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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I see myself as masculine enough, I disagree, and my direct experience goes against your assessment. I pull often and have no shortage of intimacy at hand, 3 year serious relationship ended recently. Sad, but onto the next. I don’t have to worry about whatever incel desert you’re in or having to watch boring videos in the OP in order to get laid. It’s like paying to breathe air. Things are great in Brasil. See you on the beach with the beautiful women if you get your passport.
  2. You make some good points, fair enough. I know we all want to have fulfilling relationships that work with our belief systems and are in harmony with the rest of our lives. I don’t deny there were problems then with power imbalances in the “good old days.” I can’t say things are equal now either though. Maybe unfairness and injustice are just a natural feature of relationships we have to accept, ever changing. Because it is dishonest to say things are somehow better now. I’m tired of the feminist dialogue trying to play the victim and rewrite history as if every woman was suffering in their relationships then. There is no possible way to know things are somehow better now. It had it’s challenges then and men have their challenges now. Seeing how year in and year out more men are committing suicide, lonely, incels, twitch tv viewers, but men are told to suck it up and there isn’t an issue here. I’m pointing out its way better to date abroad for the majority of guys, and be desired for just being a normal fun guy on a continuous changing path of transformation. I’ve checked out. I’m not dating on western terms and no it’s not because I want a sex object. I want an actual feminine woman. Different powers but balanced and equal in harmony. Yin Yang ☯️ I am tired of seeing continuous info that this is “just a man problem” where they just need to hit the gym and better themselves. This is something everyone should be doing regardless. This is a society problem where things are now out of balance in the other direction.
  3. I don’t want a mannequin. I want a woman that is reasonably traditional, beautiful and feminine. The USA does not have this anymore. The majority of women have strong feminist ideals and no longer see any value in having a man in their life. The new generation of men have been so gaslit there that they don’t even know what it’s like to actually be considered attractive and have a balanced chance at finding a woman. Those women who are conventionally beautiful, the vast majority have commodified it to such extreme degrees that they are all in Miami or NYC trying to get with some rich guy. This video is trying to help guys in these countries and what I’m saying it’s a waste of time. Digging for oil in all the wrong places. Not saying it’s impossible to find fulfilling romancing love in the USA anymore as a straight man, I would clear my field of beliefs and join a run club, and probably find someone pretty cute, but to me it’s not worth it if I can go elsewhere where the women look so much better and are way more interested in making themselves available. Their world view is actually built around this yin and yang for forming a man / woman team. This is no longer the case in the USA. The average woman in the USA is like the real-estate there. You have the most busted mediocre houses going for a million in some places. It’s madness. Economics and all the culture wars and ideas spread did this, the society has denigrated so much there’s really no going back. We are headed towards a world where only 10% of men will be stable and seen as able to start a family while the rest of the incel army works away providing labor to fuel the late stage capitalist hellscape, competing for the most mediocre women on earth. Meanwhile they could move to Argentina or Russia or Poland or a country like this and literally find a woman that would be a super model in the USA who I well educated, feminine, unbelievably beautiful and is very interested in getting married, and you can then work online like I do, get dollars and live a life in these places and basically have the dream that was shown to us growing up with a traditional family where everyone is in balance and harmony. Or should I be in the USA agreeing to letting my life partner open our relationship so they can have sex with someone else? Hell no, you guys can stay there and enjoy that crap Most men are fish that never been out of water there, especially gen z, so they have no idea what it’s like to be valued just for being a man and what this traditional type of environment inspires you to do with your life.
  4. Nice hyperbole, nothing but beautiful traditional women in Russia Leo. Enjoy dating a man in a dress though, which is what is considered a woman now in the USA (no hyperbole needed)
  5. I see it as silly garbage, but I enjoy shit like this sometimes just like I enjoy a bit of McDonalds every now and then.
  6. You guys just need to leave these shit holes like the USA and UK. There is absolutely no reason to ever start a family there or date an American or British woman. Their values are completely incompatible with what men actually want in a woman and the only women guys actually want in these countries like USA have commodified their sexuality and time so much and want a materialist life so much that the average man has been priced out. Hoeflation. The women from these feminist countries aren’t even pretty. And the ones that are have so much power in the dating market the vast majority of men have turned into simps. It’s unbelievably sad and dark to see. We used to have men that knew how to date and could get a pretty girl. Never have I seen so many men struggling. It’s fucked up. Russia, Colombia, Brasil, throw in something from Asia. These are the places is where you find a wife. Throw in the rest of Eastern Europe and Venezuela too (but it’s not a safe place). Not these post feminist shit holes.
