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IC = Inner child ME = Adult me IC: I cannot accept my ex is not prioritizing me anymore. ME: Why do I want to be with someone who won’t prioritize me? IC: I don’t believe I can do better ME: Why do I believe I cannot do better than her, a person who does not want to prioritize me anymore? IC: because I believe there is no one else like her ME: I do agree that there is no one else like her, every human is unique, why does that prove that I cannot do better than her? Wouldn’t the next person I’m with be unique and no one else like them? IC: Yes, the next woman would be unique and no one else like them, but I’m not sure I will meet someone I will want to love as much as her. ME: If I believe it is absolutely true that I will never meet another woman that I will want to love as much as her, then I absolutely should keep fighting for her. I did some self inquiry and had a breakthrough, i realized the belief holding me back is that I believe I won't find a woman that I will want to love as much as her. I found the video above and am going to focus on this perspective. Can any of you speak on this? Please only if you have actual lived experience similar to mine and not some goofy ideology about game. If you went through the end of a long term relationship and then one day you met someone else you loved as much as your ex, if not more so. Is this possible? My inner child believes it's not exactly possible or at least the chances are low but my adult mind knows I could meet another woman I will love just as much as my ex and be able to build an even longer lasting relationship built on honesty and integrity. When did you turn the leaf on this belief that you may not meet someone you want to love as much as your ex? I loved this woman like the sun, we became one for years, we were everything until we weren't
wow thanks, I looked it up and this channel seems really helpful.
Thanks for the replies and different perspectives everyone. This experience has been one of my greatest teachers. That one girl who was so special and beautiful can be really hard to let go. I am not going to pretend like I’m a player even thought I do have other options. We have these beliefs we hold and I know there is a degree of believing she completes me. Very normal I think when you grow so close. I think many of you can relate when you’ve spent years with someone. Working on so many issues together. So much sex and reflections of love. It really is like a family member going away.
So it’s good that you agree that you create your own emotions through your thoughts and beliefs. That right there is a huge step. You would be surprised how many people believe they are a victim to their state and think they have little to no control over how they feel. 1. Ok these are good answers and I’m glad you’re not filtering what you’re writing and speaking honestly because I can tell you that is how you find your way back to peace, clarity, and wholeness. “well because, I haven't achieved enough to feel like I am good enough” So you believe a person has to achieve something in order to be good enough? Is that true? What do they have to achieve? According to who? Does this rule apply to every human or just to you? What if someone you loved and cared about came up to you, perhaps a child, and said they aren’t good enough because they haven’t achieved something, would you agree with them and tell them they aren’t good enough? “I know this reeks as the most superficial statement which goes against the whole love yourself unconditionally idea, and I am aware it is wrong intellectually, but I am just saying what I deep down feel I suppose.” Dude this is good that you’re being honest cause like I said this is how you find your way back to truth. You aren’t sugar coating it. This is something I hear a lot too that someone intellectually understands but deep down they feel differently. This is where we can do self inquiry and dig deep to really understand what some people call the subconscious mind / ego / inner child believes. The sub conscious mind or ego or what I call the inner child is that sort of part of the mind that has an identity that is formed by beliefs going way back or childhood. And it order to return you to clarity we have to go back and sort of reverse engineer it to sort of release any beliefs that sort of go against your true nature, what I believe is that you (and everyone else) have innate spiritual value, true value, it can’t be given to you nor taken away. It’s intrinsic and just always here if we allow ourselves to connect with it. The belief you have about needing to earn your value goes against this belief I stated. So now either I’m right and you’re wrong or you’re right and I’m wrong. So I invite you to tell me why you believe a person has to achieve enough in order to be good enough? 2. “Again I will give the superficial answer that I feel deep down, which is, feeling ugly and lots of rejection from girls, maybe as well the fact that my father abandoned us since I was young?,” Again, I personally wouldn’t call that superficial but instead you’re being honest. And I can see why you’re sort of having this issue you’re having. Because on one hand you have these lofty ideas and beliefs you think you’re supposed to believe and feel but then deep down you actually feel how you describe here and this is your experience. So you have two belief systems at odds with one another. Let’s break this down more and maybe it can help you go deeper to return to integrity on this. Why do you create an emotion you label as “feeling ugly”? Give me a belief or an explanation, please don’t give an emotion. It’s very easy to get stuck on the emotion but it’s the belief that’s causing it. W “Lots of rejections from girls” ok so I believe a girl cannot reject you. A girl can communicate her choice to you on whether or not she wishes to be with you but it’s not possible for her to reject you, the reason is because the word reject has the connotation that your value has been affect, but like I said I believe everyone has innate spiritual value which can not ever change no matter what. So a woman communicating her choice to you does not change your value. “maybe as well the fact that my father abandoned us since I was young?” I think this is where you should be focusing most. Do you believe if a child is left by a father that they are unlovable? If a parent abandons a child, does that mean the child is unlovable? If a child said to you they believe they are unlovable because their father left them would you tell them they are correct? I believe we are always lovable because we have true value that can’t be given or taken away. I believe love is not a commodity that can be given or taken away but it’s something we experience when we connect to our true value. Again, either im right or you’re wrong or you’re right and I’m wrong. This isn’t a debate or anything. I’m just trying to break down the logic behind your beliefs that are creating these painful emotions and confusion for you. I’m trying to show you the power of self inquiry and how you can resolve many of these issues by just questioning them. So I invite you to please explain why you believe if a father leaves a family that the child is now unlovable? Why do you believe this?
