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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Women get different things from different men. You have more than one need no? Women explore different desires in a relationship. Money may take the forefront oftentimes. Passion does too. Attraction due to strong character. Any number of reasons. Provider is just one. Many guys provide a ton and get taken advantage of. You are looking at it narrowly.
  2. Probably the best teacher I have been so lucky to come across if you wish to resolve any issues that are keeping you from living as one and unaligned with your true value, spirit, god, whatever you wish to call it
  3. I’m partial towards Ukraine and arming them. USA allies are Europe and the world is safer with a USA / Europe coalition and with these governments calling the shots. I’m not going to get into a moral argument. It’s a waste of time. I’m not going to even label Russia as wrong or worse than the west in a moral sense. I just believe the lives of Europeans and even Russians are better off with the USA lead coalition on top. Russia just wants Ukraine to rebuild an empire. It isn’t even a culture war, Ukraine hates gay people just as much as Russians. It’s just geopolitics and the collective ego of an empire believing it is diminished in value with less land and influence. Russia is a military country and largely just exports energy resources with a pretty imbalanced economic system and largely dishonest corruption running the show behind a fake facade of democracy. USA is a democracy with all sorts of power imbalances and checks and balances that have been eroding. So I want to say this isn’t about moralism or who is good or bad, but just in terms of stability there will be more wars if power was to balance over to these authoritarians vs if it were to stay with the relatively democratic cesspools in the west, so I’ll say I’m fine with Ukraine getting weapons and fighting back. After all Russia invaded them. People are safer statistically with Russia and China as weaker countries that can’t expand their borders. Thing is though west doesn’t have a stomach for war so I do think the needle can move some:
  4. I’m not saying you have to allow a relationship like this to by our life. I’m saying you are not impartial to what you will and will not accept. A man who marries a broke McDonald’s employee is not some impartial saint. He usually wants a power dynamic where she is easier to lead and has less of an opinion or is young and beautiful: I’m not saying wanting those things are wrong but you framed it as somehow men love unconditionally while women don’t. If a woman has a preference for a man with money that is their preference. Fine. I don’t want to be with a woman who has a super strong value for that. There are plenty of beautiful humble women who don’t want tons of money or expect a super rich guy to upgrade their life.
  5. I think what we all would like is to find a partner who is on the same path as us, shares our same values and communicates honestly. You want to be authentically you and be with someone who wants to be with you while you’re being authentic. If a girl doesn’t want to be with you because you don’t have enough cash, then don’t date her. I don’t see the problem. Look for a woman who doesn’t have this preference.
  6. This is just pure bias. A guy will marry her because she is beautiful and feminine and follows his lead. Men usually don’t marry women for who they are, they marry them for what they symbolize to them. It’s conditional as well but in a different way. Go marry a 40 year old HIV positive crack addicted homeless woman on the street and accept everything about them and how that impacts your life. Then you can say you love unconditionally.
  7. The thing is love isn’t a commodity. It isn’t something that can actually be given. A relationship is just two people relating and then you create love within yourself, you choose to go through these doors. Our partner acts as a sort of mirror for us which we then see this love within us. We do acts which reflect we are creating this love and in turn they do the same. It can come in the form of words, actions or sex which we create the most powerful and intense forms of love. Slow down. Actually examine what love is. Love in english is usually used to describe a physical sensation / vibration in the body which you have chosen to create because from within you are accepting and viewing what is with acceptance, allowing what is to be. You could by extension use the word love to mean look at what is without judgement. The thing is most people like you said do this partially. We do in fact only accept certain things about our partners while accepting other things. This is usually how relationships work. We choose to relate with people where there is this sort of equal balance between the two forces which have certain desires they wish to fulfill. Yin and yang. So yes I would say most women are with a man and love a man for the lifestyle and the actions he takes which show he is creating love within himself. At the same time she should know her beauty and feminine qualities are what interests him. After all, why not just date another man? You are impartial towards wanting to experience certain qualities of hers that fulfill desires. Remember, two opposites make one. It’s not her job to unconditionally accept everything about you, that’s your job to do it for yourself. It’s also not your job to unconditionally accept everything about her, at least not in the sense where you’re obligated to relate to her. I unconditionally accept the male barista who makes my coffee. It doesn’t mean I desire to fuck him. I would say the way forward is to really drop every story or belief you been told about relationships and focus on learning what love is and acceptance is and where it comes from, and how it’s always here for you. Then see how that benefits your relationships with others. It can really transform your life. Don’t look for value and love outside yourself. You have it now already.
  8. It’s that way for him because he believes it’s that way and doesn’t realize how unfathomably deep the spiritual lessons go when it comes to relationships and mundane sober living. With that mindset the Tao will not bless him with these lessons BUT every path is different so it’s a matter of personal preference if you want to explore this aspect of life or go in a different direction. Many “seekers” I’ve spoken to are some of the most childish people you will meet and are hopeless when it comes to relating. I prefer spirituality with legs. Not state chasing. I’ve learned more from life and about spirituality from the dysfunctional relationship with my ex more than any ayahuasca ceremonies I’ve done. But I wouldn’t say my path is better or more enlightened than anyone else’s. I don’t believe there is a tier list or even a way to compare paths. But anyone who thinks relationships are just some novel aspect of life without deeper spiritual lesson to them is kidding themself, and if you believe that and believe this is absolutely true about relationships, then definitely don’t bother with them cause you’re wasting your time.
  9. Javfly I would invite you to inquire deeper on how you’re living your life and why you believe women are a distraction to your spiritual growth and evolution. You may find women are some of the best teachers on life. You may find by idolizing or othering them then labeling that as a distraction is actually all you and within your control and will to resolve. I would stop labeling other people as distractions and not act as a victim. It’s impossible to be a victim and it’s impossible for anything to be a distraction unless you allow it to be. I would assume where you would have to focus is on your integrity and your belief system. Women are not the problem here.