  7. This. Life is about being responsible and using the law of attraction to create ones life aligned with one’s beliefs, desires and what is true.
  8. I liked RFK because he seemed to be moving the discussion away from party politics and I liked that about him. Him giving an endorsement vindicates his original message. In my point of view it breaks his integrity. I respected his campaign originally and what little I knew about him because he actually seemed like a real alternative away from the political division. Him endorsing trump does a disservice to his original message.
  9. If you’re true, you’re therefore then always right, so why not just be true?
  10. That’s really long. Are you prepared for it? I used fasting to lose weight and change my life. I was doing 2-3 days at a time. I was kinda fat too. I would not eat for 1-2 days in a row then eat normally for a few then do 1 day without. I did this for 2-3 months. I wouldn’t do that 30 day thing unless you have really prepared and trained for this and are an expert. Just be careful. Tell us how it goes. With fasting a little goes a long way, at least for me. Try fasting 2 days a week for a month or two and just sticking to your normal commitments. Your whole life will change. You don’t need to go to extremes to make big life changes.
  11. I’m learning from life that learning to live in one’s zone of genius, aligned with the god in them, to be at peace and to overall have those deep relationships we all want and have a really meaningful rewarding life… is not hard. It’s actually quite easy if we are able to clear the field of limiting beliefs and lies we have aligned ourselves with. And probably one of the most important aspects of this is having integrity. Really living with integrity and being honest from moment to moment. Use your emotions to tell you if something you’re doing is honest or not. It’s usually easy to differentiate the more you practice being honest and having integrity. Are the actions you taking dishonest? Are the things you are believing about yourself dishonest? Is what you are doing and saying honest? This is the way it really come back to oneness and use the law of attraction to attract or desire into reality what you prefer. The wellbeing is there for all of us! Don’t worry about anything, just stay committed!
  12. I’m not sure there is a point. I’m not sure it’s possible to really put a point on this. The point of life is to live it. To learn new things, to go with nature and the flow. It’s hard to put into words. I think there’s a natural desire for people to want to create. To me these are the things I like to engage with in life and of course to expand my capacity to love and experience joy and wellbeing.
  13. It’s just a practice to make one aware of how mind build reality and being in these states can help you choose beliefs that serve you better. Your mind evolved over the course of millions of years. It’s a blessing, a tool and a gift and it’s meant to be lived with in harmony of the other aspects of life. It’s not meant to be removed.
  14. Yes it is true that feminism and all these dating double standards can’t really coexist. It’s because there’s a lack of integrity in this belief system. You either believe you’re to be provided and cared for or you believe you need to do this yourself. This is why I’m against feminism. In my belief system I do not believe the work force needs women in it and I do not believe they should be funneled through society the same way men are in this capitalist system we have built. But I also have no clue what the solution is. I think so higher order system beyond capitalism that makes room for the uniqueness both men and women have, where there is room for everyone to be themselves but not putting men and women against each other in the work force.
  15. I’m going to read this book. But I’m going to take it with a pinch of salt. This is the second time I’m seeing this book mentioned so there is some lesson I believe in it that I need in order to strengthen my character: I’m choosing to constantly people please my ex. I heard there is an element of loyalty us men have that is easily exploited:
  16. I reread what you said and I would really question why you believe your window of opportunity is closing. This right here I think is the thread you should go down and do self inquiry on.
  17. I’m in a similar situation. What am I doing? I’m really prioritizing authenticity and integrity. I think these kind of things resolve on their own if you really put your energy into the right places. You sound very contracted. I think in situations like this we have to prioritize expansion. Look into the book “the big leap.” Look into resolving any inner issues you have and make an effort to live in your zone of genius. If you have the time and ability to date, then do it, but do it in balance and with respects to these other elements of your life that need attention. Everyone is different. Maybe you dabble in extremes and just want to grind. That works for some people. Unless I see that as what’s needed in the moment, I don’t do it. Basically what I’m saying is look to resolve any issues fogging your clarity in terms of questioning yourself and doubting yourself, and basically you will then come to a clear answer on your own over questions like this. I don’t believe the best relationships are so involved as you say. I don’t see how it would overly get in your way from walking your path. Find someone on the same path.