Does it have to take years though? Seems like the only thing keeping it that way is myself if I choose so. I’m already open minded some to new experiences. The thing is I do know what I want in a woman to some extent. Some of it is what she was like, some of it is different, I’m also open to being surprised. I know there won’t be another like her cause every person is unique but also I know I can find someone who fulfills everything like she did, perhaps even more.
Remember that you are not a victim. You are the creator of your emotions, not the victim of it. Any painful emotions or confusion you are experiencing now are of your own creation and they are done so through your beliefs. This is really crucial I found to resolving and working with hard times like this. Are you aware that your own finger is on the button? I’m not saying this to be hard on you, it’s just absolutely crucial in order to find resolution and return to both peace of mind and clarity. It’s very easy for that human minded side of us to want to sit in painful emotions and want to feel bad. What we have to do is sort of get in touch with our inner sage, the spiritual parent to help take care of our inner child. 1) you say you don’t believe you are good enough. Why? I believe you are good enough. Now either you’re right about being not good enough or I’m right that you are good enough. What evidence that you have that proves you are not good enough? 2) why do you believe you are not lovable? I believe you are. So again, what evidence do you have that proves that you are unlovable? 3) ok so you have this belief that you can cope and survive, which I agree I believe you can too. I think your main area of focus should be on resolving any beliefs you have on your self worth and value. It looks like you aren’t fully connected to your true value. I would look to do self inquiry and really hone in on why you don’t believe you are good enough or lovable. What makes a person good enough and lovable? the good thing about a situation like this is even though it seems so complicated, in actuality it usually just boils down to a few unresolved issues we have about our self worth
https://youtube.com/@alexhormozi?si=sCsCaXUGLxcWAVp6 This guy. He says he’s worth 100 million USD. There are so many people scamming and lying in this field. It’s generally not an honest field so I’m trying to learn raw business and marketing from an honest person. The issue I’ve encountered is to start learning I need to invest a decent amount of time into it but sooner or later I may realize the person I’m listening to is a liar. So where can you learn actual raw business skills and marketing from someone who is honest and not lying about their pedigree?
I'm going through something similar, although I would use different wording. I'm in the process of rebuilding my life. And this has many facets to it, health, money, passion, vocation, women, family, inner child work, dreams. you know we have all these things to juggle in your life. Money is a big part of mine since my income has dried up. I want to create my YouTube channel and build my social media and earn money online. I need skills and to create great videos for this. On top of that I have bills in the meantime. I can tell you, I know it sometimes seems like we are in a maze, or there are 4 walls around us, but there's always a way out. I think the most important thing to believe in though is yourself 1. Do you believe you are good enough? 2. Do you believe you are lovable? 3. Do you believe you can cope and survive, really thrive? Most importantly, do you believe you are whole and one? Not to get airy fairy but do you nurture your devine essence daily? It's simple, really love yourself and believe that you are worthy and whole. I think this is the core most belief, if you are to believe anything. Nurture this belief. Do so by being honest. I think then from there, really split your life up into simple tasks. What areas of your life do you need to focus on? Just break it down into 2-3 things. Then make a list of tasks / habits that are most important for each and do them, be honest by prioritizing them and not doing stuff which goes against them like getting drunk every night. Lastly do self reflection weekly, check in once a week how the week went and if you're headed in the right direction. I'm doing this above and slowly my clarity is returning. It's so easy to just give all your qi and wellness away by having a very broad focus and overloading your belief system with tons of shit. strip your spirituality down. no need to read philosophy. Go simple. Taoism I found is the most effective school of thought for just stripping shit down and living a healthy and fulfilling day to day life. Look into Wu Wei. Focus on you!
