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About Lyubov

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  1. Dog whistle It was a really controversial, dumb and racist thing at the time but pales in comparison to what’s being said these days
  2. He isn’t a natural born citizen which is what’s most important. I remember that Ted Cruz was born in Canada and Trump used to troll him for that during debates saying he isn’t qualified. You can be born outside the USA and technically run for president if you are born a USA citizen according to law and don’t have to go through the naturalization process. Neither of Elon’s parents were USA citizens and Elon had to naturalize to become a USA citizen.
  3. He isn’t eligible, the constitution doesn’t allow foreign born nationals to be president.
  4. Anyone else think Elon will one day face a major court case or even jail time?
  5. @Flowerfaeiry I see that you are bothered by these other people’s choices for their beliefs. I would perhaps invite you that maybe these people never really did anything for you in actuality and it was only to some degree their guidance that perhaps showed you something innate in you which is always here and now? Would you be open to the idea that you don’t need to play the seeking game to find the beautify and wellbeing and answers you’re looking for? You sound very reliant on these people for your wellbeing. What if there is a spring of knowledge and value already here and now that doesn’t require looking towards other people?
  6. California is one of the most progressive states that is why, but not by much. LA apparently cut their fire department budget by millions even after experts have been saying for years a major fire like this can sweep through LA. California has some of the most hypocritical housing and zoning rules for what's supposed to a progressive bastion. Ocean property has gone up in general across the country and world. People want to live in warm areas if they can and swim in the ocean on the weekend, the rich work remote now so they can overpopulate these areas away from cold and dangerous business metropolis centers up north. People are going to continue to reap natural paradises as long as the market demands it without any thought to serious long term conservation. Dollar speaks louder than any policy or threat that isn't immediate.
  7. Because people don’t particularly shine their consciousness on important matters but instead put the vibes and culture wars first. A lot of people would rather argue about all the silly shit, leave troll comments on social media and own the libs rather than set their bias beliefs aside and expand their consciousness. Many of these people will need to have their homes destroyed and face these issues to shock them out of their silly games.
  8. Wonder how this will end up being politicized…
  9. They made all sorts of promises that these automations and shortcuts would help the consumer save yet prices go up every year corporations will just split bigger profits until there is a massive backlash
  10. You choose to create that mental illness and it’s entirely within your power if you so choose to no longer create it, if you are willing to be conscious how you create it and choose to stop what you are doing to create it. No one wants to hear the truth because they then realize they had their finger on the button all along and can’t hand wave their responsibility away. Nothing kidnaps your consciousness. You look through a belief and create an experience which you think your consciousness is being kidnapped but if you were to do inquiry on why this kidnapping is occurring you would realize literally nothing is causing it and it’s purely your viewpoint which you’ve chosen which you are freely able to change at any time. You can never be a victim. It’s impossible.
  11. Is that entirely true though? No doubt the people coming in on H1B are educated but what makes them capable over other educated American citizens? Last time I checked it’s not 60,000 Einstein being brought in on it yearly. It’s definitely been used before in tech to outsource labor to more servile and controllable people who will be deported if they are fired. Innovation benefits from immigration and getting the best minds here but this visa isn’t being entirely used for that. In some cases it’s used to replace educated Americans who know their rights as citizens. It definitely needs to be reviewed.
  12. Didn’t Canada basically cause all sorts of issues for their country by allowing a very liberal version of this kind of visa?
  13. Your consciousness cannot be kidnapped. You are not a victim. Please do not choose this illusion. Thank me later.
  14. Everyone wants to cry racism as soon as someone criticizes their culture or country. Black people are not a country, but a skin color, be more specific. If you mean violence in a specific country in the continent of Africa or black Americans in the USA we can talk about it. India is a country and a culture. And it’s really quite simple. Media is shared at light speed these days. And what’s coming out of India is atrocious, there is an insane lack of hygiene there that is culturally shocking to just about everyone else on this planet. We can discuss that.