  18. I used to engage a lot with and really read into these dynamics and I hold them much lighter now. Something has changed for the better. Don’t get me wrong I don’t deny there is this masculine / feminine dynamic. I just don’t interpret it so stringently and I’m open as well to my perspective on it evolving further. I also think there’s every individual who has their own challenges and life situations they need to take care of. It’s not as simple as being masculine and feminine. We need to live consciously and authentically and I think a natural flow for these energies will balance out. I do like authentically providing, I would say in a romantic relationship I would wear that hat more than the woman. Does that mean I now need to build my identity around it and some dogma where I need to live up to ideas of masculinity? Absolutely not.
  19. Be careful with all these labels and your ideas on this. Having been through a big break up after a 3 year relationship, I'm starting to reexamine my beliefs on much of what you said here and a lot of what is said about masculine/feminine. I have believed a lot of this before and actually found a lot of this is out of alignment for living a true life and even finding harmony in a relationship. We as men really paint ourselves into a corner with this loyalty type of mindset and to be honest a lot of it is just us looking to create meaning because without it we don't know what to believe or do with our lives. Be careful! Men will willfully make themselves a slave to this greater idea of serving women. You're not free, you choose not to be if you go along with what you say here.
  20. yes, and becoming aware of this and especially seeing it as myself is really powerful, my identity if you will is starting to encompass this and it makes for a much more flexible and enjoyable life. Things I thought I couldn't do melt away, who am I? I don't know
  21. Well I don’t think she really loved you for who you are. Because you mention in your second sentence all the issues why she didn’t want to be in this relationship with you. And this is normal since most relationships with people aren’t exactly selfless endeavors. We have preferences and partialities. I think this is where both you and I have to grow. We look for acceptance from another person but the truth is only we are able to 100% accept ourselves. She didn’t fully accept you and that’s fine, she is her own person with her own needs and she has to think about herself. After all I don’t think a romantic relationship should be a charity. There seems to be some element to it where both people are on the same path and honoring their own preferences. So in your case it sounds like there was some incompatibility issues with money. That’s fine because there will be someone better out there who may not look at it this way, or you may change more and fine someone who checks even more of your boxes. I think the most important thing f is widening your perspective and realizing this person didn’t give you value, even though all those love moments are special it was just an experience and a reflection of the love within you. You still have it and by focusing on yourself and being honest you will connect to it better.
  22. So you are looking outside yourself for approval and appreciation and love in order to be valuable. There is where your problem lies. And I know this can be tricky because we all have a deep appreciation for relationships and love in them. It can seem so special in the moment and it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and the complexity of life where we are in the flow of everything that is changing. I think this is simple but it’s why it’s hard for so many people to play including me. We have to stop looking for value in other people and really work on connecting to our own, then from there I believe better relationships will come along, however even then those will change. I think what’s not said enough is that relationships always change just like us and they are not permanent, they change for all sorts of reasons we don’t wish to always recognize or see when they are usually becoming apparent. I think the way forward is letting this girl go and believing there’s someone better out there for you for another chapter.
  23. I would focus on working on yourself and getting really strong and stable within yourself. There are lots of unfairnesses and injustices in dating / relationships and to make it all the more confusing someone you love one day can no longer love you or accept you or want something else like more money over you. I think what’s important here is returning to yourself and doing the best for you. You mention IT, focus on that if it’s what brings you joy and wellbeing. Don’t focus on something that has ended. Why do you love this girl and need her back? What does she fulfill for you? These are the important questions to answer. I know this situation and it’s always tricky but I think returning to your breathe and really moving your focus onto yourself and your true value of appreciating yourself is the way forward, and better yet ask yourself if you believe you will find someone better. I believed for a long time I wouldn’t find someone better or I was letting my ex down by giving up on the relationship.
  24. Yes I agree familiarity doesn’t have to breed contempt but all too often people let it including me. Relationships take constant upkeep as well and as people change so does the relationship.
  25. I think the issue goes down to childhood where over many years we are conditioned to seek approval and praise and attention from loved one and people we think give us value. The thing is we have innate spiritual value. Intimate relationships are a mirror of love and a doorway to connection experiences which many people have a strong appreciation for. After all we are social animals so it’s natural to place emphasis on this being important in one’s life. I think where we go wrong, and I can tell you this now since I’m struggling with the same thing in a back and forth situation ship that was once my 3 year girlfriend, that these dynamics tie directly back to our belief system which was usually formed in our childhood and formative years and has only been strengthened by more experience. I think it’s important to dig into it and ask these questions if another person can complete us or give us value? I’ve found that to be false.