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The thing is for me it isn’t a side hustle scheme. I live in South America and am making videos of living here. And I want to inspire people to travel and tell interesting true stories of my experiences. I hope people will give me money cause I inspire them and they want to sub to my Patreon or ask me for advice on how to travel. Also giving consultations on spirituality. It’s not a grift to me it’s my passion and life purpose to be a video maker, artist and life coach for people who want to travel.
I want to grow my channel to make this level and basically monetize it through the same means. Only 300 subs though lol. I need more.
I’m looking for higher perspective beliefs and whatnot to attract both money while doing my life purpose and passions (video making, coaching, spiritual teaching, culture and learning languages). what was the turning point for you all here who are doing something that earns you good money but is also your passion. Not one or the other since I know there are many in demand skills that earn a lot of money but are not remotely my passion. How did you all achieve having your dream vocation come to be and aligned with money?
So you believe all beliefs are illusionary by nature? embrace the paradox
I can see you’re an idealist like me. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy talking about stuff like this but we have to focus on our present lives and being pragmatic and balanced. I would love for a world where everyone didn’t have to trade their body and time so much to do meaningless tasks just to survive while someone else exploits this. But reality as it is now has this aspect to it and we as spiritual people in this community can try to make the best of it and be the change we want to see. I’m trying to go about what I do as honestly as possible. Just focus on this for now cause trust me no one is coming to save us. We have everything now to get ourselves right and get our money in orders. Then when we have a solid foundation we can be a greater force for positive changes.
I can relate to this. This is actually a mistake I made. I was reading law of attraction and when I was starting to get into this sometimes it was hard to tell just how it works and what its implications are. I was under the interpretation that I could sort of manifest everything I want how I want when I want but this is not true from my experience. It seems to be there is a deeper lesson of accepting reality as it is and going with the flow while being fully engaged with and responsible for whatever is unfolding in life. I learned that the law of attraction can be taught better, it needs to be better described how it works Yes there will be times where we will faces challenges, have to think pragmatically, do tasks we may not prioritize as our favorite, etc. I’m not 100% sure it has to be unenjoyable though. Since we create our emotions we can still create fulfilling emotions for mundane tasks because we know showing up and committing to our growth is worth in and of itself to feel good about all the time. I think when living in total clarity and flow all things that are seen as not fun no longer become painful to do but just another changing variety in reality and life. The thing is when I was making my earlier mistake I wasn’t entirely in flow, I would disrupt my own flow and would resent certain tasks for not being enjoyable to me and I realize now this is not a good way to lived
Really cool trip report, I don’t have this kind of relationship with my parents to do something like this with them so it’s nice to see someone does.
There are I think it’s worth experimenting some. There is no one right path. I believe we have to find a balance with our current situations and also our beliefs. I wanted to believe for so long I could just make my videos and stay positive and accept whatever unfolds and this would mean then my channel would blow up, but no, this takes time and it takes really being flexible to take on new skills and expand on ideas. I’m by no means saying don’t follow your passion. My passion is to become a travel vlogger and have my own community and audience big enough to support me financially. I’m just saying be flexible with what it takes to get there. I’m going to focus on investing and starting an airbnb which most conservatively will save me on rent and at best earn me several thousand a month. So I think we have to be open and adaptable! We will get there don’t worry. We just have to really grow in the process sometimes in more ways than we thought.
the Israel delusion is wild. And to think I actually was taught this was true. It’s so blatantly colonialism and the wild thing is this belief system breaks the moment you tinker with any of their constants. Switch out any country for any ethnic group. It doesn’t make any sense.
Thanks dude, this is really helpful my question is though do you believe we can still be spiritual while grinding? I think if we are staying honest and true we are growing spiritually and expanding our consciousness. I agree that the more nitty gritty of my ideals or the more careless artistic passions of mine may have to be less prioritized of the pragmatic however I’m trying to find a balance. Don’t want a situation in my life where my dreams went wayside to die while I lost sight of my destination. I will crate my dream life and manifest my passions, I think I need to expand though and definitely bring in pragmatism to balance everything though.
This is the key, “go inside and find your true value” it’s essential for a long term healthy relationship
This is a good point to be made. We as a society really build our wellbeing on shifting sands, relationships. We place our value outside of ourselves and become so attached to the changing tides we are easily toppled when they do. I’ve really gone through a lot of transformations in the last year to come out of this. I think being single is far too often looked at as a bad thing when in fact it can be incredibly powerful for self work and focus. I don’t see being single as a bad thing. I do think however having opportunities for a relationship are also great. I want to stay single for a while though after a 3+ year relationship recently came to an end. I think it’s a great way to know yourself.
Bro was listening to his advisors, corruption is such that where truth is not valued so everyone up and down the chain of command lies. He basically fell for his own propaganda how Russia could steamroll Ukraine in a day. Ukraine intelligence was so confused before the invasion, it’s on record. The initial invasion confused Ukraine cause the country is so big and Russia didn’t build up sufficient amount of troops.
I do not understand why women say that what a vulnerable man yet it couldn’t be further from the truth in my experience. Nothing about expressing your emotions and putting yourself in the position to not be reciprocated by them is perhaps one of the greatest things to end up getting friend zoned. I’ve never seen that work. I do not know what women are seeing when they say this. I’ve seen only charm, courage, strength and intelligence seduce a woman. Nothing about a man being open about how he feels and getting all soft about taking through his inner child and whatnot does nothing to arouse women and you ain’t getting shit from a woman if she isn’t aroused.