  10. This is the only stuff I buy. I lose money in this shit whenever I go off the beaten path. All my shit is in classic blue chip. Oil. I sold Lockheed Martin years ago. I inherited thousands of dollars in this stock but profiting off of a company that makes weapons for war, idk.
  11. Keep in mind people in prior generations were saying the same things. Oh the radio is here no one will read anymore, oh tv is here no one will go outside. This new generation is so lazy and doesn’t wanna work. Oh the internet is here no one will meet anymore. It definitely has its affects but I believe we will learn to make the best of it. When this AI dot com bubble bursts things will settle and we will see it’s extremely helpful in doing legwork. We as humans will be able to do much more deeper abstract and creative thinking without as much legwork and technical limitations.
  12. No, try to never lie. I personally try to really value this but it comes at the expense of my inner child lies and insecurities, which are very familiar. Even though they are not pleasant the human condition is to often times prefer the familiar and known due to safety. you’re not perfect. So if you lie, ok don’t beat yourself up. Seek to understand why you lied and take responsibility for the consequences. Overall? No, do not lie. Live with integrity and honesty and in truth. This way you will be granted god mode and can use the law of attraction to create your authentic desires and live up to your true potential. Liars can get access to the law of attraction but they don’t get access to god mode, which is the absence of suffer. Notice I said suffering, not challenges and having to be engaged, but in god mode you are her to live in heaven on earth while also using law of attraction. It is a huge upgrade from just law of attraction. DO NOT LIE ESPECIALLY TO YOURSELF
  13. This is really creepy and manipulative. Why do you even want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you? Ask yourself this. I would take a really long pause on trying to control another person. This forum will not agree with you on this.
  14. I mean it wouldn’t be that bad but who knows. I’m in good health and can support myself now paycheck to paycheck, have friends. I’ve found even just putting energy into thinking about this shit is a drag. I’d rather just go with the flow and make the best of whatever happens. I’ve never been good at prep for anything and every time something goes wrong in my life it’s always something I didn’t see coming. Like they say the stock market is really a source of anxiety if we wish to make it one, and to think there’s people so neurotic they follow it daily sweating bullets as it goes up and down.
  15. If you guys even knew the lows I hit before my glow up. I was a porn addicted incel until I was 25/26 years old. Never wanted to kill myself. It doesn’t even make sense. You will die one day, time will take you. Why not make the absolute best of what you have now? Do you believe you can’t? Why do think you need this exact degree to be successful? Even with that aside why do you believe you lack value? That’s the core issue. You are posting here so to me you’re probably more interesting than most people. You need to value yourself man. You are valuable bro don’t forget this.
  16. You could maybe make a case to me that suicide is justified if you have some incredibly painful late stage cancer where ever moment of your life is filled with physical pain, but man I’m telling you, get some perspective on this and you will see this just is not it bro. You sound like a young guy, spiritual because you’re here. Do you believe you have innate spiritual value no matter what? Why not connect with this. This is where your true talents and genius lie. Your life is just beginning man.
  17. I can see you are contemplating self harm and to be honest I would really take a deep breath on that and realize you are not a victim him. I can see passing this class meant a lot and you sound incredibly stressed. Stop this and just get out into nature. Take some breathes. Get some sun on your face. Look at your body, is it healthy? Can you walk? Take your shoes off and go walk in some grass. I’m telling you now from my perspective this is not worth it man. You’re a young guy and there’s so many amazing opportunities to life. I have the most worthless degree and could go totally broke at 34 next year but I’m happy. Every day I wake up. There’s challenges in my life but damn I’m telling you it’s such a gift and we are so lucky to be alive here. You are not a victim and you don’t deserve this type of self punishment. Stop this nonsense. You are valuable and you have value no matter what even if you pass a class or not.
  18. Couldn’t in theory I just hold and let it rise back up if I have an income that can support me? I don’t invest in ai and crypto it’s in stock like Pfizer and DuPont, old companies for essential stuff people always use.
  19. I’m so fucked if the markets crash, a lot of my assets are in individual stocks but it’s all blue chip stuff, old companies and whatnot that have been around a long time. I’ll have to pick up my old job if it gets really bad but I’m riding the waves and believe I can cope with whatever comes my way, I’ll survive. why is Vance a bad vp ? Seems like he’s just very basic
  20. I think it’s fair criticism to point out that lex platforms a chronic and blatant liar like Donald Trump. People vote for this guy though so obviously most people are fine with having a liar as a president. We are too idealist to think we would have anyone else as a leader though. Many of his other guests I don’t think have a lack of integrity, some may though. I think we are largely far more willing to accept blatant lies from a leader than we once were. We don’t remember pre 2016 when there was more honest and civil discourse in our USA politics. Then again things change and this disruption is a sign of evolution. I personally don’t like either candidate or American politics in general. We need honesty in our leaders, period. There’s a lot of unspoken games I assume one has to play when in politics. It’s bullshit but I hope we can evolve beyond this in the coming decades.
  21. Yes I would agree. It’s my ex after all. Not really expecting it to go anywhere. A bit of fun.
  22. My ex moved back in with me for a while and found a condom wrapper, cause I was sleeping with another woman, and now my ex is super into me. We are oddly getting along insane well. Partially due to resolving a lot of issues but she seems way more attracted to me. Nothing makes beautiful women notice a guy more than seeing him with other beautiful women.
  23. My tinder feed when I visit my parents in the USA.
  24. Exactly. And one lies through their teeth while the other one subtly twists things. Which to choose
  25. I hold them both to the same standard. Politicians across the board need to stop lying, flat out.