Lyubov replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Why do you want to leave your body? I would personally be more focus on nurturing it and finding balance with it. Cause at times it can be hard to experience body. -
I had a conversation with my parents yesterday and it was challenging for my inner child cause I realized how far apart I’ve grown from them. I live in an entirely different country. I have my career and path to focus on. My siblings all live in different places. We all have different interests and stuff we are focusing on in our lives. My dad is 74 years old. I really only have it in me to visit once every year or two due to the distance and where I’m at in life. I can see how time really changes everyone and that once whole family we grew up in as children will one day split up. Mine basically has, not sure we will all get together again, maybe? It doesn’t seem at the time it will happen but eventually it does. I suppose this is where Wu Wei comes in and practicing non attachment and acceptance for change. It’s a little hard to accept though. Can anyone relate?
Lyubov replied to Will1125's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Stop these stupid word games and focus on your life and you will discover love in the divine sense and realize how real you are. -
Categorically false. Israel never has had any intention to make the Palestinians a part of their country. Their right wing does not allow for that and the left wing knows how untenable that is. It’s a Jewish state by their own definition. The demographics would completely change if they did that and Israel claims it’s a democracy. How do you imagine elections being held with a majority of Palestinians voting now? They want an apartheid state, to greatly limit the rights of Palestinians through military force, and to slowly ethnically clean the original inhabitants off the stolen land that is now called Israel.
Lyubov replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What’s your life purpose? Do you have any reason to get up in the morning? How do you treat sleep? Do you get a reasonable amount? What are you eating before bed? Are you exercising regularly? How’s your diet? Do you have any unresolved emotional issues, traumas or anything you are spending a considerable amount of time creating painful emotions over? -
It won’t really work or be remotely comparable to NATO. alliances like this require massive amounts of funds and development. It’s more for show. Countries like Iran aren’t really developed enough to carry out complex alliances like this. BRICS is another one. It’s more for show. In actuality basically nothing has materialized from this alliance. In reality advanced alliances are very challenging to build between states.
This one is particularly bizarre. A white girl from USA thinks this is her native land.
Make sure your plate is full before you pass out food to others.
It’s because Reddit crowd has a huge Zionist community on it. Reddit isn’t some diverse eclectic community. It’s largely centrist and favors western imperialist values and foreign policy. You got Israelis in there who are openly atheist but still make the same goofy biblical argument how they own this land cause their distant ancestors of 2000 years ago were expelled from it. The state of Israel becomes intellectually a joke and rationally untenable the moment you read any textbook from a “History of the Middle East” university course.
Talking to zionists on Reddit is wild. These guys really be reaching back to biblical times (1000+ years ago) as justification for their ownership of this land. USA really needs to defund all military spending on Israel.
I am going to do my first Airbnb this autumn. Have any of you been able to build a small business managing a few AirBnBs?
I need to do some self inquiry on the whole money / vocation domain of life. Basically where I'm struggling is my understanding of money, vocation and the actions we take to earn money. I would like my actions I take to 1) earn money 2) something I enjoy doing / my inherent genius gifts & uniqueness / deep meaning to what I'm doing 3) support the lifestyle I want to live / be reasonably sustainable The problem I am creating though is the actions I take may only have 1, maybe 2 of the things I listed above. I'm trying to reconcile this misalignment. How can I go about resolving this and get money energy flowing into my life in a way I love? Right now my current work is just 1) and 3) but not 2) at all and I realized I want all 3.
When will they sentence trump for trying to overthrow the election?
Yes, this is the case. I prefer to learn from people who are honest though and don’t have to fluff their story up. Seems like there is a debate over whether or not his business are/were legit or if he was a fake course / snake eating it’s own tail kinda guy. His free content teaches basic business principles and mindsets which aren’t a secret and don’t really change so I think just for this he’s good.
Thanks for this perspective. It’s really helpful.
Lyubov replied to Princess Arabia's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I agree that I believe he is being honest in his videos. The thing is a lot of people mistaken videos for the real persons. They think their guru hasn’t told lies in their life before. Lying is going against truth which is what spirituality is about. So what I’m saying is people who idolize gurus have these expectations for their guru that they can never live up to since their guru is human and will make the mistake of lying at some point in their life too.