Feminine to me is a woman who is just like very girly and pretty and does her make up before going out and is proud to be a woman with a man who pays for most things (70/30 split or more if the guy can afford it) while she is interested in starting a family. I lived in NYC and Philly which were more alternative places and studied at a liberal arts uni so I was always in a climate that I saw was constantly demonizing masculinity. I’ve been a controlling “my way or a highway” type guy before too and it doesn’t even work like that even on feminine women cause any self respecting woman wouldn’t take controlling abuse from a guy even if the roles are very traditional. I’m not looking for someone to control but I do want to be the leader and the head, but every head needs a neck to move it. There’s a lot of women that do want to dictate all the decision making, all the forward energy to the man and they want to bring beauty and charm and playful energy, too much feminine can be hard to be around though due to all the mood swings and inconsistency. It dances and changes so much so spontaneously but that’s what’s so attractive about it to masculine energy. This can be hard to resolve conflicts with, I can def relate to that for sure.
I come from a part Jewish background (my mom, grandma was in the holocaust and Escaped to USA at 17 as a refugee, great grandpa died in prison under nazi control) and I can tell you now Jewish religion is a congregation of a bunch of crybabies that wanna be victims. The holocaust was so wrong. I still think it’s not ok to make jokes about it: but it is a fair comparison today to say that Israel has a lot more common with nazis now than they realize. Delusion long winded story about being special, Aryan race / gods chosen people ✅ both are far right ✅ Both are subjugating an ethnic group that has lived on that land for 600+ years to cruelty ✅ the modern Israeli Jew lived in Europe for 800 years. What claim do they have to this land now?
Blah blah blah heard this same crap a billion times. Nothing more sexist and supremacist than the western feminist mind thinking it’s so superior that they’ve somehow escaped victimhood and know what’s right for the women of other countries. Why western feminists think women are victims in other countries cause the women there don’t want to be turned into men 😁 I thought you guys were fighting for self determination yet you cry when women choose to be feminine women.
Lyubov replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God has no challenges God is not alone because that would then mean there is a way to be not alone but absolute collapses all opposites. God fills all space and everything. You never feel alone when connected to god because it’s impossible to be alone because to be alone implies a finite end or lack of something. You think you are are alone? How? God is there 😁 -
No offense taken, I get you. I just think we as guys have to come real clean these days when chasing women. My issue with the passport bro movement is how juvenile it is. This movement is blowing up all the hot spots and we aren’t sending our best and brightest. How many gringos get drugged in Colombia messing with prostitutes? if SE Asian women were my type I would but they aren’t. I want to go there though for the culture and beaches. Heard it’s amazing. Language is very difficult to learn though so it’s hard to integrate. I’m into Russian, Ukraine, Belarus women and latinas from Brazil, Colombia and Argentina.
Thanks for the compliment. I agree I do believe I treat women well. I’ve never cheated and if you only knew what I did for me ex… sometimes at my own expense. I think this is a life lesson to not put another person before myself until I can really support someone.
notice how the majority of the feminine beautiful women in the USA are never the ones pushing these notions of gaining “autonomy and power.” radically redefining long held beliefs will have consequences, both good and bad. I think there’s a little more going on here than simply categorizing women as less free then vs now. Roles have changed for better or worse. Just look at all the disharmony between the sexes.
Thank you for the compliment. It’s just my preference and lived experience. Seems like a lot of guys had the same lived experience. I didn’t even have a huge problem attracting some cute girls in the USA but I did notice a difference in values. I just feel like I’m valued more abroad for being a man where in the USA it’s like this gender role is constantly under scrutiny
I don’t like being called this because I was doing this 8 years before this term was coined. I don’t consider myself a passport bro. I don’t like being a part of this group and I’ve integrated well every place I lived abroad. Passport bros tend to be make tourists who go abroad and engage in prostitution.
I don’t think anything beats rental properties
I’m going to go off again and say any of you who are struggling to date in one of these countries USA, UK, Canada, Australia Should just leave for a better country: Argentina, Colombia, Brasil, Russia, Belarus, Thailand, Indonesia, etc… (there are more). Even Central Europe, Spain, Mexico, Eastern Europe, South Korea, are huge steps up. It is very difficult to meet women who will value you in the USA if you living as an isolated incel on the autism spectrum, adhd, etc. it’s a nuanced topic but you’re much better going abroad and you will see what it means to actually have a woman value you, and that can kick start a ton of momentum to resolve all those inner issues. I can write up a guide for anyone interested on this. Don’t waste your time in USA, it’s a losing game for the vast majority of you. Unless you’re already really extroverted and know how to pull and have a lifestyle or network that allows you to, don’t bother building it in the USA it’s far too expensive and the dating market is awful. If you’re looking for a spiral tier 2 life partner though I personally believe my above advice matters less since by just walking your tier 2 path you will attract them along the way, however I don’t really go about dating like this. I look for beauty and then compatibility. It may be different for many seekers or people going deep in their spirituality here but I enjoy a relationship for what it is and as long as the sex is good, she’s beautiful, and we share the same interests for travel, and she’s an honest communicator who is loving and charming, I’m set. I’m not looking for something philosophically deep in my relationships. That’s what this forum is for, that’s what books are for.