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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. The body is always trying to heal itself. Even trying to release trapped traumas/energy in the body which can lead to mental problems. People often get in the way of this when they really don't need to do anything. The body doing its healing is largely an unconscious process. You don't have to do anything to heal a cut if you support the process properly with clean bandages. It happens just naturally and is part of the grand design. That in and of itself is a miracle. It has its limits though depending on the injury.
  2. "healing" is pretty broad category... heal what exactly? the body or the mind? a mental disorder... yeah plenty, that's what most spiritual healing does. cure a heart on the brink of failure after years of smoking? hmm well it can heal your mindset around it and help you take the actions you need to quit smoking and let the body properly heal the heart.
  3. This is a good book which is sex positive but also recognizes the responsibility behind viewing porn. Porn is fine if you are responsible with it, just like all vices. I also wouldn't even call it a vice. It's an expression of sexuality which we as humans are hardwired for.
  4. you have come off quite toxic in here tbh your original post had some truth to it but you're now just sort of projecting out your own stuff
  5. This section could use more consistent moderation to weed out the conspiracy theorists and people propagating discrimination and dog whistles.
  6. I used to sleep on my stomach sometimes when I had a very soft and comfortable memory foam mattress. I started traveling and found myself sleeping on stiff as f mattresses. Getting a really firm mattress might help.
  7. Have you considered keeping your diet the same but eating fish??
  8. Did Leo write these questions cause he was trying to "measure" if he was more awake than Peter?
  9. man I'm really sorry you are going through this. are you located in a developed country? what is your financial situation? I wouldn't give up on fixing this through doctors. some medical spheres in certain countries may be ignorant in treating this. do tons of research online... go on reddit and other forums and ask questions. Find people who have went through this before and see how they healed it. if it def can not be healed look into alternative routs, i think you can gain foreskin back by slowly stretching it. If this still doesn't work look for ways to ease the physical pain. I think you can def do more to heal this and get to a place to enjoy sex how you wish to.
  10. some of yall need to drop the guru worship circle jerk trying to figure out who is over 9000 I don't know half of the people being talked about in this thread and with good reason. Just cause someone is awake they suddenly have something original or valuable to share... lol nah... be your own guru
  11. Oh sorry to hear about your cousin. Lockdown has also messed with my plans some for the summer and getting some stuff going for moving as well. Just flow with it. No need to resist and create emotional struggles about it. A lot of opportunity will present itself as things unfold.
  12. You don't have to do anything. Just feel it fully. Don't resist it or try to control it or judge it or try to protect yourself from it. Just feel how you feel fully and be easy and compassionate with yourself and how you feel. Journaling helps too or connecting with others going through the same thing as you. When you feel it has passed and with a clear mind plan your next action steps to make a positive difference regarding this issue.
  13. Have you thought about getting a room with some other people your age? It's a great way to make new friends. I've been in a similar situation as you before. Be like the water flowing. Set your boundaries but also don't let yourself get triggered. If it is something you can let go, just let it go. If you are being disrespected try to speak up for yourself in a non-aggressive way. Avoid them as much as possible if they are particularly toxic or you feel you need your space. Do chores and help out around the house when you can to avoid scrutiny from them. You'll be out on your own in no time so keep your head up
  14. im so confused rn
  15. wait wut. I thought you said 5meo is the only substance for you... you now are stanning for regular dmt?
  16. thanks for the advice but I'm not 40 I'm in my late 20s. I feel this blockage when I start getting closer to a girl, like I'm scared to receive love from them or I'll be hurt or limited by being with them. I push away those that want something more and attract those that are sort of closed off and not looking for anything serious. I'm going to practice giving myself more self love and being willing to jump in and focus on looking for deeper intimacy.
  17. yup, they will damage your mind if done incorrectly
  18. Psychadelics are the most powerful way but powerful doesn't necessarily mean a healthy or good in the same way steroids are the most powerful way to gain muscle but can cause health issues for many people if done incorrectly. They def aren't for everyone and need to be done super carefully, sometimes this isn't stated enough.
  19. Check out the work by Peter Levine. He talks about this in detail. You can use the healing of trauma to awaken. It's what has been my path. I've found it's a balance. You can get treatment and therapy and you will find it aids in awakening. Healing and awakening compliment each other and go hand in hand, strike a balance which works for you!
  20. dude this is a great way of looking at things I also sometimes feel like I'm unlovable or flawed as a person and that's why I am not married yet but I think I'll find someone for deep intimacy the more I give myself love. I can be a bit scared really opening up to a girl and find myself finding excuses to keep things casual and not get too serious. I am a little worried about still being a bachelor at 40 that just has casual sex and never experiences deep intimacy.