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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. It's an unfortunate combination of abuse and psychological trauma mixing with a sort of personality that copes with projecting/acting outward. Not everyone who experiences problems growing up though turns out like this so I think psychopathology plays a role. This was a somewhat important human trait back in the day when survival was much more brutal but we have evolved beyond it mostly. Even today some people might excel in certain fields and live productive and ethical lives being a psychopath. It's a combination of a lot of things that come together. I think the vast majority of people who commit crimes can be healed but there are a few that all humanity can do is isolate them away from the general population to keep people safe.
  2. My IQ goes down just imagining being around this group of people. Imagine being undecided in 2020 They didn't even have an excuse in 2016. Now they are just taking the piss...
  3. lol if only Obama didn't roast Trump but befriended him we may not have had all this unfold. According to several of his confidants this motivated him to run for president. I think this was inevitable though and it would of been someone else, perhaps more competent than Trump so in a way we have been saved from something worse due to Trump's stupidity
  4. I live in a college town and there is this guy that hangs out in the downtown. He has his life problems and they took a big toll on him and now he appears to be homeless or on drugs/alcohol. He just sits in the center and he gets angry at the cars and people that pass by. One time he tried to talk to me and it was awkward so I just listened to him and left. The next day he saw me he cursed me out and it was threatening and I felt bad. Every time he sees me now he says something mean. I gave him the peace sign and keep walking. Anyone ever been in such a situation before?
  5. what evidence do you have that he has onset dementia? I disagree with him having to focus on Trump's lies. They have done polling that shows the vast majority of Americans know Trump lies through his teeth. It's a terrible debate strategy to go after your opponents lies especially with who he is up against. All Trump has to do is say it's fake news or tell more lies and further tie knots in the discussion. Biden needs to do exactly what he did. He needs to send his own message and stay above the devil's games.
  6. stop propagating right wing social media conspiracies btw there really is a Trump tweet for everything
  7. Yup, he's gonna get dirty if he tries and wrestles with a pig. Anyone with half a brain knows Trump is a corrupt filthy liar. It's a classic devil strategy to try and divert. Trump doesn't have a victory plan besides calling everything Biden brings up fake news etc. If he can keep enough fog up to hide in he can maybe sway enough people in the center to not even vote.
  8. I disagree. It isn't important for his electoral strategy. He isn't trying to do fan service for confirmed Dem voters to turn out. They have more than enough motivation for that. He's trying to appeal to centrist voters in PA. It's a good strategy and he's doing a good job at it for this debate.
  9. 5 minutes in and trump already arguing with the moderator and making a fool of himself
  10. Donny's son doing the devil's work with his "both sides" argument.
  11. I finished the movie and would not call it stage yellow. It’s more green. This movie has an interesting first half but the second half flops and the ending is meh.
  12. I would never insult him. Talk about kicking a man when he’s down. I also know it’s nothing personal. He doesn’t even know me. He’s just projecting his own pain. What he says isn’t even entire coherent. He kind of reminds me of Jimmy Wichard from King of the Hill. The stuff he says makes half sense. He may have a cognitive disability as well. I’m going to give him some money the next time I see him and see if it raises his energy.
  13. I wouldn't call the NYT conservative. They are establishment left or some sort of Obama era democratic liberalism. Trump probably has very little in liquid assets and a bunch of stuff with massive loans on it that out totals it.
  14. It's a good idea but I don't want to insult him either. Maybe if I do it in a genuine way it will make him nicer towards me.
  15. 538's Current election forecast as of Sept 28th, If Trump loses PA, his chances of winning are essentially over.
  16. I have yet to hear a compelling argument against it. You state a lot of stuff that seems nonsensical and the evidence of COVID harming more people if it spreads like wildfire is evident vs fears of what a lockdown might do.
  17. Just makes me feel sad we have a system that allows people to drop this low with no help to get out the guy who insults me is obviously very mentally ill