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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Sorry to hear you are suffering. I've been feeling depressed on and off this month myself. I think the term mental illness is overused. Any unpleasent emotion is labeled as mental illness. It is most definitely possible to get to a place where one has achieved emotional mastery.
  2. the entire admin is a bunch of low conscious clowns who are in survival mode at the cost everyone. can't say I really care that he defrauded his own donors though.
  3. Russian Opposition Politician Navalny Poisoned: Spokeswoman the face of the Russian opposition is apparently in a hospital on a ventilator and in critical condition after an apparent poisoning this weekend. This Belarus situation must have really terrified Putin. I don't see how this will help things. I guess if he dies there will be protests in Russia and Putin will be able to stomp them out more easily than the ones in Belarus. I guess this may then lead to the ones in Belarus stopping?
  4. Trash I like how right wing comedy likes to over exaggerate and use make believe to try and smear the left while all the left has to do is post tweets of the president or a video of his fans yelling the n word.
  5. Putin can't send in little green men in on this one. I'm worried about a Tiananmen situation going down though.
  6. I watched five minutes of it. It's pure pacific north west white trash garbage. I've had 5 years to listen to Trump with an open mind She says nothing of any substance and uses conservative buzz words.
  7. There is a portion of stage green in the US that is kinda racist. I've met a number of these types at hippy/rave stuff. They are insufferable to have a conversation with.
  8. She looks like the woman starterpack model of one of those Qanon Ayahuasca nutcases
  9. I mean... if you're talking about Huawei in China... yeah they will steamroll western tech. They have been for a while now and the iPhone has been dropping there in popularity even as a luxury product for years. It's a bit of a hot take if this goes much beyond there though.
  10. He's not just trolling. He legit is going to try and make a move for a third term if he wins in November. Even if he fails miserably at it.
  11. You most definitely have free will. You are attributing that control to something that is just a relative viewpoint though. What's actually in control is absolutely nothing. Nothing is in control.
  12. I wouldn't overthink it with stuff like "do I have a shadow?" stories. Stage blue can be headache inducing dysfunctional and downright fucking stupid to the highest degree. Orange can come off cold and uncaring. Honor your feelings. These stages are only going to lead to more suffering for large parts of society so of course it's normal to be triggered by it when you see it disfunctioning.
  13. Yeah, I enjoy it too. There is a reason people have smoked for centuries. It is very pleasant. For me a vape is a really nice alternative. It's way safer than cigarettes and I feel much better using one over cigs.
  14. higher stages love to portray themselves as more heroic when being terrorized by red like in capt phillips
  15. It's just anger being expressed. I sometimes find myself feeling this way but I know it is an awful idea. Green has some idealistic issues with it that can make it sound foolish.
  16. Hmm yeah good point. It is worse here than in Europe. I saw your situation on the news with the riots and all though. Stay safe! Well I'm just feeling quite lonely. I got caught in a situation due to COVID where I'm away from all my friends and the girl I was seeing and after 6 months of this it is starting to catch up to me. I think men need feminine energy around them to really keep them feeling emotionally healthy.
  17. Yeah, this is why I don't sit in a way where my legs fall asleep. I prefer a chair if I'm meditating. Sometimes you gotta just put up with it though if your practice requires you sit with crossed legs.
  18. You have your own personal reference point which is what we all have built our lives around. Examples of this are memories and beliefs. Your personal reference point is then contained within the mind/intelligence which is able to create new beliefs as well as discern imagination (thought), symbols (language), memory, content of the reference point etc. Physical reality is contained within this mind and has its own set of beliefs about it which are part of the reference point. Eventually all these concepts are boundless without a beginning or end so we need a reference point to function from. Some are foundational for the reference point such as what we would call some of the elements of reality that appear objective for humans so when it is disrupted the hallucinations are integrated as "just hallucinations" from the human perspective. From the boundless perspective it's ultimately all relative but when functioning from our human reference points certain experiences are more true than other such as our normal daily lives vs a ayahuasca trip with crazy visions that go away after four hours.
  19. I'm moving to a new room next week and it is close to both a university and a downtown where lots of people go to hang out so I think I'm going to have way more opportunities like this soon.
  20. I'm worried as fuck for the USPS though. This is turning into blatant voter suppression from the president. The GOP isn't even trying to hide it anymore.
  21. Have you considered trying a vape? It's much better than smoking and can make you feel better about it. No need to go for one big change, start small and transition away. I smoke a vape now and it is quite nice and I feel much better than smoking