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Everything posted by Lyubov

  1. Joe has gave a platform to many suspicious people. He doesn't particularly have the "highest morals."
  2. apparently trump held a rally in Omaha tonight on the tarmac and there was some sort of disorganization and now several thousand people have been stranded there in the freezing cold while they wait for buses to take them back to their cars 3.5 miles away. 7 people taken to the hospital due to the cold. Spoiler, trump flew off after the speech. real symbolic...
  3. You need a real healthy ego to slowly let go of to really embody deep awakening. You’re just trying to give up something you never even perceived to possess if you’re doing ego deconstruction stuff when filled with mental issues.
  4. Yall are delusional if you think having a spiritual awakening no matter how deep all of a sudden solves all of life’s challenges
  5. I’m not anti-vax but a rushed one? I don’t know. Don’t these require several years of research and development? I don’t have a problem getting one that has shown to be effective and safe. Not sure I want to take Russia’s
  6. I won't post article cause of potential spoilers but LMAO if this is true
  7. what the hell is alex jones' problem? he seems just lost in layers and layers of delusion and his livelihood depends on it
  8. Would be awful. I don't think there will be a constitutional crisis if Biden is able to carry all his safe blue states and take one of the 50/50. Really seems like it's in Biden's favor now but we never know what could happen. Comparing this to 2016 Clinton seemed to be having a lot of trouble during the last week or so and the swing states Trump won were by extremely small margins. It really was more of a surprise victory (although closer than reported) that Trump won. Biden simply doesn't have the same kind of drummed up baggage Hilary had with the several year long talk radio propaganda targeted at her.
  9. Alex Jones was actually funny before Sandy Hook. Everyone thought he was a gimmick. He realized there is more money in baiting racist donos than people who believe in reptilians.
  10. Ohio is going Trump Florida is going Biden or else they aint getting my prayers the next time a hurricane hits
  11. Yeah I don't know. I think in normal circumstances he wouldn't but at the same time he is quite apt and a large portion of dems will support it. Chuck also said he won't forget this and I hope we hold him to it. I think expanding the courts if Dems hold a majority is a real possibility.
  12. Rogan is super into MMA which is quite red
  13. I used to hear something about that you're supposed to get a certain amount of hugs every day and I think it's kinda silly. I don't want to hug anyone unless I have a deep relationship with them personally. I don't think this is unhealthy. I don't like hugging random people I don't really know. I think cuddling is also for really close family members or a sexual partner.
  14. My parents often give unwanted advice and criticism that either gaslights me or diminishes my self esteem. Most of it is on stuff that I'm already working on. It is annoying and doesn't make me feel loved enough. I know this is common with parents that are a bit old school. I am thinking of telling them honestly and politely the next time they do it to be mindful of stopping it. Any other advice on how to handle this behavior from parents?
  15. So I mustered up the courage to tell my dad not to make his suggestions via text cause he I was replying to what he sent me this morning and he apologized and said he will be mindful of this going forward... Feels good to exercise this honesty I used to avoid doing this.
  16. yall engaging with a thread like this seriously are just wasting your time
  17. I kinda understand and can relate to what you are saying. I used to feel this way about my art and if I'm paid for it it doesn't feel as genuine. Also felt the same when I was doing freelance work. I used to feel self conscious of it and insecure about my services. I think it comes down to a relationship with money and a lot of the insecurities and fears around it. I think taking money not as seriously and giving it less weight on an emotional level. Simply letting go technique worked well for me when it comes to this. Money comes and goes and I am far from mastering it but it carries all sorts of beliefs that when it's mixed in with other stuff it can seep over. I haven't fully figured this out myself but I would say a lot of it comes down to self esteem.
  18. This is ultimately one of the core problems of a lot of conservatives. They fail to see that as consciousness is raised so does the complexity and dynamics of reality. Their worldview is simply untenable with where most of society is at in the US but they still have a large chunk at their level (~40%) so they are able to stall and gridlock everything.
  19. There is just too much to unpack here. You speak about the constitution in such a manner that is similar to the way fundamentalist Muslims speak about the Quran. I think you have built a worldview around what you think it means to be free and are afraid to really have it expand because what you are saying now is basically right wing 101 propaganda talking points for justifying one's simple world view.
  20. "One of the greatest misconceptions in the healing of the self or the transformation of the whole is imagining something insidious needs to stop in order for something greater to begin. When you are against something, you are empowering it with the very energy you require in order to set greater justices into motion. These are just a few examples, but whether through intention, prayer, the creation of more supportive legislation, the organizing of greater community outreach, or any legal ramifications toward the actions that affect the liberties, rights, and freedoms of others, we co-create a world of equality and justice through inspired actions in support of the values we affirm." - Matt Kahn Love getting emails from this guy as an occasional reminder going through bills, work emails, etc. Anyone have any other teachers who send out such nice emails?
  21. Leo has won me over. This is a nothingburger. No need to stoop to republican levels of falsehood to make the GOP look bad.