possibility if we use it right. I would not categorize it as a reason for my disharmony.
  8. It’s dishonest exploitation of men, but they are not victims. They need to become conscious and take responsibility for their lives and stop feeding this parasitic crap. Guys like this and onlyfans and simp culture and instagram are causing massive hoeflation today.
  9. Well there’s a deeper unresolved spiritual lesson here. You are beating yourself up for not having sex. So you believe a person who goes a year or longer without sex is what? Not good enough? So not having sex affects a persons value? Is that true?
  10. What am I looking at here? How is this an avoidance of reality?
  11. Be as totally honest as can be, live with integrity.Don’t tell lies to yourself or others. Don’t break promises to yourself or others. Don’t withhold truths from yourself or others. Don’t criticize, compare or judge. You create your emotions, you aren’t the victim of them. You have innate spiritual value always, you can never been not good enough, unlovable or not whole.
  12. It’s interesting and I like his metaphors I’m working on this too, finding this balance between my human side and then my inner sun. It’s tricky sometimes!
  13. interesting, well this itself doesn't sound like a problem for you sounds like you enjoy it or it's your way of creating meaning and adding structure to your life. I have a different way of framing my day to day but it just comes down to our belief system and what is authentic and unique to us. You may have a unique gift in this, many problem solvers invent really cool things and innovate industries.
  14. Flow of life, well said. I agree with what you said. I realized all those insane states aren't "better" than sober consciousness, just as any chapter in a book isn't better than the other since they are each needed to tell a story. Just this comparison is laughable when it comes to living life, which is inescapable if you have a body. We have no choice but to be responsible for our lives. It's not possible to get out of this.
  15. Maybe it's unfortunate, maybe it isn't. I put myself in this situation before and learned from it, I adopted other people's language and words and beliefs that weren't my own for my own spiritual experiences. When people start to want to make progress and resolve any issues they have and really live, they will make these choices for themselves. Everyone is responsible for their life.
  16. Live with integrity and be fully responsible and engaged with your channel. The audience will see you live with integrity and honesty. It’s simple to stay honest. To stay creative focus in on what you love to create and what you get from creating videos. Just focus on that and watch it expand. Ask yourself “why do I love to make YouTube videos?” “What is my authentic gift I have that I can share?” this way you will get real clear on your purpose and authenticity. Im making YouTube also. My plan is to grow my channel over the next few years and find a way to have it support my travels and living abroad. I’m making travel content.
  17. A message like this will fall on deaf ears. This is just how this community is. It's what I see as a fairly immature, near-sided place but it's also just my opinion and from many peoples' point of view here this is their path and they are settled in on the language and approach that Leo has largely set for this site. It's not a problem, I just see it as difference. if you want to take part in what may be labeled here as "practicality", go to the dating section, business section and sometimes the personal development section. I'll see you there!
  18. ahaha this community in a nutshell. i need to ask myself why i choose to even come here. it's honestly very low quality discussion most of the time. I think the dating and career sections do have some good suggestions and the personal development section does too sometimes
  19. does it disturb your harmony and flow with life? if so I invite you to consider and ask yourself why you are doing this. It's actually a sort of big picture problem where the human part of life wants to stay in the known and familiar, disrupting the natural flow and wellbeing. Whereas the spiritual side, that which is greater, revels in the unknown and unfolding. I myself am working on striking a harmony between the two. Why do you choose to look for problems?
  20. I have no clue. My ex of 3 years is moving back in with me today …. And idk I wouldn’t say we are together but we are constantly testing the waters with ideas of actually making it work this time. There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to relationships. I’m just focusing on my chi energy and staying in balance and cultivating harmony. Who knows what will happen next.
  21. As for getting laid: This is a very simple thing yet can be quite nuanced when you take into account the uniqueness of each individual. What works for me and what i have to do in order to achieve this may be very different from someone else who has to develop qualities I take for granted. i would say the most important thing for me though is clearing all lies like “not being good enough” and whatnot and then being fully engaged in life. Expanding your consciousness but actually resolving your inner issues. You have to actively ponder these deeper inner issues and give yourself the knowledge to resolve them by either going out and finding it or developing your own principles, usually both. Charm, intelligence, strength and resources attract women. Focusing on your own inner transformation, letting go of expectations and actually going out helps. You have to be open to new experiences and be really engaged. How social can most of you honestly say you are?? Many of yall have no idea how radically different life is when you develop extrovert qualities and can seamlessly make friends and talk to women. Moving is also a great idea if you live in a boring place with no hoes. one shoe does not fit all. It’s better to seek personal advice by sharing your story and where you are having problems and why you believe you are having these problems.
  22. However you can choose to be a honest person and still get laid. I don’t know where this misnomer that being honest means more sex or even deserving of sex though. In fact being honest often times weeds out all sorts of draining dishonest sex leaving room for love based sex that is in alignment with truth female attraction can vary but a lot of guys look for predictability and morals in it which there aren’t. It’s just as free of morals and dishonesty and inconsistencies compared to all the ways men will engage in dishonest sex, rape, cheating, etc. Plenty of violent psychopaths repel just as many women, if not more than they may attract. Every man needs to stop putting women on a pedestal once and for all, I know that’s a challenge though, beauty is hypnotizing and a doorway to love. Emotional intelligence is a word thrown around that is confusing. We create our emotions. We aren’t a victim to them. We do so through our beliefs. From my point of view I wouldn’t say women are any more or less aware of how they create their emotions or how others do. But I will say they are better at reading body language and social situations much more so than men, and due to having more opportunities for getting sex and attention and approval from other people, are able to take advantage of these opportunities.
  23. One of many acts for expressing love. Desire brings new life. It won’t be any different from now except without all the lies clouding sexuality.
  24. This. Leo I’ve been watching you on and off since 2015 but I don’t really see the point in even bothering. You automatically go into almost every conversation on this forum like you know everything and you will just go into any podcast the same. So it will basically go with you basically describing your trips and since the host is sober and doesn’t really care about your personal trips they will ask one or two podcast tier questions that literally has the conversation go little to nowhere “ oh wow that’s crazy, isn’t that dangerous, life is inherently dangerous, oh good point man I drove here today and realized I can die any time, but do you really die?” Type stuff. A conversation is two people actually talking to listen and learn something from each other. There’s no point in even talking to other people if you haven’t actually developed this quality for yourself. You already have an audience here if you want to preach.