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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. I disagree with you friend. I've watched the first video a while ago and parts of the second and I think you are heavily warping it to fit in with this thread. At it's core "psychedelic substance usage" is not a conspiracy. It's a clash of methodology of usage and interpretation of psychedelics. Neither even accuses Leo of being a cult leader. The first just calls out how he has a big following that is disagreeing with him and blindly backing whatever Leo says as true. I think cult leader accusations border on labeling something a conspiracy though but not quite.
  2. Ok... now this is starting to get off topic. These are not conspiracies. They are criticizing Leo’s approach to psychedelics which is valid.
  3. The guy in this video like watching a 12 year old that knows nothing trying to argue with a college professor.
  4. Embrace it and acknowledge that’s how you feel. Don’t give it free license to let you go unconscious and express it in some dysfunctional or nasty way but don’t also fall into the trap a lot of spiritual bullshit circles will have you thinking you have to suppress it. acknowledge it. That’s what this forum is for. We can discuss how we feel about this topic and why it is so for us.
  5. Here is a link for anyone streaming it. Starts in 1 hour.
  6. They can help embody for sure during the integration period. I became far more aware and able to let go of sensations and blockages after my trips. Thing is the trip doesn’t after the DMT is out of the system. You still have to do other practices and integration work. I’ve found that psychedelics are useful for me very rarely, like one super deep trip once a year then spend the rest of the year integrating.
  7. Classic Alex Jones was actually funny as fuck like 15 years ago. I think he got a taste for the money and it all went down hill from there. Alex Jones is still an anomaly to me. Part of my mind still thinks he’s acting and he is in on it himself...
  8. I like Vixen and Blacked it’s high quality and they have decent work place standards
  9. I actually am worried if my long term poor sleep hygiene is doing long term damage. I spend too much time on screens and I can’t fall asleep till very late and I’m trying to pull it back but I just end up laying awake until I fall asleep at like 5am
  10. I agree and I think the reason why people really locked into left wing and green spiral world views label them all white supremacists is because the ultra-conservatives still end up doing much of the dirty work and furthering of white supremacist political interests. I think holding both points that they aren't necessarily 100% being driven by political motives to purposefully make people of their ethic background more powerful AND regardless of their motives their actions align with what white supremacists want to see happen.
  11. There is a conspiracy in right wing circles that michelle obama is secretly a man
  12. I remember when this guy went full on conspiracy nut job mode for those sweet juicy green dollars. It was disheartening because prior to his very obvious grifting nut jobs he would interview people like Sahdguru, Wim Hof, etc and was putting out decent content. It was right around when the pandemic started he had one of his interviews pulled and went into a full blown rage mode where he was all of a sudden collaborating with Alex Jones and launching his own "free speech" platform that he obvious needed some donations for. Moral of the story: far more money in gathering donations from Alex Jone's fanbase than getting ad sense revenue from doing interviews of Mooji and Wim Hof on youtube.
  13. neither have I and after looking at his channel he just churns out dumb "top 10" youtube videos with awful thumbnails so I'm not sure why his opinion remotely matters here
  14. what are some examples of things that were once considered conspiracy theories? I am pretty sure the concept of a conspiracy theory is a relatively new concept that didn't emerge until the printing press saw wide usage across society. Before that people didn't know much and didn't even think much about stuff like this.
  15. I have. It's unpleasant and feels like repression of a natural bodily function. like holding in a giant turd.
  16. damn this site has gone anti-fish fast I'm conflicted
  17. I would not use a blanket term and call the Proud Boys a white supremacist group. They are more a nationalist group but also I would say they are part of a greater racist coalition. They claim to be anti-racist but I think their definition would be quite myopic and not as nuanced as one from a more developed perspective. Still not making these distinctions can be a bit of a mistake when discussing these topics because each group requires a different approach to integrate and dissolve.
  18. they look so much like his clients that go to his, uhh, "bootcamps"
  19. I was about to ask. I'm cutting tuna out but I still rely heavily on salmon for nutrients and was wondering if there is a counter detox balance of other foods and supplements that can catch the metals and stuff during digestion.
  20. thanks for adding nothing of substance to the discussion. good to know you don't care. some people don't have the luxury not to care.
  21. They honestly look like a bunch of stoners and burnouts that sit around all day playing call of duty damn, hate is a powerful “factionizer” and motivator